TSP Elite
I gather you are in the process, papers filled out & at the Attorney's office, of leaving your wife and family
1. I'll address this
for someone you've met on the Internet, aka tsptalk mb. This is unreal!
2. Will address this last
What kind of destruction did you do to the woman, your wife, that you've mentioned so lovingly & written of so much from the time you joined?
3. I'll start with this
From the moment I met my wife she was the most perfect woman I'd ever known. She was as 'Pure' as anyone could possibly be described. She was totally dedicated to making the most out of her life and making the most supreme endeavor to allowing the GRACE and GLORY of GOD to dominate every part of her existence. She was (is) smart, delightful and in almost everyway at the very top.
So if you want to Judge me then consider this:
1. I carried her books everywhere.
2. I opened every door she went through.
3. I gave her the highest quality time possible and filled her life as best I could and she graduated with Honors and was highly respected by all.
4. I did all to maintain and reinforce her purity.
5. I did everything possible to give her the best of everything and to make sure I honored her LIFE and all the ways she choose to live.
6. I adored her throughout her pregnancies and was there with the birth of every child.
7. I have always arranged for her to have the very best home that was available and totally supported her decision to remain at home and raise our children.
8. I have always made sure she never lacked for anything.
9. I have always shown the greatest appreciation for the meals she has made and the home she has kept.
10. I have totally shown my unending devotion to her family and even moved close to her family over 15 years prior so our children would have the majority of their lives with the closest relationship possible with her parents and her extended family.
11. I have consistently been there for HER and our Children over the years. I have NEVER hit my wife or done anything to physically harm her. I have done all I could to support the 'good' and ignore the 'Bad'.
So if YOU - or anyone - would dare lay judgement on me for the way I have lived with my wife and regarded her throughout the years (over 28 years of marriage) - then the most important way to judge me is knowing this:
I have done everything possible to make the very BEST Situation I could for the Sake of our Children. I have done all I could to 'Limit the Tension' and give our Children the best atmosphere I could hope to give them.
I have largely made do with NOTHING -- with a huge emptiness and with numerous wants and desires absent in my life -- all for the sake of giving our children a Happy Home.
12. My kids have never known a home to smell of tobacco; to have alcohol; to have drugs. They did NOT have a father largely absent from their lives and one who has 'selfish hobbies' that took from them.