Steadygain's Account Talk

Well I figure everyone is kind of apprehensive ..:worried:...anxious and all

So let's look at the 'possibilities'

It's POSSIBLE: :sick::(

That we are as high as we're going to get....

...that the ICE is cracking big time and getting ready to break...

...that once we fall through we'll have a Rapid -- 800 point drop

....a snort lull ... followed by a Rapid drop below the previous 3/09 LOW :mad:

Well I'm just considering the possibilites ....

over the rainbow I am crazzzy ... bars in the window
The market could also be discounting the change for good that we are going to get in November - a bullish business environment for job creation. I'm really tired of this inexperienced community organizer - the General had it right when he sacrificed his career for the good of country. These Donkeys will fall hard and the Party is gone for a very long time.
I'm really tired of this inexperienced community organizer

These Donkeys will fall hard and the Party is gone for a very long time.

Birch, my last post was just playing around.

I was just about to post this Silverbird -- in regards to learning from past mistakes. This would all the more apply to 'Politics' my friend - irregardless and across the board.

My delightful butter cup,
A visitor to your planet for 50 some years, as such my direct observations regarding the patterns of your society’s interactions (both Nationally and Internationally) are somewhat limited. It would appear, however, in terms of economic practices that ‘history’ in no way prevents subsequent disasters from recurring; and in fact the same mistakes seem to occur over and over.

If your Civilization was ‘capable’ of learning from History (past or present) it would be evidenced by the following:
A decreasing need for the Military – associated with increasing Harmony
A decreasing need for Government – associated with increasing ‘productive’ self regulation
A more equal blending – as opposed to an ever widening gap between the rich and the poor

So we must simply accept our lot and accept that our flawed ‘nature’ will undoubtedly continue. With this knowledge we can expect corruption to remain at every level and all the more expect the same mistakes to repeat themselves ~~ mainly because our interactions are largely unchanged.

So Birch, seriously, look at every administration throughout our life and know that this person or that has little (or nothing) to do with the major and ongoing interactions that continue everywhere. I guess I can also add that every clown will take 'credit' for any good that happens while he's in office and undoubtedly any bad that happens will be thrown on him.

Speaking of Donkeys -- my platoon Sgt told me he needed a Donkey Dick; and I had to go get him one. Ain't that a trip.

Turns out that's what they call the thing you screw on the gas can.
The market could also be discounting the change for good

OMG man you must must have eaten the wrong mushrooms...:rolleyes:

That has to 'The ALL TIME Political Hoax' that drives people to vote....

It's funny NOW - if you really think about it.. :laugh: ...we get so fired up thinkin' this time it'll be 'different' ... but all that disappears over time

Plus don't forget Guns n' Roes says, 'Nothing lasts forever and we both know hearts can chage'

that we are going to get in November - or I'll just keep on walking in the cold November rain'

Birch, sometimes I've got ta wonder about you :confused:

I mean you can't seriously believe that garbage -

They're like 'toy dolls' Birch - and don't have anything to do with the overall operations and plans and stuff going on within the companies and between them...

...if anything they are mainly in place to be 'paid off' to stand behind them

a bullish business environment for job creation. I'm really tired of this inexperienced community organizer - the General had it right when he sacrificed his career for the good of country. These Donkeys will fall hard and the Party is gone for a very long time.

Look at the 'Real World' and you'll see there are just enough of each to essentially LIVE to throw wrenches to 'clog the wheels' so the other can't do anything...

It happens no matter who is in; no matter what -- the same boulll shaat

The only way I could see a 'Real Change' of a lasting nature is:
If we could dip every Elephant in something like 'Black Tar' up to their waist; and the Tar was 'super magnitized' and highly radioactive. Then implant thousands of transmitters on the upper body that constantly send out strong frequency signals.

Do just the opposite with the Donkeys (dip them head first to waist).

That ALONE could potientially alter the Mars - Jupiter Connection in such a manner that a sustained BULL MARKET could continue at the highest sustained rate 'possible' for 20 or 30 consecutive years.

I'd swear from the bottom of my heart that 'my view' is way closer to 'reality'

Anyway -- goodnight all -- make sure you're home and not having to leave until the following morning before you take your next pill.
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My Dear Friends,

I would ask you to PLEASE withhold your appaluse.

PLEASE - do not let 'hysteria' creep in and overwhelm you.

THIS is STILL the FOUNDATION building and nothing more.

Kindly take your seats, relax, and expect a 'settleing' to follow.

When I tell you the BULL has arrived --- the BULL HAS ARRIVED.

But we are still in the process of forming a foundation.

Thank You and that ends this announcement.
This public service announcement was brought to you by;
Wheaties, the breakfast of champions. Also by Lehman Bros.
revitalization effort (We need your retirement money again). :nuts:
This public service announcement was brought to you by;
Wheaties, the breakfast of champions. Also by Lehman Bros.
revitalization effort (We need your retirement money again). :nuts:

Why not combine the 2...Lehman Bros. on a box of Wheaties...getting mauled (or something less clean:blink:) by a bear?
Squale, it's always a thrill to have to stop by and I hope all is well.

There may be a few on the MB wondering what the Markets are doing.

The sky is about to fall.
Beware ~ The END is near. :(

The Sky is about to FALL
Beware ~ The END is Near! :mad:

The Sky is FALLING
The END is HERE :sick:

whao -- sorry brother McQlives - we were writting at the same time. :)
Steady, the pleasure is always mine.

So you say the Sky is falling aye !

This must mean that everyone you've talked to is Bullish !
Thats always a good sign of impending doom. My money
is parked securely in the (G)arage Fund. But I'm itching
to hit 1% this month and I've missed a few opportunities.

I haven't spent anywhere near the time to understand
why the market is currently on the fence. So please let
me know whats motivating your fear.

I thought the possibility of a double dip recession, the
housing market (again) and the happy-go-lucky politicians
would certainly drive the S&P back down to the 900's. I'm
quite surprised it didn't happen during the last dipitty - do.

I'll try to come back soon to see what your response is.
I miss you and all my friends hear at TSPTalk very much.
Keep everyone on their toes and watch out for the Bear ! ;)
Steady, the pleasure is always mine.

Thank you my sweet little brother.

So you say the Sky is falling aye !

I just say that stuff ~ kind of poking fun at the timid :toung::p

This must mean that everyone you've talked to is Bullish ! Thats always a good sign of impending doom.

Nah, I don't have any idea how most are 'feeling' - but you know that most are largely 'uncertain' -- 'wondering' -- that's why I say that stuff. ;)

My money is parked securely in the (G)arage Fund. But I'm itching to hit 1% this month and I've missed a few opportunities.

I figure we'll stay pretty flat for at least another few weeks; maybe more.

I haven't spent anywhere near the time to understand why the market is currently on the fence. So please let me know whats motivating your fear.

I have absolutely NO FEAR - seriously. The Markets are on the fence simply because this 'in all sincereity' is the most important moment to Date. At least the most importand over the past few years.

In general -- people are getting a 'feel' for the long haul. Once they are convinced the Markets are 'honestly stable' they will push the Markets higher and keep them supported.

I know for a FACT that the Companies that are most 'solid' and will undoubtedly remain over the years have $2 Trillion ~~ anxiously waiting to put in the Markets - once it takes off and this is the Moment.

I thought the possibility of a double dip recession, the housing market (again) and the happy-go-lucky politicians would certainly drive the S&P back down to the 900's. I'm quite surprised it didn't happen during the last dipitty - do.

Thanks Squale ! ~ I'll use that comment the next time I feel like 'spreading some fear'.

I'll try to come back soon to see what your response is. I miss you and all my friends hear at TSPTalk very much. Keep everyone on their toes and watch out for the Bear ! ;)

My response is -- You are the very BEST of the BEST!

Please hold that precious girl (grand daughter) in your arms and maybe spin a little ... but be careful ... and let her know and feel that joy.

Well I'm off -- have a good one all
Perhaps Steady can tell us why we just experienced a 16% correction from SPX 1222 to 1010. I say it was all nonsense to drive the remaining mom and pops out of stocks into the bond arena. Now they'll sit while the train passes the station without stopping - it's simply perfect.
Perhaps Steady can tell us why we just experienced a 16% correction from SPX 1222 to 1010. I say it was all nonsense to drive the remaining mom and pops out of stocks into the bond arena. Now they'll sit while the train passes the station without stopping - it's simply perfect.

thanks mindylou, simply purrrrfect.
Perhaps Steady can tell us why we just experienced a 16% correction from SPX 1222 to 1010. I say it was all nonsense to drive the remaining mom and pops out of stocks into the bond arena. Now they'll sit while the train passes the station without stopping - it's simply perfect.

Birch, I could explain it but how would the 'unknowing' understand what I'm saying? In general they seem to think the only ones that are 'hormonal' creatures of 'intellect' are themselves. They actually believe because they live and interact the way they do - and they see LIFE only from their limited 'Grossly Distorted Subjective View' - that they understand all the other aspects of LIFE.

You, my big brother, are the one who taught me how the MARKETS have hormones and 'chemical interactions' just as we do. You showed me how their mood will change for a wide variety of reasons -- but over and over you showed me in advance when 'The Big Hormomal Change' was ongoing. And I remember how that was 'linked' to so many other aspects of our world; including: The allignment of the planets, the solar flares, the electromagnetic waves by which the Sun and Earth are controlled.

So YES - I know exactly why we just experienced the 16% correction; and some 'peroids' are harder than others. But it passes and after it does then it has ever greater strength and is ready to celebrate.

thanks mindylou, simply purrrrfect.

Very well put my friend. You truly have 'Style'.
Perhaps Steady can tell us why we just experienced a 16% correction from SPX 1222 to 1010. I say it was all nonsense to drive the remaining mom and pops out of stocks into the bond arena. Now they'll sit while the train passes the station without stopping - it's simply perfect.

BT - I think the train is about to run you and your Pied Piper followers over, but that's what makes a market. :)

By the way, since you're tracking it, I'm now ahead 45% on my BP put options just since Friday...I bought them Friday when BP was at $41.40, it's now at $38.90...the dollar has lifted off and I'm not sure the Fed or anyone else can put it back in the can again. I fund holders will be the hardest hit from here on.
Whew !!!! :cheesy: Thank goodness, I've got just as many Shares today

You know something, Life really is 'wonderful'.

Well, have a great day all. ;):):D
To the one that knows a True Indian Shaman

The Midewiwin - the principal idea of the Medewiwin is that Life is prolonged by right living, and by the use of herbs which were intended for this purpose.

They told me to barely let the smallest drop touch my tongue. :worried: But it filled my mouth and I began blacking out - went into a deep fog and this song came to life - and made me float with it.

There's an old Australian stockman lying, dying. He gets himself up onto one elbow and 'e turns to his mates, who are all gathered around and 'e says:

Watch me wallabies feed, mate
Watch me wallabies feed,
They're a dangerous breed, mate
So watch me wallabies feed
Altogether now!

Tie me kangaroo down, sport
Tie me kangaroo down
Tie me kangaroo down, sport
Tie me kangaroo down

Keep me cockatoo cool, Curl,
Keep me cockatoo cool
Ah, don't go acting the fool, Curl
Just keep me cockatoo cool
Altogether now!

Tie me kangaroo down, sport
Tie me kangaroo down
Tie me kangaroo down, sport
Tie me kangaroo down

'n' take me koala back, Jack
Take me koala back
He lives somewhere out on the track, Mac
So take me koala back
Altogether now!

Tie me kangaroo down, sport
Tie me kangaroo down
Tie me kangaroo down, sport
Tie me kangaroo down

Let me abos go loose, Lew
Let me abos go loose
They're of no further use, Lew
So let me abos go loose
Altogether now!

Tie me kangaroo down, sport
Tie me kangaroo down
Tie me kangaroo down, sport
Tie me kangaroo down

And mind me platypus duck, Bill
Mind me platypus duck
Ah, don't let 'im go running amok, Bill
Just mind me platypus duck
Altogether now!

Tie me kangaroo down, sport
Tie me kangaroo down
Tie me kangaroo down, sport
Tie me kangaroo down

Play your didgeridoo, Blue(henge)
Play your didgeridoo
Ah, like, keep playin' 'til I shoot thru, Blue(henge)
Play your didgeridoo
Altogether now!

Tie me kangaroo down, sport
Tie me kangaroo down
Tie me kangaroo down, sport
Tie me kangaroo down

Tan me hide when I'm dead, Fred
Tan me hide when I'm dead
So we tanned his hide when he died, Clyde
And that's it hangin' on the shed!!
Altogether now!

Tie me kangaroo down, sport
Tie me kangaroo down
Tie me kangaroo down, sport
Tie me kangaroo down

By Rolf Harris
tell them how much sleep you had last night, Steady, and then tell them how much coffee you've had this morning. :laugh: