I dunno, seems like every time the I Fund is about to really take off stories of increased worries about Eurozone debt hit the front pages. I kept a 15-30% pie slice of I Fund from Sept to mid Nov before reallocating.
Europe has been around a whole lot longer than us - and the basis of those stories are widely to reflect just how 'Global' we really are.
It's a whole lot easier for everyone to think in terms of small isolated places like Iceland - Greese - than to think of something like the USA or Europe. So those places totally collapsing are simply signs of things to come -- or at least force us to consider the probability.
The most pressing issue is honestly NOT the weakness of some -- but the Strength and Dominance of the ones coming to power. Shifting with those changes are where the MONEY is really at -- but TSP funds don't offer those options.
There will have to be a substantial BULL to give the general population confidence of the future and EUROPE is bound to be a huge success as the BULL is getting set to run.
The main thing that has held 'us' back is NOT EuroDEBT - and here you need to look beyond the 'headlines' cause most of that is intentional Media garbage. The main thing that has held us back - is the 'MONEY' being held from the Big Guys hoarding it.
I have no idea what these dips are doing -- may be mergers or fine tuning -- may be them making it clear that they are in charge and hanging the governments by strings and leave them dangling -- just to play it out.
It could be the ones with the 'surplus' making things hard enough - and desperate enough for them to come in and start buying, owning, and controlling the bulk of our resources... setting up more and more plants over here - so we work for them...
On the whole I think the I Fund should do well as stability is maintained and when the US Markets take off -- they should all the more take off.
The other thing in favor of the I Fund -- would be the strength of the US Dollar (which I believe is mostly artificial) -- but a Eurozone debt works in their favor.
I'm HONORED -- I really am -- thanks for stopping by