Steadygain's Account Talk

Is Birchtree still talking about the markets or about agriculture? Hey Birch, I can't get my tomato plant to produce anything, do you think you have any words of wisdom to get my tomato plant to produce? I'm ready to let it wilt. I planted it early in the spring...still didn't do anything. :D

Felix watch out for the cutworms! They'll move in the afternoon you plant them.:( They love tomato plants and will cut the blooms right off.
I plant all my veggies like beans and corn inside cut out tin cans - that helps keep insects away from the tender growth.
My upside down tomato plants grew large, but the cutworms moved in right away. I then retransplanted and got rid of the worms. However...never got any blooms. In I've got something eating the tomato plant again. I think I'm going to cut my loss (he he).

Seriously though, I really thought I was going to do well with this upside down TV gismo plant method. I guess I better takes Birch's advice and plant them in a can. Thanks all for the useful comments. Oh and yes, I used miracle grow, but no miracle. (he He...for real). :D
I don't know if you've ever considered this but you would make an outstanding Moderator. You're one of the best.

You and I go way back and the bonds of our friendship are deep.

Please know that the very deep and real 'BONDS' I have had with you and many others on this site are something 'no one' can ever take from my life and they will always be deeply genuine. If anyone would damage the Bonds I hold - then I will most certainly seek 'Justice' and prove myself to have them 'restored'.

I was 'set up' and had the most valuable and precious and priceless 'BONDS' destroyed by the deliberate interference from another - and what makes it a million times worse is that the offender is someone I had 'totally believed in' - 'given my life to' - 'and repeatedly demonstated the most thorough commitment'

Today I was ready to reveal everything - so all would know the truth.

But my absense has been 'long enough' - that it is no longer important and the 'one' who would most get hurt needs this place more than me. Also 'my bonds' are far less important to the true friend - than having to deal with everything I was ready to disclose.

Seeing you as a 'moderator' has led me to seek the path of 'peace' and do what is best for everyone. I have largely lost my connections with this place - so I'm okay with that.

Frixxxx, from the bottom of my heart - seeing you as a Moderator and the respect I have for you and many others 'forces' me to do the right thing.

I thought it was making the truth known and seeking 'justice' when I came today. But now I know better.

Forgive me -- well my new life outside of here has been going well so I hope the best for all.
Frixxxx, from the bottom of my heart - seeing you as a Moderator and the respect I have for you and many others 'forces' me to do the right thing.
I wish that were true. I had to delete your recent posts in the lounge just a few hours after you wrote this because they were WAY too personal for a public board and involved other members. I also had to stop your ability to post until we got in touch with you, but apparently you don't accept PM's on the board (or perahaps your PM inbox is full? Not sure).

Anyway Steady, I'm a little worried about you and I hope we can have you back doing 'the right thing'. Please send me a PM or email if you need help with anything or need to contact someone.

Hi everyone. The past month has been very difficult as my mother had an operation we all believed would be very simple and things happened and she was in ICU with a variety of complications. My father has been through so much and our 'wives' could not have done more to show how deeply wonderful they are in every imaginable way.

My mother volunteered at Keswick on a weekly basis throughout my childhood - and recently was transferred there for extensive therapy before she finally goes home. I sent this letter to my extended family and now share it with you - as over the years you have been my family.

In Retrospect we often note the greatest treasures and appreciate the deeper and most important aspects of life. Here we also most notably establish those aspects that are most essential in maintaining and demonstrating the highest love possible and extending the greatest and most supreme level of care.

MAJOR PROBLEM: 90+ year old woman having such problems with eating and swallowing food that it appeared to be life threatening.

Husband of over 60 years was deeply concerned she could suffocate if the condition was not aggressively treated. He interacted on her behalf with the greatest devotion and with a love that is rarely ever known and could never be measured.

Dad, from the bottom of my heart and with all my life I so deeply appreciate you stretching your heart and life for Mom and you DID DO the RIGHT THING. Everything that was done was for her benefit and to make her remaining years as good as you could possibly provide. You knew the doctor had done this procedure numerous times before and you had all the hope anyone could have been given the procedure would be simple and the risk of complications was ‘minimal’.

Even if there were complications she was in a hospital that provided the highest level of care and the staff gave her the deepest ongoing attention and was frequently monitoring her and making numerous adjustments.


With that in mind Ann and I came every bit as much for you as for Mom. Dad, we had endless wonderful moments in the time we were there. The greatest by far was the expression of ‘hope’ and ‘encouragement’ and the thrill and joy that filled you and radiated from you as Mom got better.

Highlights for us were walking in and acknowledging Mom’s expression and reaction – which was wonderful. Talking softly while Mom ‘played possum’ and to our shock and delight to have her break in and participate in the conversation with a very sharp mind and ‘correct us’. We were greatly encouraged because Dad is so ‘in tune’ with Mom and from his perspective she seemed to be getting better and we left with Dad looking and feeling pretty upbeat.

Immediately after we left Mike and Linda spent a lot of time with Mom and Dad and were hugely supportive in numerous ways. Their devotion was also as high and deep as anyone could ever find and they came back for another extended visit shortly after driving all the way home. Here I’d like to express how deeply grateful I am for extent by which Mike communicated with all of us.

I feel to the largest degree that Andy and his family took the hardest shift and by far the most terrible event happened with Andy when we ‘lost Mom’ and he frantically went to get help and the desperation he must have felt when no one was there. You (Andy and family) have always been there for them and there is no way anyone can measure up to the way you have stretched your hearts and lives throughout.

Now that Mom is in Keswick the worst is over for me and I am so grateful that despite some hurtles she is where she is and we can expect the very best from here on through.

What has impressed me the very most is NOT Dad’s level of commitment and devotion and his deeply precious love and compassion – because I know Dad and I could never imagine anything less.

What has impressed me the very most is the magnitude by which Linda, Jeanette, and Ann have given their lives and the extent by which they have gone beyond everyone else put together. They are very deeply and solidly the ‘Center’ of our family and the way they have been there for all of us and the extent by which they have ‘found’ each other throughout this crisis is by far the greatest and most endearing blessing our family could ever hope to find.

There is simply no way I could give our wives enough praise and gratitude for all they have done. More than anything else I believe we ‘owe it to them’ to stay connected and make a point of spending some quality time together. So even though the ‘operation’ was wholly for Mom’s benefit I believe it did more to strengthen our family and help us more fully acknowledge how priceless and irreplaceable Linda, Jeanette, and Ann have always been and will forever be.

With all my Love,
My Dearest Friend Steady,

You are indeed one of a kind! You are not only smart, loving, considerate, and very well informed about domestic and international issues, but you are also an extraordinary human being! It is not only surprising that you would visit my thread twice this month, but that you would remember all these minor details shared throughout our friendship.

Please do continue to enlighten us with your wisdom and your wit, we look forward to your postings. The MB family that we are keeps growing - now you also have a kid brother - and that is so cool!

Hope you are relaxing and enjoying your long weekend!


Millions of seeds have sprung from you and planted their roots in me. So please know that what you may see as minor - are not minor to me at all - in fact it is the total opposite FOR these are the seeds that most show your heart and life. This is the most precious aspect of the MB - the way we really can get connected.

On the international level - I have become very close to many international students who attend the University of Illinois and brought them in my home. In doing so they have become part of my extended family and I have come to realize that the Koreans, Iranians, Germans, Chinese, Liberians, Vietnamese and the rest - ALL are very wonderful - with good hearts and excellent minds and each of them have so much to offer. The bonds I have formed are my greatest riches and each has made me realize all the more how sacred life is and how much each of us has to offer.

From knowing you I have learned a lot about Panama - not so much from things you have shared - but because as I got to know you better I researched the area more. So my INTERNATIONAL INTERESTS largely stem from my bonds with others throughout the world. It is a vested interest - and the more I learn the more I want to know.

...On the Domestic Issues - unfortunately I probably probe deeper than I should and so I become very disheartened. I see more and more the corruption behind every aspect of the political system "that was meant to protect the people and work for them". I will elaborate a little more on that later - because I feel that it has to be acknowledged - but the overall interests of the United States on every level is something that remains central to my core persuit.

...It is neat having a "kid brother" - but it's equally wonderful having Wind Sailing, Fog Sailing, Nuutt, and the many other guitarists on the MB spur me on and bring me to life - let alone you, Lady, Mamikin, Birch, Buster, Comm 350z, 12%, Show me and all the many others who enjoy music bring us together as ONE. But it's getting my heart wrapped up in Kar Crazy's daughter, Sky Pilot's endeavors, GGal's vision, Lady's painful degerative condition and all the aspects of our "human condition" (and now Birch's somber reflections) that really tie us together and help us to learn to melt and become better people - as we stretch our hearts. So my wisdom primarily grows from my willingness to learn from others and allowing them to become more and more absorbed in me. Mostly it stems from the knowledge that God alone has blessed me with every ability I have and in every way I hope to give Him the glory.

Thank you for such a lovely message. You are equally a source of true inspiration - every bit as smart and witty as me - so let your posts rain down as well.

Steadygain :cool:

A beautiful way to start off the week.

Hope everyone is doing well.
You and I go way back and the bonds of our friendship are deep.

Please know that the very deep and real 'BONDS' I have had with you and many others on this site are something 'no one' can ever take from my life and they will always be deeply genuine.....

well my new life outside of here has been going well so I hope the best for all.

Hey Steady,

Thanks brother! Great week (short as it is) and just stopping by to say, "Hello!" Nina says hi but she didn't get up to do it....poor hips ain't what they used to be....but the tail still wags!!!!!

Glad to hear life outside the MB is treating you good! Keep the faith and we will see you again real soon!

Peace Brother!
Hey Steady,

Thanks brother! Great week (short as it is) and just stopping by to say, "Hello!" Nina says hi but she didn't get up to do it....poor hips ain't what they used to be....but the tail still wags!!!!!

Glad to hear life outside the MB is treating you good! Keep the faith and we will see you again real soon!

Peace Brother!

Thanks man -- this was my first chance to get back.

I gave Ella a bath yesterday - then we took a long walk and when we got home I took her on the back deck and brushed her out.

She's still in great shape (5 yr old) and I throw the frizzbe down the hill so she has to run back up - and get some good exercise.

What I probably enjoy the most is just laying on the floor next to her and watching how she responds. She'll stretch her neck back and soaks it up so wonderfully. Will sometimes put her paws against me and strech her legs or a lot of times put a paw over my arm like she's hugging me.

Steady, you need to get off the Kotex and start making some investment money. Now is the time to get reinvested.

Birch, it's not something I can control at will. I'm on a cycle that I simply have to acknowledge and it's part of being and accepting and appreciating the way I'm made.

I can most certainly say - that is the first time anyone has ever made that comment to me. It's kind of weird Birch - but anything from you is cool - so thanks.

Isn't it amazing how a dog can put a person at ease. They like to love and be loved in return.
Give Ella a big hug and throw that frisby daily........ makes a person forget about life's problems.
Take care.:)
Thanks man !!!

You are one of the few that can relate to the depth of how wonderful Ella has been in so many ways. I'll glad you've got Stella to let you know a love that only God could make known in such a beautiful way.

I have to believe Ella is the one to open my eyes as only she could - but deep down I'd bet many other forms of life would touch us in perhaps equal or greater depths if we allowed the channels to open fully and discover all that is there.

My daughter had her gallballer taken out today - and she (and the other 2 daughters) have shown me the greatest extent by which I could ever even begin to wonder how abundantly blessed life can truly be.

I need to get home and be there for them. Gumby, I am finding life in a deeper and greater abundance than I ever dreamed could be possible. I believe a lot of us have wished for 'childhood longings' that we may have held so deep and so long that we secretly wondered if LIFE could be that abundant and real - and only now am I at a point where I can believe and find and be willing to discover the abundance and fulfillment I've believed in since I was a child.

Well I need to run -- but thanks for letting me drift in such a beautiful way and touching something so incredibly sacred.

Have a good night all !!
My TSP account is way more designed for continual expansion - and was not meant to function for 'Market Timing'.

In the days of 'Unlimited IFTs' - totally FREE - it was different.

To keep all your eggs in one basket - G Fund for instance - is a bad move.

So I will make some changes - and let it ride - maybe make a RARE adjustment ...

..but ultimately will find a 'Blend' I can keep forever.

21% of my Gross Income - every 2 weeks - is the constant and one I am very grateful for.

Good luck all
Hey I just thought of something.

'Friends don't let friends BUY and HOLD'

So if I don't BUY then friendship should be more free and good.

That's cool :cool::cool::D
I totally ruined LADY's Life -- and I did it when she went through the worst suffering and pain - and very horrible circumstances - she has ever had to deal with.

I am fully responsible for screwing everyone of you over -- and making any (and all) of you have to deal with her death.

It was ME (and totally me) and you felt 'pained by her' only because she tried to 'do right' ---

-- Even that was 'my fault' - because the woman I tried to help is simply the sweetest woman to ever live.

Last night I tried to make it right -- I see S_M -- as a brand of 'death' and as someone 'despised and rejected' because of me...

that's why I expressed whatever I expressed. I live for LADY and I'm sorry for all the mess I caused.

I seriously have 'no right' to be here -- untill that day LADY is back and we are friends.

My sincerest appoligies and love to all

I totally ruined LADY's Life -- and I did it when she went through the worst suffering and pain - and very horrible circumstances - she has ever had to deal with.

I am fully responsible for screwing everyone of you over -- and making any (and all) of you have to deal with her death.

It was ME (and totally me) and you felt 'pained by her' only because she tried to 'do right' ---

-- Even that was 'my fault' - because the woman I tried to help is simply the sweetest woman to ever live.

Last night I tried to make it right -- I see S_M -- as a brand of 'death' and as someone 'despised and rejected' because of me...

that's why I expressed whatever I expressed. I live for LADY and I'm sorry for all the mess I caused.

I seriously have 'no right' to be here -- untill that day LADY is back and we are friends.

My sincerest appoligies and love to all


Time to let it go Rick...And stop beating yourself up..we get it!

We all know how things went and the way they turned out..I too was very angered by the whole charade as were many other people here (pound of flesh and all)...Let it go mate..I have and so have the others...I made my peace with Ann and have stopped feeling bitter towards you too for your involvement...
We all know you meant well during that time and some just took your flamboyant ways of posting as just you being you...I think there has been a big lesson learned and there is no sense dredging it up anymore..Thank God it all turned out to be an over dramatized episode, that I'm 100% sure will never ever be repeated..

So let's move on and enjoy the life and times we all can now still share here..
