Steady, a very Merry Christmass to you.
You obviously have a great family.
Very much appreciated my friend.
I hope you (and yours) have the most wonderful Christmas ever !!!
My family is soooooo far beyond what I could ever have thought or imagined. They are more wonderful that I could really express.
My older sister almost died - and that was by far the hardest event I've ever had to go through (even Army stuff). Her son (my nephew had a job available at the 'Twin Towers' - but by the Grace of God turned it down in the nick of time. Her daughter (my neice - just got her college degree a few months back in only 2 years). So having her back is like everything.
My younger brother - has a massive heart attack and has to leave work with like 3 days to use. So his wife (my sister in law - starts hugging on me and begging me for TIME to give to him) - and in retrospect it was probably the most beautiful moment ever 'the entire moment' - and he's doing great with ove 20%.
Of course you know Birch is doing great -- and enjoying retirement.
Yeah, my little sister has a heart of gold and says just enough to let ya know things are good.
Now, bro, you need to have a bit of confidence in the American economy.
Free your mind and your @ss will follow. There is a balance to this world.