Steadygain's Account Talk

Been reading on the Sestak story a few days now already. I hope they do appoint a Special Prosecutor and open the issue wide open. No pol. is above the law. It's not a party issue (or shouldn't be). Back in the Watergate days, media coverage in the DC area was 24/7. As a DC-commuting area teenager, the nonstop yammer turned me off and I tuned out, just wanted it to be over.

20 years later, I was finally recovered enough to read voluntarily-All the King's Men, and finally understood the internal WH and Oval Office corruption that led to impeachment question and resignation. I hadn't been in favor of impeachment in 1973-74 (jr. year of HS), and would have voted against it if had been of legal age and had it been a voting issue. I think differently now.
Back in the Watergate days.

Ahhh yes -- you mean back in the days when my father was working hard and was involved with big meetings here and there.

He honestly had a meeting in which he had a 'reservation' at the Watergate -- and when he arrived the room was taken and they did not have any rooms available -- not one --- ;):)

--- and this is Really - Honestly -- MY FATHER -- we're talking about.

So the people there are 'desperate' and out of the deepest emergency prayer and hope of some miracle they found ONE ROOM available.

So they they told my father that the only room available was 'The Presidential Suite' and 'would he take that at no extra cost'.

Well my father is first and foremost -- a humble and modest and reasonable man ---- before he is some 'Big hot shot' .... he graciously accepted their offer :D

On a side note Nixon clearly stated he was 'innocent' and therefore the matter should have been dropped right then and there.

How dare we challenge his 'plea of denial'

Clinton also was entirely innocent and NEVER had sex and all the more made it clear all the charges were bogus.

How dare we challenge the President when he ultimately represents the highest position of truth.

Turns out -- he did not have sex -- because in his 'Defination' there is no such thing as 'sex' unless someone is playing bongos on your buttocks with chop sticks --- and at least 3 others are blowing bubbles over you during the encounter.

So I can honestly say --- I have never had sex either.
Turns out -- he did not have sex -- because in his 'Defination' there is no such thing as 'sex' unless someone is playing bongos on your buttocks with chop sticks --- and at least 3 others are blowing bubbles over you during the encounter.

So I can honestly say --- I have never had sex either.

I'm trying that TONIGHT!!!!

Damn.... I just realized I don't know any bongo players... (weep!)
I'm trying that TONIGHT!!!!

Damn.... I just realized I don't know any bongo players... (weep!)


Yeah, it's pretty flipped out to realize you're a virgin :rolleyes:

The thing that got me off on this frenzy is hearing how the Attorney General (Obama's puppet to the max) is ready to go after BP for 'criminal charges' -- that may go against 'The Clean Water Act'.

So that just made me go kind of haywire in light of the most ultra conservative Tea Party King -- V.P. Cheny -- adding a 'Loophole' to the laws while he's in office so his company and all other oil and gas companies and not only ignore and disregard 'The Clean Water Act' but numerous other LAWS that were long established.

Anyway if Obama honestly has the slightest concern about going after the Greatest Criminal EVER when it comes to that stuff then the Holy and Honorable Tea Man will rot in prison.

BUT - of course I knew right away the only reason he's doing any of this horse rahm is because he wants to project this 'Upholding the Law Image' now that his secret crap is out in the open.

Yet -- we must not allow these vibrations of negativity to come upon us and change our enlightened state..

Ka Sera Sera --- whatever will be -- will be

As for the Markets -- either you weather the storm and handle it with ease -- or SELL NOW before you get your hopes up.
"The nature of Uranus, is to swing wildly back and forth. This is the nature of Jupiter too, to make large price movements each way. It is part of the nature of Aries too, an action sign which likes things to move fast."
"The nature of Uranus, is to swing wildly back and forth. It is part of the nature too which likes things to move fast."

Listen Birch -- you can drop the hidden code and just talk to me like normal.

I am well aware of how I am made and it's nature to swing wildly back and forth. ONLY at the very end Birch -- I like to go slow and really stretch it out.

Why are we even talking about this crap???

Man --- you are crazzzzzy
Well let's leave off with a better and more appropriate message.

OK - what we've been experiencing over the past few months is Volitility and that is NOT going to disappear anytime soon.

Sooo the lovely and amazingly stimulating and 'rather delightful' downward motion we had in May -- is simply part of the ongoing process.

I share this because EVEN if the Markets would continue to go up on a regular basis and continue going UP -- to 12,000 -- or even 13,000 and beyond.

Still it is Volitility and nothing more.

So in closing if you enjoy the Thrill of Volitility and are able to smile and laugh and enjoy the months like MAY -- then it's time to go IN and Stay IN.

If you're not quite ready to deal with the huge waves that can take you to the bottom of the sea ..... you should probably stay in G and wait until 2014.

Well have a great night all !!!

Was a wonderful day
Well good night all !!!

The UP days are okay too and I guess I just have to handle them.

As a Lightening Rod -- I feel primed and ready for something much bigger .... so I'm looking forward to a big bolt to come.

A 'Bolt of Lightening' can only be validated by a 1% or greater drop on any Market Day.

May was like the all time Best !!

So cross your fingers and we'll hope for a 4 or 5% ;):D:D

Ahhhhhh now that would feel good
Re: Worse than a Depression

Your lifestyle will depend on how prepared you are to meet this newest, biggest, and most horrific Black Swan.

That reminds me of ‘The White Hippo and the Black Swan’ (My original story referred to him as the Black Monkey)

Our story begins with the White Hippo – Mr. Head.

Lenard the muskrat wandered across the country to interview some of the most influential leaders ever known. He was so delighted when the White Hippo let him spend several days interviewing him at length. He began by asking if he had a nickname and wondered if he could use it during their visit. ‘Why I’d be delighted – call me Dick’.

Dick, are you in the Oil Business?

The White Hippo took in a breath and puffed his chest up in delight. ‘Yes I am and I even have my own company, Halliburton, which has done very well’. His eyes were gleaming and he began to salivate.

This beast will destroy economies

Dick, there are books written by people who worked in the White House that had access to extremely sensitive and very detailed information. Agents in Secret Service or the CIA have expanded at length about the manner in which you, and the president, had eagerly sought to go to war with Iraq. According to the details you had not only expressed a deep desire to launch a war with Iraq, but expressed various excuses to go to war – long before 9/11.

‘Yes, well I had my reasons’.

By their firsthand reports you seemed elated after 9/11 and going to war with Iraq appeared to be a guaranteed deal. It was noted that you, and the president, were enthusiastic regarding this war.

‘Yes, well I had my reasons’.

Were you not concerned about destroying the US Economy and spending over $7 Trillion on that war alone during your reign?

‘No, I was not concerned about that in the least’.

Did you foresee the economic advantage a war like that would create for your Company and the ease by which your Company could reap in enormous profits?

‘I saw my Company as the best prepared to help resolve the inevitable problems and the unavoidable conditions associated with a war in Iraq’. Again his eyes were gleaming and he was drooling saliva.

It appears you wanted to keep this a hidden operation.

‘Well I am a humble and modest man, and don’t want the attention’.

Dick, I like people who are humble and modest and I find that very admirable. So if you were in a huge meeting with most of the higher members of government present and say a woman asked you to address your Companies direct involvement associated with that war; how would you respond?

‘It depends on who it was. In all likelihood I’d tell her to go F herself’. At this thought a broad smile formed across his face and he puffed his chest in a proud and strong manner.

Do you not see what a devastating toll that would have on millions of people and how that would potentially destroy economies?

‘I see it as a more Profitable Adventure with the benefits outweighing the risks’.

Dick, that sounds so cold hearted and selfish. Is there nothing that could stop you from ignoring the interests of the people and doing what is right? What about the Laws established to protect citizens of your own country – and were wholly meant for the health and welfare of the people at large?

‘It would depend on how these laws interfered with businesses relating to oil or natural gas.’

How about laws essential to safety and health such as the Safe Drinking Water Act, the Clear Water Act, the Clear Air Act, the National Environmental Policy Act, the Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Act? What about all those?

‘Well if they remotely interfered with business then I'd have Congress insert a loophole that I would name after my own Company. I did that in 2005 so the Energy Companies would be totally exempt from provisions of the Safe Drinking Water Act. I’d also added an Energy Bill the same year that let the ‘drillers’ be exempt from provisions of the Clean Water Act.’

White Hippo began to laugh so hard he had to sit on the ground. In between his laughing he said, ‘I also got Congress to provide exemptions from provisions of the Clear Air Act and the National Environmental Policy Act. As a result the Energy Companies had almost unlimited freedoms.’

Dick, I’m amazed at how much influence a person can have once they’ve made it to the top. It almost sounds like you were chosen because of your expertise in dealing with Energy Companies. But how would you ever get around the LAW that requires these companies to report their toxic emissions?

‘We got Congress to provide exemptions to the Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Act. That in turn legally lets the companies avoid reporting their toxic emissions to the Environmental Protection Agency’s Toxics Release Inventory.’
Wow -- this is unbelievable !

Would have ventured to guess that by this time I would have taken a LOSS compared to the beginning balance at the start of the year.

Now please don't get upset folks --- a LOSS would only reflect a temporary decline of the present balance.

I'm still have a GAIN -- over the initial balance. Ain't that a trip.

So as the Greeks and Romans united and became a unitified society..

...the saying was 'I'm cool, you're cool, we're all cool :)
Re: Worse than a Depression

Just as White Hippo had finished his sentence, Black Monkey slinked across the lawn and walked to the top of a small hill. He then looked around and bent over putting his head between his legs and looked through them upside down. Everyone throughout the area stopped to watch him. His bottom was high in the air and he reached to hold his tail up.

One of the Hippo’s agents ran up and handed him a gas mask and the next second the White Hippo looked with panic towards the Black Monkey and shouted ‘AIR RAID’!!

The Black Monkey flexed his abdominal muscles and with that came the sound of a huge explosion. The White Hippo and many others immediately masked and simply remained calm. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff. For Lenard the muskrat and all the others who didn’t have a gas mask the stench was so strong it made them light headed and they felt like they were suffocating. Some tried to run but the odor was everywhere and running made them breathe harder and one after another fell to the ground. Those who were still got weak in the knees and many had to wait with one knee on the ground until they recovered.

Then the Guinness World Record crowd arrived along with local and National News Networks and hundreds of other Media sources. He had just broken 2 World Records – the first time anyone ever Broke 2 World Records at the same time. ‘The Loudest Fart’ and ‘the Longest Fart’ World Records were broken.

Black Monkey was thrilled and stood there with the biggest smile. ‘That should guarantee me a Nobel Peace Prize’.

Sure enough after a huge thunderous applause and numerous interviews – he went on to claim The Nobel Peace Prize a few months later.
Re: Worse than a Depression

The Nobel Peace Prize was his rise to stardom and the world was his to take. His opportunities had no limits and he went to the most powerful Nation in the world and became President. First he hired the most famous and richest interior decorator the world had ever known and told him, ‘ Do whatever you want and know there are absolutely no limits to what you can do and cost is not an issue’.

The Interior Decorator was stunned and looked at Black Monkey dazed – and Black Monkey said, ‘I repeat there are NO limits and Cost is not an issue’. Shortly thereafter everything in the White House was brought to levels never even imagined by any preceding president.

The president’s wife immediately demanded having her own staff and was confident that with enough staff assigned her every thought or desire could be met in style. So new positions were arranged and a long standing man who had worked at the White House for 22 years asked how they could afford these new positions. With that he was fired and left hearing others whisper, ‘We’ll use what we paid him to cover part of the costs’.

Everything was going well and it appeared that all were happy until one day the wife asked, ‘How much are you paying the staff assigned to me.’ Black Monkey slinked across the room with a smile that would have stretched throughout the sky. ‘Your staff is getting $820,000 dollars’.

‘What’!!! That ain’t Jack S*** you SOB. You worthless piece of rahm – so you don’t think I’m even worth a Million dollars? You better get your a$$ back out there and find some people or I will …..(Publishers and editors refuse to let us print what she would do).

New staff was added at the cost of $1,500,000 minimum and all were happy.
Re: Worse than a Depression

‘Hey Monkey Man, how the hell are you going to make the people believe in you, so I know I’m cool whatever I do and wherever I go’.

‘Honey please don’t call me Monkey Man.’ Then he walked across the room and his wife was speechless because she’d never seen anyone look and walk more like a cat. It was almost amusing but it also felt kind of sick. Just as she was about to say something; he said, ‘I told all these cats that the days of secrecy and the endless mountains of hidden garbage are a thing of the past. I’m going to be the most transparent guy they ever knew and I’ll make a point of letting every detail known to everyone’.

‘WHAT’?? And they believed that rahm’?

With a chuckle Monkey Man said, yeah but it gets a lot better. I told them this wasteful spending is a thing of the past and I’m bringing this mother f***ing WAR to an end.

‘Oooh honey child – You is the MAN’! ‘So what you going to do about that old white dude who’s done everything possible to make sure he had your support. You know the guy who switched parties and said, ‘Hey I’m a Democrat’.

‘Not to worry love, we called his opponent and told him he’d be guarranteed one of best jobs at the White House if he agreed to get out of the Race’.
Petunias and Daffodils,

Alas I will drift into the sunset and shalln't be back until the 28th -- and so tis with a heart boring of pain and confussion I leave you with a few thoughts.

Please consider these carefully and may these prompt some lengthy discussions so the wide array of thoughts can be weighed and all can draw the best conclusion.

1. All Governors and Senators should be able to send their children to any college 'totally FREE'.

2. There should be far more stress on the 'Organic Nature' of OIL -- especially that pouring out from under the Gulf and BP should be able to get back every penny they spent with Interest from the USA.

3. If 'Organic Benefits' were more stressed -- then maybe we could see this more as a thing of beauty.

4. We should FIRST get every 'illegal' in the US and send them to the GULF to clean night and day the duration of their life. If extras are needed - we should invade Mexico and make all them help the illegals until everything is perfect.

5. We should have some days set aside to drive without speedlimits and Trucks should not be allowed in the left lane on those days.

6. Every football team should have one game where the cheerleaders wear thogs (I think that's how to spell it) and go topless.

7. Women should be able to pick some sport and make guys dress with unlimited imagination for one game.

8. Occasionally someone like me should be able to randomly go to a group of stangers and tell them anything and expect them to go along with it. Like say I went to a bus stop and told everyone that we all have to point and act like we see something and rant and rave so the next person to show up keeps trying to see something that isn't even there.

Then I would pick some nice attractive sweet beauty (if it was a guy) and she would go to the stranger and say 'Wow isn't that something'. Of course he's going to say --- Ohhhh yeah -- it's really nice.

Then everyone in the crowd says -- You losing .... (whatever) ...there isn't anything there .... what the hell.

OK - well take you time on these and have fun
So it's past the 28th and we're not enjoying your unique spin on things yet. Did you get back safely? Is all well with you?
So it's past the 28th and we're not enjoying your unique spin on things yet. Did you get back safely? Is all well with you?

Dear Sweet Lady (and to all my family and friends at large),
Please forgive me ~ as I'm undergoing a transition and was uncertain of whether I would return to the open board. Please know it's not YOU or anyone else for that matter ~ it's totally the transition and what is unfolding.

As I'm getting closer to retirement I'm finding more and more that the 'uncertainties and dread' of not having enough and not being prepared have largely molded my existence over the years and it has not been until recently that I've come to see how secure I honestly am.

My last precious daughter (who ended the year maintaining her 4.0) starts to college next year. I (by the Grace of our Lord and Savior) have some how managed to fully pay for their education. All 3 of my girls (women) have so far exceeded any dream or expectation I could have ever hoped for when we decided to have children.

LADY, I tell you this as perhaps my deepest and closest friend (because you have known me for so long and in ways few could ever know). I had always felt that Social Security was something I could never count on and that it would never come close to what I need to live on ~~ have heard this over and over since at least High School and so I've saved and 'invested' and avoided Debt over the years.

Now as Retirement is approaching -- and I look at just my Social Security payments -- I realize it's more than enough. I have a hard enough time spending $20 dollars a week -- so how in the world am I going to spend $500 or more in a week?? I will continue pouring 21% of my bimonthly income into the TSP and let it grow and it will flourish over time --- if we are not entering the END days. Even if we are ~ I expect at least another burst of the BULL going WILD and the Markets to Boom their last horrah.

But overall ~~ I have found that my security (in what I can expect and with my collective assets) is far beyond the need to concern myself with the here and now (or the daily Markets).

Instead I'm more and more thinking about how to Spend the Money and do something I can enjoy. With that I've already thought about building YOU (sweet Lady) a hydrotherapy pool to have at home. Of course I would have it so that you are suspended in water -- as though laying on a cloud and having the jets and movements of the water remove all tension and bring you to a pain level of 1 that can be sustained. In my design I would include Light and Sound and have both of them in frequencies and cycles that would all the more force your mind and body to greater healing. Once I tweeked it to a design that honestly brought lasting results -- then I would build one for Alevie and tweek it as needed. So it's STRANGE Lady, in that I am way more thinking of ways to Spend my money on something worthwhile. I don't want to build a fortune for future generations and all the more I don't want to spend it needlessly on myself - so I am more and more striving to spend it on others and I believe that will be far more rewarding than gearing my energies towards a Jack Pot to pass on when Life is over.

The Vacation was very good and my health is great. I think the best part is knowing how deeply wonderful my wife blends with my parents and the extended family and me with her family. So I believe that is something that never has to end and I honestly don't believe this has to be dependent on her marriage to me. If this is true and what I believe is honestly the Truth then that is the greatest and most significant Relief and Peace I have felt in many years. She is a very wonderful woman that has little to no flaws and I have come to realize more and more that she could be just as happy (if not even more happy) without this rediculous belief that we have to try to force 'A Chemistry' that simply does not exist. So in many ways the Vacation brought me to a greater realization that providing the sustained nurishment (in all its forms) and stability and support for our children has been the most far reaching, important, and enduring aspect of our marriage - and for that I am very grateful we have endured and am all the more grateful for a deep and endless friendship that will forever maintain a love and care and concern for one another.

But I believe LIFE is meant to have an abundance and a freedom and a fulfillment that I have never really been allowed to discover and to flourish in as LIFE most certainly has the potiential of providing. This is the Transition I'm undergoing and what I'm finding is pretty much the realization of childhood dreams and wishes. So I am striving to let a greater potiential exist and with that allowing LIFE to be all it's meant to be. More and more I am seeing both the possibiliy and the realization that all is good as that possibiliy becomes fulfilled.

Well, I have been alsolutely swamped to no end for the past 2 days and when I came on I was at the brink of 'losing it altogether'. Was even shaking as I logged on and saw my Home appear. So the Transition I'm undergoing (as great as it is) is largely outweighed by the expectations and demands that are more and more filling my life here at work. I am so grateful that God has allowed me to connect with others as I do and that all the more God has blessed me with the depth and compassion and ability to hear and feel and know what others express and with that the understanding to respond as they need. With that Spirit empowered Strength - I become busy to the point of running constantly as all the rest seem to have it easier. So I need to spend more time trying to keep up.

For now I am putting the Markets more at rest Lady. The shift to 1 trade a month - and then out - is simply too taxing and impossible to guage. The 'Timing' itself mostly guarantees you will miss the biggest gains and forever be at the edge of your seat in 'fear' during the brief periods you are in. Timing is largely a game of 'chance and uncertainty' and too emotionally driven. The B&Hers proved that remaining Invested brings the best results (Last Year) and more than anything else that has convinced me to stay in for the next few years. So I will stay 70/30 -- S/C -- and keep buying in like fashion until the BULL we have all known so many times before takes over. Only after a very strong and sustained BULL is in place will I shift more to I Fund (or S) to Maximize the yearly Gains. Those will be Long Term Plays -- and not brief IFTs. At the end of the next BULL Market -- I will likely move everything to G Fund and leave it for retirement.

Well -- Thank You !!! for this most wonderfully needed break and a chance to air everything and for the opportunity to once again be in touch.

Have a great night everyone !!! and I hope all is well
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