Steadygain's Account Talk

Perhaps the single greatest aspect by which they fuel 'The System' and make it stronger is their ability to keep everything SECRET.

The 'Thickening' of Government is the underlying mechanism by which this occurs. You see once established somewhere in government - Titles spread like wildfire as department and agencies copy each other at will.

Presidential appointees expand downward into senior layers as career executives build upward.

The expansion at the TOP includes almost every variation as executives invent ways of combining 5 central words 'principal', 'deputy', 'associate', assistant, and 'chief' -- all subject to Senate Confirmmation.

The Federal Yellow Book show the 44,00 (+) that occupy the Exectutive TOP.

Secretary; Chief of Staff to the Sec.; Deputary to C of S to the Sec; Deputary Secretatary; Chief of Staff of the Deputy Sec; Deputary Chief of Staff; Deputy deputy Sec; Principal assoc. deputy Sec; Assistant Deputy Sec; Deputy assoc. deputy Sec; Assist. deputy Sec; UnderSec; Chief of Staff to the UnderSec; Principal Deputy UnderSec; Deputy UnderSec; Chief of Staff to the Deputy UnderSec; Principal associate deputy UnderSec; Associate deputy UnderSec; Associate UnderSec; Assist. UnderSec; Assist. Sec; Chief of Staff to the Assist. Sec; Deputy Chief of Staff to the Assist. Sec; Principal Deputy Assist. Sec; Assoc. Principal deputy Assist Sec; .......

.....and it goes on 37 more times.... and we've got 15 Departments..

Defense Department has at least 30 such layers .. Transportation has at least 25 layers ... and this is just the TOP ....

Each Administration is making it wider - so that the total number of senior executives has increased from 451 in 1960 to 2,592 in 2004.

It may be the Main Reason why the Government felt more 'trustworthy' in the 50s - 60s - was because the Government was vastly more trimmed down and -- perhaps manageable.

OK -- that's my 2 cents for now

I'm 100% G Fund BTW -- cause I'm a wuss
so after the anti-gov monolog

I'm sorry it comes across that way -- I really am but it's not ME and I'm simply trying to make everyone aware of ....

...why changing one hat -- will in no matter bring the kind of change eveyone of us longs for.

I totally believe a Government is 'neccessary' !!

I fully believe the Government by which the US of A was established is the BEST Government by far.

I am 100% convinced a 'Government by the People and For the People' is something no one else could match.

Burro I appreciate you visiting and all the more for your feedback.

I am not anti-Government at all -- I simply realize that what has evolved is so LARGE it cannot be 'good for our Country'.

So I'm saying 'The Facts are undeniable' - and if anyone would have a 'delusion' or 'fantasty' that any MAN -or WOMAN would be able to make 'The Government' what this Country 'NEEDS' by becoming President ...

...then they know Nothing about the underlying FACTS and it makes no difference whether they are the living representation of the TEA PARTY or some Communist Liberal piece of crap....

by entering - maintaining - and subsequently 'expanding' Government they make it impossible to have a Government able to Execute Effectively.

I also would say what the Government HIDES from the Population is the worst thing - and if what was HIDDEN was widely acknowledged and all the more --- the 'lies' they purposely led 'us to believe' had been known as 'lies' --- History would have changed.

So I am NOT Anti-Government in the least manner and I realize how essential GOVERNMENT is to 'our Society' !!

I am only 'against' what I know has taken place since JFK - which has largely 'Ruined' the Government we were meant to have and how this has largely destroyed the view others have of our Nation.

So I AM PRO GOVERNMENT -- and I would gladly 'give my life' to restore our country to what it is meant to be. There could be no greater honor than that -- but that would involve huge and sweeping changes.

Good night all
I'm sorry it comes across that way -- I really am but it's not ME and I'm simply trying to make everyone aware of ....

...why changing one hat -- will in no matter bring the kind of change eveyone of us longs for.

I totally believe a Government is 'neccessary' !!

I fully believe the Government by which the US of A was established is the BEST Government by far.

I am 100% convinced a 'Government by the People and For the People' is something no one else could match.

Burro I appreciate you visiting and all the more for your feedback.

I am not anti-Government at all -- I simply realize that what has evolved is so LARGE it cannot be 'good for our Country'.

So I'm saying 'The Facts are undeniable' - and if anyone would have a 'delusion' or 'fantasty' that any MAN -or WOMAN would be able to make 'The Government' what this Country 'NEEDS' by becoming President ...

...then they know Nothing about the underlying FACTS and it makes no difference whether they are the living representation of the TEA PARTY or some Communist Liberal piece of crap....

by entering - maintaining - and subsequently 'expanding' Government they make it impossible to have a Government able to Execute Effectively.

I also would say what the Government HIDES from the Population is the worst thing - and if what was HIDDEN was widely acknowledged and all the more --- the 'lies' they purposely led 'us to believe' had been known as 'lies' --- History would have changed.

So I am NOT Anti-Government in the least manner and I realize how essential GOVERNMENT is to 'our Society' !!

I am only 'against' what I know has taken place since JFK - which has largely 'Ruined' the Government we were meant to have and how this has largely destroyed the view others have of our Nation.

So I AM PRO GOVERNMENT -- and I would gladly 'give my life' to restore our country to what it is meant to be. There could be no greater honor than that -- but that would involve huge and sweeping changes.

Good night all

i think that's a bluff.

if you want to play, there's a good game going on over at the beltway.
I don't often say much when I see one member twisting another's tail, because that's the moderators' job, but I'm going to speak up on this one-and yes I know I'm not a mod but I'm going to speak up anyway. BC, this man served his country in ways most people can't even begin to fathom, and he was a true believer all the years he served and put his life on the line literally. He finally began to peek behind the curtain after he got out of service, he's talked about that many times here. He has been completely consistent in voicing these thoughts or similar ones periodically ever since he came on the mb. I KNOW he would put his life on the line again if the reason was strong enough, because he did it for 10 years of his life already, and he believes in the country and way of life he fought and was willing to die for, even if he's cynical now about who's been pulling the nation's strings for the past 50 years. Don't know what's biting you right now, but the comments are uncalled for.
huh? all that for inviting a friend over to the neighborhood poker game?

you've got to be kidding right?

good thing you don't work for tsa, do you?

talk about twisted tails...
huh? all that for inviting a friend over to the neighborhood poker game?

you've got to be kidding right?

So I'm lacking a sense of humor tonight. I heard someone call bluff regarding stated willingness to die for country. Ifn thats' not what you meant, I retract the rejoinder. Not much of a poker player, myself. And I'm more likely to get pulled out of line for attitude check myself, which is why I don't fly any more unless its an emergency.
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i think that's a bluff.

if you want to play, there's a good game going on over at the beltway.
Well BC -- I'm delighted you're up to the challenge.

Let's see how good you can do...;)

I told a 'real friend' I would make my 'views' known and come clean with everything and 'stop playing games'.

If you think I'm 'bluffing' in any way, shape, or form -- then I would openly challenge YOU to tell me how I may be 'bluffing' -- give me a specific or something to weigh on.

Making some 'vague' attacks --- is largely childish and I thought you'd be above that.

You implied I was 'Anti-Government' - and I responded --

I'm going to speak up anyway...but the comments are uncalled for.

WOW !!! Sweet darling woman, I'm speechless ... and this is kind of awkward..

You know these things ONLY because you know the 'real me' -- but I honestly did NOT want others knowing me - and the only ones that really can are people like You - WorkFE, Birch, CB, Handballer, and all the rest. There are many that 'do know me' -- so I'm good -- Thank you though.

I didn't have excess to a computer - and didn't even see this till just now.

His comments are 'neccessary' -- he feels a need to challenge me and please know I am more than up to the challenge.

One who lives from the Heart - would find 'passing' impossible.

There is no one that is more deeply connected with those aspects of Life by which the most priceless and irreplaceable qualities of our beings have their defination - Than YOU.

No one is more 'in tune' with the highest calling by which we are known. No one would more be able to identify a blackest pearl -- and all the more acknowledge the most glorious transition of that transforming into something very similar to an 'opal'.

I'm always delighted to have you in my home -- always.
Scoundrels and Peasants -- Friends and foe - to one and all.

LIFE is short -- honestly -- way too short to let the negative stuff rob any of us from all we have to be Thankful and Grateful for.

Every Thanksgiving -- I share a very wonderful meal with a large number of family and friends and it's everything it's meant to be. At the end of the meal - we have at least 3 pieces of rice and each of us describes something we are grateful for until everyone is done.

First Piece -- I'm grateful for Birch (WorkFE, Handballer, Jim, Coolhand, VLM, Frixxxx, Rod (and all others currently on Active Duty) and knowing that on the deepest and most fundamental levels they really know me and understand me as only they can.

With that I'm equally grateful for people like CB and Alevie who have the heart and life to understand.

Second Piece -- I'm grateful for the BONDS that have sprung forth and for the family and friends I've discovered here. I'm especially grateful for those who took a risk of being 'more open' and letting the bonds go deeper. For finding me and knowing me in wonderful ways.

Third Piece -- I'm thankful that I can be here for you (regardless of who you are) if you need someone. Yet part of me is very grateful I can yank the chain once in awhile and go crazy and stuff.

Have you ever felt like you're locked in your seat as the roller coaster is taking you to the highest point ever -- and you know the biggest drop is comming so fast :sick: -- all you can do is hold on and let it happen??? :notrust:

Yeah, I've felt that way too :mad:

But hey it goes back up and it all works out :)

Sometimes the Lilly pad is pretty cool - nothing to do but spay on some tanning lotion and swim a little -- especially since it's near the Equator.
Steady, what kind of fish is that???

I don't know sweet darling ... I noticed Burrocrat and Buster changed to fish and found one 'randomly' to join them.

Hey I've been thinkin' about you lately -- and need to make sure you find the sources of the 'leaks' before you go under. I mean as far as the TSP loan thing -- that's got me worried a bit -- and I hope it works out.

Well I hope things are going good for ya !!

I probably won't keep the 'fish' very long but for the 'Moment' figured BC and Buster may have started a Trend that will captivate the entire world and if that happens -- it's nice knowing I was one of the first.

Thanks for stopping by :)

I really liked the 'Jimmy' avatar.
Your writing reminds me of that 'Jimmy'

But don't get too full of yourself though - yuk, yuk:nuts:
This man served his country in ways most people can't even begin to fathom, and he was a true believer all the years he served and put his life on the line literally.

Alevie, It was different back then and I young and there was nothing holding me back. It's like a disease -- it really is -- and once you've been thrown into it you live for it -- there is nothing more you can thrive for beyond 'The Call and being assigned to get it done'. Baby, you just don't don't know. Some of it may have been selfish and they knew not to pick someone before me. It's crazy Alevie but I simply could not see failing a Mission and knowing I gave my life for it (in the event I did not succeed) was a huge honor. Like I said - I had no attachments - so I'd a thousand times rather die by giving my life to accomplish the Mission than to sit around with someone else trying to do something meant for me.

You don't question it -- you can't question it -- you have to buy it totally and that belief consumes every shread of your existence.

He finally began to peek behind the curtain after he got out of service, he's talked about that many times here.

I need to let it go -- I've said enough to deal with it and I don't know that I could have held it back -- but I've got no place making others see what happened to them. What they went through was way worse in that it was night and day around the clock and went on forever. I got dropped here and there or however I got there.

He has been completely consistent in voicing these thoughts or similar ones periodically ever since he came on the mb.

Yeah, sorry everyone -- haven't meant to lay everything on you. I'm definately not wishy washy.

I KNOW he would put his life on the line again if the reason was strong enough

It's seriously like a sickness I can't control. If I ever found someone beating or kicking Ella --- let alone one of my kids -- I worry about that stuff.

because he did it for 10 years of his life already

I wish it was like that Alevie -- seriously -- but it's not. You don't stop once you get it in your bones -- you can't stop and it honestly doesn't matter if you're in or not -- cause you're always ready.

My war would be finding who is behind the strings that get pulled in these meetings where they came up with these plans. Someone's behind these strings and put them in place - cause once they walk in they are nothing more than puppets.

Anyway - Thank You !! very much -- but I do need to let it go and YOUR NOTE here did far more than you could ever know.

Yo Bro..

I know you and I don't talk much..but thought of you today while I was eating sand grit with every jump of a dune..:rolleyes:

So Hope you had a good Thanksgiving with all your loved ones..

be cool while dropping a stool;)
Biggest GOLD Deposit thought to be in Alaska

I (and my family) are connected with a variety of Natural Organizations because -- despite the never ending conflicts people will have -- we believe in our planet and the closer we look the more we see how sacred it really is.

Not sure if anyone is keeping up with the price of GOLD but just imagine the United States having:

at the least a 5.94 billion ton deposit of gold, copper, and molybdenum
Bristol Bay -- Alaska (Which would likely be the most sacred of all). I say this based on what I've read about it.
Well guess what -- It probably doesn't belong to the U.S. - as foreign companies have likely bought up all the rights and are in the process of building dams and stuff that will destroy everything.
What goes around comes around. :worried::(
How can we stop foreign companies who have no regard for what they do to us???

Can we learn from this ???
I doubt it -- I mean I just happen to be alive at this particular point in time but this kind of thing repeats itself over and over. All we can do is make the best with what we have.
Well - have a good week all !!
I saw a movie over the weekend -- and finally found a match:

for Lady (S_M)

Emmanuelle Vaugier -- I'd bet anything -- that in her prime she looked exactly like her.

I'm always trying to find a match for different people I meet on this site; and some may take a really long time....

....then the moment comes.