Steadygain's Account Talk

The advance/decline line is strong again - 2614/379. Two hours left to get 20 points for a 200 point banger. It will take months to spend $12 trillion.
Holding on wearing my helmet:laugh:


The advance/decline line is strong again - 2614/379. Two hours left to get 20 points for a 200 point banger. It will take months to spend $12 trillion.

I'm glad you're back to the 'good ole Birch'

I'm now within $10K of my TSP Target for this year; so am actually hoping to tack on another $16K to make up for last years contributions as well.

July was everything I needed; as I pansy assed out of the benefits of 3,4 & 5/09
Thanks Steady, I'm doing better today. The bad news yesterday hit me like a hammer between the eyes. I did some yard work and pumped up the front tires on the Buick and went to bed early.
That's great man !

I picked up dog piles, mowed the front and back (2 acres), visited with the Nigerian couple we took in as International Students, and spent at least an hour trying to get the oil pan bolt loose but couldn't get it no matter what I used (vise grips, wrenchs, rachet, even a pipe wrench). Layed awake most of the night ...

Anyway - have a good one
Well it's time to take a short lunch break

I slept GREAT last night so today I feel wonderful !

Life is good and Sarah flys in this evening.

REGARDING THE MARKETS - I'm not surprized this WAVE has risen so high and in retrospect should have held on longer.

I forget who said it, but I think it was Gumby - anyway he said 'The ride up the roller coaster takes some time - but the huge drop down goes much faster...

That's the beauty of cashing in your gains - because you don't have to wonder (or dread) what's going to happen next.

For all who stayed IN - my sincerest congratulations.

Hope all is well with everyone - see ya later
almost lunch time , time for (STEVIE RAY VAUGHN ) look at little sister:D

Today has been very hectic - needing the police to come in my office to take someone out :confused:

Anyway I've also got a new person coming on that is shadowing me so she can learn the ropes - and all the more could not log on to come HOME.

I'm very serious about this - STEVIE RAY VAUGHN is someone I've incredibly admired over the years because he was just a 'Perfect Fit' for JIMI. Whenever his stuff was playing on the radio I would lose myself and thoroughly enjoy it but I never bought any of his stuff because I wanted to wait until the TIME WAS RIGHT.

Over the weekend I went to buy a 'Collection of Stevie Ray Vaughn CDs' but they only had individual CDs. So I held off and decided to buy them on line - but I am VERY READY to lay back and 'trip out' on his music for the next few months (if not longer)

That's so cool you mentioned him !!

Well I need to run - HOPE EVERYONE is doing Great

Later all

WOW !!! Really good news everyone

Tractor - our Number ONE - at 35% is a very cool dude. :cool:

To me that's very important because it feels a lot less intimidating when you know the guy at the TOP is super cool. So as long as he stays on, I'll feel a lot better when I get up in that range. :D

Thanks for the Link to Stevie Ray - but of course the site is blocked for me. :(

I got the old oil pan plug out when I got home and here the 'new one' I got at the auto parts store was the wrong size. I'd already taken it out of the box and when I went back to the store to get the right one they gave me one that was twice as good as a simple exchange. I needed one about twice the width as the first one because apparently I have 'double the engine' :D

Thanks for the notes man - please feel free to come here anytime and say whatever. You must have a fairly good feel for the work I do and all the more realize the immense benefits of working for the VA.

BTW - your Atiavar is 'really cool'. Whenever I see it I think of a 23rd Century - Space Hover Ride ....

like what was used in the game Decent and one of Mircosoft's older games HOVER. It looks like it's just floating over the water !!

Careful about getting above 50% - there may be some cut off where ya disappear for going too far.

Later man - and EXCELLENT JOB
Sarah told us that the Koreans don't call our country

'The United States of America'
'The United States'

or any name we would think they'd call us

I wish I could speak the name so everyone could hear it

It means 'America the Beautiful' :)

The latest Smithonian Magizine has an article from a lady who was on the helicopters as they were picking up some of the last - before leaving Vietnam. She states mothers of 'full Vietamese babies' would rush up and throw their babies to be caught and run away and keep running. Everyone of them was convinced their baby would grow up to have a better life in the U.S.

I think it's seldom we really take the time to reflect on what an incredibly wonderful country we live in and the numerous benefits we have.

Well that's my 'Thought for the Day'

THE SKY IS DARK , :D(beer bitter)
CAN YOU SEE THE TEARS RUNNING DOUN MY NOSE (beer bitter, beer beer beer bitter) this is as close to a guitar i can spell:laugh::laugh:,
Good ta see ya KC

Yesterday an older song 'Children of the Sun' came on the radio and I really enjoyed that one a lot.

It was reminisent of some earlier Beatles stuff ... like Magical Mystery Tour :cheesy:

As usual I added a bunch of guitar and kept stretching it out way beyond what was playing ... ahhhh ... nothin' like getting lost in the moment ... letting everything go ... and somehow still keep the car drivin' safely ;):nuts:
Good ta see ya KC

Yesterday an older song 'Children of the Sun' came on the radio and I really enjoyed that one a lot.

It was reminisent of some earlier Beatles stuff ... like Magical Mystery Tour :cheesy:

As usual I added a bunch of guitar and kept stretching it out way beyond what was playing ... ahhhh ... nothin' like getting lost in the moment ... letting everything go ... and somehow still keep the car drivin' safely ;):nuts:
great song , i will run this thru my head till i make it to the radio :D
Why do I have the BEST JOB in the world?

1. Because I can say "Arrgg me hardy ... it's talk like a pirate day" and have those under my care enjoy their visit :toung:

2. I can spontaneously walk around my room - playing air guitar and sing "I'm bad to the bone....

ba ba ba ba ba badddd ....badd to the bone'

and know all these things undoubtedly stay 'in my office'

3. I can once in awhile make some crazy sounds and ask, "Hey can you do that"

and they either make something similar ... or shake their heads 'no' cause they don't think they can (but always with a smile)

4. I had a guy arm wrestle me the other week - turns out he was a Marine and won the Armwrestleing Championship when he was in Iceland. So anyway we had a great encounter

The point is 'I can be as crazzzzzy as I want to be and have a wonderful tme' and Get PAID for it.

OK - I have to admit I'm feeling pretty goooood

got kissed on the cheek this morning :p:cheesy::nuts: and still reeling that in

Ohh Yeahh - I'm good

MARKETS ???? Who cares ?? I'm a Lillypadder

Later all - got a bunch of stuff to catch up on. Vacation starts tomorrow so they have really piled it on today.
I'm wondering if we can change the way we've been doing things??

The first Rally - was called 'The Obama' Rally

This Rally - 'The Sarah Palin' Rally

Instead of polluting the MB with Politicians and giving 'them' the Honors of a RALLY

How about starting at the Top of the AT and call each subsequent RALLY 'The Tractor Rally' and just move on down and not use the same person twice.

All in agreement - blink your eyes within the next 5 minutes; or if you're asleep then move your lungs within the next 3 minutes.
Tom, Moderators, (and the general MB)

As an after thought I hope I never express anything that would cause any conflicts with the powers that be in regards to the security of this site. I know my views are fairly strong on a number of issues and I have little (to no hessitation) making them known. But I don't want to overstep the bounds or be the one that brought on some kind of retaliation - so if I ever get a little carried away please don't hesitate to do whatever.

Obviously posting Squalebear's Information was a big mistake; but at the time it seemed like the right thing to do.

Well I hope everyone's doing good and I'll be back next Friday.

This last little message off the top is not to Tom and the Moderators but a general message that randomly occured.

Please don't be a Bill Clinton - if you're going to smoke (even if strictly for experimental purposes) you need to inhale. :toung::cool:
Wow !! I'm not even in the TOP 50

I actually got a good laugh :laugh: from that. Came back feeling all snug and expecting things to have settled down and still very content with where I am ... but am rapidly falling towards the bottom. :toung:

Well West Virginia has more than proved it's value in being an equal to any other place on Earth. The Mountain springs that pop up all over the place and the steams they form and all that goes with it: The rapids and sounds as it travels over the rocks - the chutes that carve out the rock - and the waterfalls; the magical and wonderful waterfalls... with their ever soothing song of tranquility..:)

The more we find these places that are not marred by mankind the more we find the greatest and most wonderful treasures imaginable. To simply sit on the rock and let the sound of water captivate you and take everything... to let the breeze of peace take all worldly cares and thoughts... that is truely HOME and there is no place like it.

The Farm is so beautiful - but that's just one little spot. It was going to the other places... the Parks and the higher mountains of Harlan, KY where you look down on the clouds in the Valley below; spending time with family and relatives; spending time with the Devine; spending time alone - finding yourself more deeply ... reflecting over and over ... ahhh it was good.

Hope everyone is dong well. ;)
I agree nature is the great equalizer. It can be the altimate stress reliever.
I remember years ago hunting in the Blue Ridge Mountains. I found a big flat rock over hanging the mountain side in full sun. I took a knap on that rock. Best sleep I've had in 25 years.
It was near Indiantown Gap, PA. 2 Hours into my sleep an A10 Thunderbolt came screaming down the Valley. That was as impressive as the mountains and completed my day out hunting.:D