TSP Elite
Don't worry - if I remember correctly none of the premiums have been exactly up to standard for the last two years.
I'm not worried my friend.
I'm into 'Capital Appreciation'!!

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Don't worry - if I remember correctly none of the premiums have been exactly up to standard for the last two years.
The beauty of the Lilly Pad
G Fund is the only one 'guaranteed' to never lose and in the preceeding months I still have my gains. [end Quote=Steadygain]
I would argue that with recent inflation pressure, the G Fund is a guaranteed looser. Unfortunately for me, I lost my sticky pants a couple days ago, so G Fund is where I sit until I find them again.
I would argue that with recent inflation pressure, the G Fund is a guaranteed looser. Unfortunately for me, I lost my sticky pants a couple days ago, so G Fund is where I sit until I find them again.
Ahhhhhhhhh :cheesy: I say after taking a refreshing sip of lemonade.
Japan's Markets are down over 10%and yes my friends this is most certainly a global economy.
That's why at times like these there is absolutely nothing like the Lilly Pad.![]()
It's not a place to make Money -- it's a place to hold on to what you have and know there is no chance of loss.
So when it comes to TSP Investments -- on 12/1 I'm all the way in for 3 months -- but when 3/11 set in - it was time for a rest. After all too much excitement can get to be too much for an old guy like me.
BTW - My comments are identical to cheering a Rally when you're IN so please know that - in reverse you celebrate holding gains you've made.
Well on to other NEWS -- I've decided to give myself a 12% pay increase starting immediately. I call it integrity, honor, comittment and I'd rather be known by these virtues than anything else.
My wife talked to some lawyers and went over all the details. I wholly believed I was giving her more than enough to live stress free and be able to keep and maintain all she has known over the years. Turns out she will barely get by and will be forced to work. Well I 'refuse to ever put her through that' - and at this moment we are too close to allowing her to have everything I planned for her to have.
So I'll give myself a 12% increase to make things right.
if you got some extra time on your hands (and i hope you don't that could be bad for all of us) could you please create an autotracker where i can input my trades retroactive 4 days ago?
i think i could do real good in that system.
I'm not sure how to take your comments./QUOTE]
with a grain of salt.
mornin cuz.
Ahhhhhhhhh I say after taking a refreshing sip of lemonade.
Japan's Markets are down over 10%and yes my friends this is most certainly a global economy.
That's why at times like these there is absolutely nothing like the Lilly Pad.![]()
It's not a place to make Money -- it's a place to hold on to what you have and know there is no chance of loss.
So when it comes to TSP Investments -- on 12/1 I'm all the way in for 3 months -- but when 3/11 set in - it was time for a rest. After all too much excitement can get to be too much for an old guy like me.
BTW - My comments are identical to cheering a Rally when you're IN so please know that - in reverse you celebrate holding gains you've made.
Well on to other NEWS -- I've decided to give myself a 12% pay increase starting immediately. I call it integrity, honor, comittment and I'd rather be known by these virtues than anything else.
My wife talked to some lawyers and went over all the details. I wholly believed I was giving her more than enough to live stress free and be able to keep and maintain all she has known over the years. Turns out she will barely get by and will be forced to work. Well I 'refuse to ever put her through that' - and at this moment we are too close to allowing her to have everything I planned for her to have.
So I'll give myself a 12% increase to make things right.
I don't believe your comments were offensive at all.![]()
Everytime I read your posts, I feel cheated. Like I have somehow missed out. You're the most generous, kindest person I have ever had the priviledge of meeting and I am jealous of everyone else that has known you both personally and as a member of this MB.I hope that someday you can call me FRIEND.