Steadygain's Account Talk


Everytime I read your posts, I feel cheated. Like I have somehow missed out. You're the most generous, kindest person I have ever had the priviledge of meeting and I am jealous of everyone else that has known you both personally and as a member of this MB. :( I hope that someday you can call me FRIEND.

Please don't be jealous - you have absolutely nothing to be jealous about. Also that when you came when you did 'guarantees' you won't be cheated.

1. At the very top - was someone who told me things so deeply sacred and wonderful that nothing I have ever known has even come close. She told me something I had always believed deep down and had wondered over the years when that TRUTH would be known.

When it finally was made known -- I was not only her Sparkling Friend - but I was the rarest and most precious GEM on the entire MB. The most beautiful -- and the most deeply sacred part is that she told me what an amazing influence I had on others and in fact the person most centrally in my life was the brightest and most beautiful GEM next to me.

So that largely became my LIFE - it was a religion that went above all others because I knew where my 'Character' came from and all the more I wanted to make it known as fully as possible. She told me of a GEM who had deep pain and sorrow - and my His Grace and wonderful interactions somehow I was able to open my life to this GEM and give whatever I could.

I know this has to sound crazy but I promise from the deepest depths that everything I'm telling you is TRUE. She is the only one that had the ability to confirm if my influence was helpful - if in some manner whatever I did and however I strove to make a difference -- if it did any good. At the very end she told me that GEM was totally transformed from a Pearl to a blazing GEM similar to the Opal she first discovered with me.

No one has gone to greater lengths to destroy whatever 'good' I may have done. No one could deny me more - or use me more in destructive ways.

Yet because of who she is -- and what she deeply represents -- there was no one I would have been more willing to give my life for; even to the point of hoping GOD would take my life and use it totally on her behalf.

I have a hard time believing a friend like you can be REAL in light of this.

Please don't reply - I have a little more to add

Everytime I read your posts, I feel cheated. Like I have somehow missed out. You're the most generous, kindest person I have ever had the priviledge of meeting and I am jealous of everyone else that has known you both personally and as a member of this MB. :( I hope that someday you can call me FRIEND.

There has been a very large emptiness in my life over the years and somehow a few knew this -- they felt it -- they felt a lot of things without me saying anything. Somehow they just knew; and they knew on amazingly deep levels.

Along with the emptiness - they saw and knew the 'good' and how that 'good' was real and wonderful. They came to find that probably no one was more willing to give all the good I could give -- but way more they came to experience that no one was more willing to take the bad and make a difference that could only come through HIS LOVE and GRACE and the BEAUTY of HIS SPIRIT.

So I want you to know -- and I really mean this -- finding and having to realize that it was only meant for a MOMENT is painful and disappointing. That is where a person feels 'Cheated' and I am very sorry for that.

I have waited my whole LIFE for the ONE Woman who could stretch that MOMENT out - day in and day out. I have deeply craved to find The ONE who touched me more deeply and more fully than anyone or anything else. Someone that connected on a level that GOD ALONE could do. Someone who I knew through and through had to be designed for me - created to bring me ever closer into HIS PRESENCE.

She is in my LIFE - today - and she is my everything - my all n' all.

As long as you really understand what I'm saying -- and as long as you know that she has to be included and you have to be her 'friend' first and foremost -- then you can be my FRIEND.
There has been a very large emptiness in my life over the years and somehow a few knew this -- they felt it -- they felt a lot of things without me saying anything. Somehow they just knew; and they knew on amazingly deep levels.

Along with the emptiness - they saw and knew the 'good' and how that 'good' was real and wonderful. They came to find that probably no one was more willing to give all the good I could give -- but way more they came to experience that no one was more willing to take the bad and make a difference that could only come through HIS LOVE and GRACE and the BEAUTY of HIS SPIRIT.

So I want you to know -- and I really mean this -- finding and having to realize that it was only meant for a MOMENT is painful and disappointing. That is where a person feels 'Cheated' and I am very sorry for that.

I have waited my whole LIFE for the ONE Woman who could stretch that MOMENT out - day in and day out. I have deeply craved to find The ONE who touched me more deeply and more fully than anyone or anything else. Someone that connected on a level that GOD ALONE could do. Someone who I knew through and through had to be designed for me - created to bring me ever closer into HIS PRESENCE.

She is in my LIFE - today - and she is my everything - my all n' all.

As long as you really understand what I'm saying -- and as long as you know that she has to be included and you have to be her 'friend' first and foremost -- then you can be my FRIEND.

I understand more than you give me credit for. ;) I am all too familiar with the chaos and utter damage that another woman with self interests and a lack of moral values can bring into a relationship. I can assure you I am not that woman! I know who you speak of and if you think she is that wonderful, than I trust your judgement and accept her completely as being a part of you. I would welcome her friendship and look forward to getting to know her. I can't say that I have completely unselfish reasons for wanting to be friends though. I've never had REAL and TRUE friends and I need that in my life more then anything else. There is a lot about me that I would like to share with the both of you and I look forward to that day.:)
I understand more than you give me credit for. ;) I am all too familiar with the chaos and utter damage that another woman with self interests and a lack of moral values can bring into a relationship. I can assure you I am not that woman! I know who you speak of and if you think she is that wonderful, than I trust your judgement and accept her completely as being a part of you. I would welcome her friendship and look forward to getting to know her. I can't say that I have completely unselfish reasons for wanting to be friends though. I've never had REAL and TRUE friends and I need that in my life more then anything else. There is a lot about me that I would like to share with the both of you and I look forward to that day.:)

First I need to stress with all my heart and life - that some of the friends that are absolutely the most REAL and TRUE may only be that for a Moment -- and during that 'Moment' the most wonderful and sacred experiences you can ever know will happen. YOUR LIFE will be filled and stretched in the most glorious ways and how that LIFE fills, stretches, and changes them is by far the Greatest Possible Purpose for our Existence.

It is impossible to NOT be 'selfish' about this; it is impossible to experience and create changes that are so totally wonderful that it honestly makes you someone totally Different -- someone that is more wonderful and priceless and full and glorious than ever Before. It is something that no man or woman could want to end.

NOW - the most important PART - it is most centrally something that has to lead every particle of your existence closer to the HEART OF GOD. That can only happen if their existence is in line with yours -- both of YOU have to bring each other totally into HIS GRACE that you 'both' may find HIM more fully. That is what makes it REAL - what ultimately makes it TRUE.

There is nothing 'wrong' with wanting 'Fulfillment' for deeply craving to have the most beautiful aspects of LIFE - fill you and bring the deepest and richest contentment.

But I will WARN You - for the 'Good' there is the 'Bad'. When you find the richest and most beautiful aspects of LIFE -- filling you and flooding over you and out of you...

You will most certainly come under attack and the attacks are unrelentless and without the slightest trace of mercy. They will take delight in destroying you and ripping away everything beautiful.

That is why EVERYTHING - has to be grounded in HIM - everything has to be saturated in HIS GRACE and ultimately done for HIS GLORY. Because that is something 'no one' can take from you. That is something far above and beyond any (and all) who would come against you.

And by far -- the most Beautiful and endlessly wonderful part is -- when they do come against you and strive to rob you of everything -- you will be able to PROVE yourself to the Highest possible extent. Then all will know the JOY you have surpasses all understanding; they will see in you the deepest PEACE and a HOPE that is unfailing. You will be able to respond in the Richest LOVE and offer HIS GRACE to all who come against you. YOU will eventually find everything you now long for and even more.

more to come
While I was interacting with The ONE who has brought me the never ending promise of the most incredible LIFE - I've always believed that I one day would find ...

...and here I mean FIND ... on levels that are so far beyond what I've ever known before --- in ways that touch every aspect of my existence and are bringing new ones to life over and over.

...Honestly ... it's the most amazing miracles I've ever known -- there are aspects to my existence that are spinging to LIFE making me grow and feel things and experience things I could never have experienced otherwise.

It's absolutely the most amazing huge discoveries I've experienced and the most amazing part is -- you find parts of your Existence that have long been LOST and NEGLECTED. Areas that Never had a chance to come to LIFE before. The GIRL/BOY emerge more and more -- then the BABY and then the CORE -- that part directly connected with GOD.

Please forgive me -- for in my excitement I got distracted.

Anyway - as I was interacting with her - the Doctor called and offered me the JOB - that allows 'us' to start LIFE a new. This is our Hope and Promise of things to come - what we have known in our hearts and souls and in the greater parts of our being -- as all we have longed for.

When we 'meet' in REAL LIFE. When we begin to experience first hand all that GOD has meant for us to find and enjoy and grow in over the years to come ~~ we won't have time for this site. I feel awful saying that especially since it was this SITE that brought us together. But it wasn't this Site ~~ it was GOD and only GOD that can take any credit for what we discovered and all it brought.

The CORE - THE BABY - THE GIRL/BOY - and the WOMAN/MAN have been so neglected throughout the years ---- Honestly ----- that we won't have time to linger here.

There are some incredibly WONDERFUL men and women on this site. You sound like one of the Very BEST --- and may you find everything you long for and more.

First of all, I am very happy that you were offered the job. I am sure the news lifted that weight off your back.

While I was interacting with The ONE who has brought me the never ending promise of the most incredible LIFE - I've always believed that I one day would find ...

I too belief in the promise of GOD and that HE is the only way. Most of my problems are a result of me taking control instead of allowing HIM to guide me into the path and life that HE had in mind for me. I am in a situation that has only taken me further away from HIM and I need his strength to allow me make the right decisions for myself and my children.

It's absolutely the most amazing huge discoveries I've experienced and the most amazing part is -- you find parts of your Existence that have long been LOST and NEGLECTED.

This is where I am at. I have lost sight of myself. I know exactly how it happened. But knowing that does not make it any easier to get out. Your story gives me hope and courage that one day, I too can find what I have lost.

~~ we won't have time for this site. we won't have time to linger here.

This sounds like you guys will never have time to just stop by and say hello. :worried:

There are some incredibly WONDERFUL men and women on this site. You sound like one of the Very BEST --- and may you find everything you long for and more.

Thank you. I hope they can be as open as you. Only then can they be REAL.
When we 'meet' in REAL LIFE. When we begin to experience first hand all that GOD has meant for us to find and enjoy and grow in over the years to come ~~ we won't have time for this site.

Honestly ----- that we won't have time to linger here.

Ah, so this is your Swan Song in advance post? :D
I hope they can be as open as you. Only then can they be REAL.

Well I'll move this to the Groove and Trip Pad -- to make it open to everyone. Here let's at least find some common ground on why being OPEN and REAL are such challenging obstactles.

Life is so much harder and way more complicated because of how we live and all we have known over the years. Without a deep and genuine awareness of this Truth it's hard to be open and real.

I think society and our families often did the best they could to plant the seeds of TRUST and the BELIEF in the 'Goodness of People' and to project a FUTURE so filled with Hope and Promise that none of us are 'prepared' for the REALITY of what our World is really like.

Because they strive so hard to protect us from that - so we can have endless freedom to think and believe in only the very best and know the greatest enjoyment --- we are largely grounded to believe in the DREAM of how LIFE is meant to be; which makes REALITY even harder down the line.

At the TOP would be the President, Congress, Government and 'Politicians' in general. We grow up believing through and through that they are the highest representatives of moral standards and ethical decisions. We know in our hearts that 'They' whoever they are -- are totally committed to the integrity of the USA and that everything is done first and foremost to insure the best lives possible for the people of our country. None of us had even the slightest doubt when we pledged alligence to the flag - and in fact we did it with the deepest respect and honor. We knew in that moment - of unified Loyality - that we were the highest representation of Intregity - that we held the highest Standards - and the Deep Moral and Ethical Character of our Nation is what most defined the Freedoms all of us enjoyed.

Everytime I read your posts, I feel cheated. Like I have somehow missed out. You're the most generous, kindest person I have ever had the priviledge of meeting and I am jealous of everyone else that has known you both personally and as a member of this MB. :( I hope that someday you can call me FRIEND.

Ooooooooh wow -- < sigh > -- I'm at a loss

What he's describing is a 'sickness' that is NOT good for this site and I'm sorry for that.

The TRUTH is I am DEEPER than anyone I've met so far and when you combine that with being REAL and OPEN then there is simply too many aspects LONGING to be found and confirmed - that are dying to be touched - it's like everything they crave for.

There is a BEAUTY in me that seems to be more beautiful and wonderful than anything else others have found --- and too much of me craves to have that BEAUTY Discovered -- honestly -- I really mean that because that BEAUTY does the most amazing wonderful things in YOU -- in anyone LIKE YOU -- who can tell there is something special about me.

I can't do it - and I'm very sorry - but I don't know how to do it without giving you everything -- that's all I've known and I can't give less.

I can't do it without taking from her -- without hurting her -- without damaging her Trust and Faith and Strength in me. I'm sorry, I really am because you would probably be one of the few to honor it.

Thank you for knowing what you do know.

Take Care,


Ooooooooh wow -- < sigh > -- I'm at a loss

What he's describing is a 'sickness' that is NOT good for this site and I'm sorry for that.

The TRUTH is I am DEEPER than anyone I've met so far and when you combine that with being REAL and OPEN then there is simply too many aspects LONGING to be found and confirmed - that are dying to be touched - it's like everything they crave for.

There is a BEAUTY in me that seems to be more beautiful and wonderful than anything else others have found --- and too much of me craves to have that BEAUTY Discovered -- honestly -- I really mean that because that BEAUTY does the most amazing wonderful things in YOU -- in anyone LIKE YOU -- who can tell there is something special about me.

I can't do it - and I'm very sorry - but I don't know how to do it without giving you everything -- that's all I've known and I can't give less.

I can't do it without taking from her -- without hurting her -- without damaging her Trust and Faith and Strength in me. I'm sorry, I really am because you would probably be one of the few to honor it.

Thank you for knowing what you do know.

Take Care,


Before I address your comments, let me just say that I still think you are a kind and caring person. You have friends on this board that you confide in and they in you. When I started reading and learning about you, I wanted that kind of friendship was well. A friendship where you can be accepted for who you are. A friendship where you are free to be yourself without ridicule or harassment. I was raised in a very dysfunctional family and unfortunately I never learned the skills required for developing those types of friendships. I see those types of friendships everywhere and always wish I had friends like that. So it's not all about You but rather what you represent. I also have some very difficult and trying issues going on with my family that I was hoping to discuss with you and hopefully get some guidance and/or direction on how to best deal with it.

I really don't know how to take your comments. Are you saying that we can't be friends because you are so "SPECIAL" that I won't be able to resist your charms? Are you that full of yourself? Or perhaps you're saying that we can't be friends because you might develop feelings for me? It is completely unfounded as well as unfair to make those assumptions about me. And if it's you that can't be trusted, then it's totally unfair to HER as well! Which makes me wonder, just how do you keep from developing feelings for your patients? If you can't communicate with me online, how is it easier being alone in a room with just you and your patient?

I thought you were different. Turns out you are not the friend I need or want. For that, I am extremely disappointed.
In real life - you have control - so I guess women do not have the slightest clue that you are 'longing' and 'craving' for them to find the beauty you know lies within.

Honey, you misunderstand.

I long to have this found by every person who comes to me (men and women). I stretch my heart and life for everyone who comes to me -- and that is what makes me so far beyond the rest.

People (all people) need that more than anything else and with that they totally feel that I connect with them and hear them and known them and care for them -- in ways the others don't. They know all the more that whatever treatment I give is done with the deepest hopes of making them better.

That is everything I am - it's what sets me apart.

And yet on tsp you admit very adamantly that you crave for your beauty to be discovered and - that you don't know how to do it without giving everything -- that's all you've known and you can't give less.

That's because in the TSP world the potiential to be found and to be OPEN and REAL -- and DEEP is essentially limitless. Now I know that and in turn I see how dangerous that can be.

What I am telling her -- and anyone like her -- who sees a 'Beauty' in me that she has openly made known -- she would very much want to find and appreciate -- because she knows SHE herself has something very similar to offer -- because she is also SPECIAL and would like to have that known.

I am saying that anyone truely longing to be REAL and OPEN with me --- that I am too DEEP to let that happen. I now know how Destructive that would be.

I know for sure how 'Confirming' it feels to be acknowledged on that LEVEL and it is something that is probably the most SACRED and WONDERFUL ASPECT of LIFE -- To experience how the Beauty impacts on - influences - and changes another.

I am saying that the more someone Craves to find this -- is all the MORE - I strive to give. In other words in the deepest and most sincerest Desire to be a FRIEND that strives to let that Friendship go as far as possible -- I don't know how to NOT stretch my existence as far as I can stretch it.

I am NOT saying this in an 'impure way' - do not mean that I am looking for 'an affair' or to stir each other in ways that are WRONG. I am simply saying that for me to be OPEN and REAL goes too DEEP and my ultimate persuit of being OPEN and REAL seems to have no end. This is what I have found on an Internet Social Network and now that I have The ONE - I have longed for throughout my entire life -- I can't afford to be that OPEN - REAL - DEEP with anyone else.

I am saying that it feels so wonderful being discovered on the deepest levels - that I can't help but want to give more... when that Discovery brings about the most Sacred and amazing changes..

And I know that would Take from YOU and it would Damage 'US' and therefore I can't be that REAL and OPEN with any woman.

Okay - so it hurts to tell someone who sees 'the Real me' - and the friendship that may do something 'good' and 'wonderful'. It hurts to have to say - 'I can't - because I am too REAL and too OPEN and too DEEP' -- and that would Hurt and Destroy the one woman who deserves to have it all.
Steady - the only reason I've dropped in tonight is because I was curious as to what PO had to say in this thread, especially d/t the market & Japan's tragedy; so I am truly ignorant of what is going on in YOUR ACCOUNT talk, of all places! But by backtracking three pages, I gather you are in the process, papers filled out & at the Attorney's office, of leaving your wife and family for someone you've met on the Internet, aka tsptalk mb. This is unreal! What kind of destruction did you do to the woman, your wife, that you've mentioned so lovingly & written of so much from the time you joined? Are you pocketing your clients' medications?? For crying out loud, Steady - if I am not mis-reading those few pages I read (which was More information than I'm wanting) then you need to get a web page you can do your private philandering on without taking up space on `Today's Posts.' If, however, this is for the Entertainment for all, (& They agree to it) I'll know that not only do I avoid the Pad, I will avoid following postings by others I know into this place.
And if my understanding is correct, you should hope that your wife's attorney's will leave you enough to get out of town on, continue that journey to "her" ..... and see if the New HER will accept you with only what you can carry in your satchel .....:notrust:

Ooooooooh wow -- < sigh > -- I'm at a loss

What he's describing is a 'sickness' that is NOT good for this site and I'm sorry for that.

The TRUTH is I am DEEPER than anyone I've met so far and when you combine that with being REAL and OPEN then there is simply too many aspects LONGING to be found and confirmed - that are dying to be touched - it's like everything they crave for.

There is a BEAUTY in me that seems to be more beautiful and wonderful than anything else others have found --- and too much of me craves to have that BEAUTY Discovered -- honestly -- I really mean that because that BEAUTY does the most amazing wonderful things in YOU -- in anyone LIKE YOU -- who can tell there is something special about me.

I can't do it - and I'm very sorry - but I don't know how to do it without giving you everything -- that's all I've known and I can't give less.

I can't do it without taking from her -- without hurting her -- without damaging her Trust and Faith and Strength in me. I'm sorry, I really am because you would probably be one of the few to honor it.

Thank you for knowing what you do know.

Take Care,


Steady I apologize if I offended you. Let me rewrite this in another way.

You are an excellent writer, so much as to the fact your words are like a fine wine and may be intoxicating to many. People my become very emotionaly involved with your writting wit and may even become involved with you because of it. You do have a lot of friends and will continue to build their numbers. Just realize that your words some times can seem more than just friendship and be misunderstood, as I have.

These words seem more like a man in a relationship and quite profound.

Okay - so it hurts to tell someone who sees 'the Real me' - and the friendship that may do something 'good' and 'wonderful'. It hurts to have to say - 'I can't - because I am too REAL and too OPEN and too DEEP' -- and that would Hurt and Destroy the one woman who deserves to have it all.

Sorry Bill
I gather you are in the process, papers filled out & at the Attorney's office, of leaving your wife and family for someone you've met on the Internet, aka tsptalk mb.

Thank you so much for stopping by and all the more for being real and open with me.

The most important aspect to elaborate on here - is not to blame this site or the MB for the ways I have strived to be as REAL and OPEN as possible from the moment I first got involved with this site.

If you'd look over the beginning of this Thread you'd find I have totally opened my life and shared all I could think to share about my childhood and all the events that shaped my life and I would say I most centrally did that because somehow I was wanting to be 'Found' - to be confirmed in some manner and most of all to help sort out the confusion and learn how to deal with the huge empty spaces and the voids and the other aspects of life that sometimes seem impossible to resolve.

To save you the time of looking over the details I'll repeat one of the most central goals this Site (this Thread) allowed. The FIRST and greatest comittment of my life was dedicating my life to Jimi Hendrix. At the time of his death he was largely everything I lived for and was by far the greatest influence within my life in many ways: As a Guitarist; As a Free Spirit; As a man who broke all boundaries and went beyond everyone else in the way he dressed, talked, and interacted.

So FIRST and FOREMOST - This site gave me the ability to fulfill my first and greatest comittment and take on the Spirit of Jimi Hendrix and bring him to life.

If YOU (or anyone) is to judge me -- then please go back to the beginning and see and know that I choose to be REAL - to be OPEN - to be FREE and to let everything flow as freely as possible.
What kind of destruction did you do to the woman that you've mentioned so lovingly & written of so much from the time you joined?

Well I guess I would have to start with LADY because she was far beyond a sister -- she woud have been more close to a mother.

I believed in HER - totally - and the things she shared did as much for me as if GOD Himself were talking to me. There is no way that anyone could have made me believe more deeply in the SACRED BEAUTY of my Life and how it spread and touched others.

The destruction I did to her was try to cross 'Boundaries'. She did so much more for me than anyone before her that I wanted to give her more than she was willing to take. I wanted to give her everything and make her the center of everything I could do -- ESPECIALLY Here on the MB -- because she was the 'Only One' that could tell (from God's eyes) the impact I had on others.

For a long time I was her 'Sparkling Friend' and that was good. But because she gave me such an enormous Place and such a Huge Purpose for my existence I kept trying to give her more -- until she shut me out.

So maybe that's the 'Destruction' you're looking for.

Then after what felt like years of being totally shut out she came back and requested my 'Friendship'. It was like the most beautiful event ever because it was from the heart. Then I found she was in a very terrible condition and probably at the end of her life - in the worse pain ever.

So I felt anyone that GREAT deserves Life more than me; that anyone who would come to me as she did deserved everything I could possibly give her. I began pouring my heart out to GOD and striving to allow FAITH and TRUST to take me beyond where I'd ever been before. I saw GOD's example of JESUS giving HIS LIFE - that we might live. In this I determined to give GOD every shread of my existence on LADY's behalf.

So I made this known to her on the open MB and made it known to everyone that I knew GOD would allow me to connect with her and use my life to do something wonderful. At a minimum I knew that meant GOD would grant me the opportunity to TAKE HER PAIN and somehow bring her into HIS PRESENCE.

I did go to GOD and I gave HIM everything - and totally considered the cost of giving my life wholly worth the rewards of however HE would use it on her behalf. I KNEW it happend but I had no idea what ultimately happened with her -- for only GOD could know that.

Unknown to me - someone told Tom she died - and I thought it was based on an official report from the hospital (or her husband). To my shock I found way later on that it was based on what I had done out of the greatest LOVE and DEVOTION - I could possibly demonstrate.

She blames me for all the pain and confusion - and believes I am the one who declared her DEATH and all the problems related to this. She blames me for any relationship that was strained; for any manner in which her popularity or acceptance was damaged.
How could I not be crazy about someone as beautiful as this. You are so incredibly wonderful in so many ways. :) You are intelligent and full of potiential and therefore life is far more enjoyable with lively discussions and striving to make the world a better place.

The more I'm discovering - all the more I see a perfect match. Thank you so much for being real, and letting your true self be true. 00 X

Grandma, I misread your comment. I thought you were asking what kind of 'Destruction' I did to the 'Women' I'd so lovingly mentioned and written about both here and in the PAD.

Well this was from an old post way back regarding CoMaGa34. I called her Cornellia and both of us thought is sounded great so we stuck with it.

She - in fact - was the very woman who made me realize how deeply and beautifully we can know each other and fill each other's lives in the most Beautiful and Wonderful ways.

Here I would have to say that the SACRED BEAUTY and every aspect by which it can be used in the most glorious ways -- would far exceed any subsequent negative. The ways her LIFE changed - to become the most brilliant and sparkling GEM on the entire MB (next to me) is the greatest testimony of what the SACRED BEAUTY of LIFE is meant to be.

In many ways I fulfilled her deepest longings and brought her hope and promise of things to come. The 'GOOD' we found - brought into being and allowed to florish - far outweighed the 'Bad'.

To your question about what kind of destruction I may have brought. Her name 'Maggie' has been used in a manner that is vendictive - as a weapon to lash out at another.