TSP Elite
Perhaps the single greatest aspect by which they fuel 'The System' and make it stronger is their ability to keep everything SECRET.
The 'Thickening' of Government is the underlying mechanism by which this occurs. You see once established somewhere in government - Titles spread like wildfire as department and agencies copy each other at will.
Presidential appointees expand downward into senior layers as career executives build upward.
The expansion at the TOP includes almost every variation as executives invent ways of combining 5 central words 'principal', 'deputy', 'associate', assistant, and 'chief' -- all subject to Senate Confirmmation.
The Federal Yellow Book show the 44,00 (+) that occupy the Exectutive TOP.
Secretary; Chief of Staff to the Sec.; Deputary to C of S to the Sec; Deputary Secretatary; Chief of Staff of the Deputy Sec; Deputary Chief of Staff; Deputy deputy Sec; Principal assoc. deputy Sec; Assistant Deputy Sec; Deputy assoc. deputy Sec; Assist. deputy Sec; UnderSec; Chief of Staff to the UnderSec; Principal Deputy UnderSec; Deputy UnderSec; Chief of Staff to the Deputy UnderSec; Principal associate deputy UnderSec; Associate deputy UnderSec; Associate UnderSec; Assist. UnderSec; Assist. Sec; Chief of Staff to the Assist. Sec; Deputy Chief of Staff to the Assist. Sec; Principal Deputy Assist. Sec; Assoc. Principal deputy Assist Sec; .......
.....and it goes on 37 more times.... and we've got 15 Departments..
Defense Department has at least 30 such layers .. Transportation has at least 25 layers ... and this is just the TOP ....
Each Administration is making it wider - so that the total number of senior executives has increased from 451 in 1960 to 2,592 in 2004.
It may be the Main Reason why the Government felt more 'trustworthy' in the 50s - 60s - was because the Government was vastly more trimmed down and -- perhaps manageable.
OK -- that's my 2 cents for now
I'm 100% G Fund BTW -- cause I'm a wuss