Steadygain's Account Talk

hi steadygain

Hey there - WELCOME :) and it's great having you stop by.

Sounds like you're going to fit in pretty good. We're just a bunch of regular guys and gals - working hard and trying to make a decent living and be fairly decent people in general.

So as things like the National Debt - getting bigger and bigger and eventually we have the real experts being able to pin point when the pain is going to start it's a hard thing to deal with.

On the whole it has not been a problem so far - because so far it has been able to be largely passed on from one Administration to the next -- without any strain to Society at Large - and therefore the voters were happy and honestly LIFE HAS BEEN VERY WONDERFUL throughout the years.

Before we get too upset with the USA for 'letting this happen' I think it's very important to consider our standard of living compared to the rest of the world. Only when you step over the border into the areas of Mexico - next to Texas - Hatii; Latin America; South America; Dominican Republic; Cuba; China; North Korea; India and almost any other place other than the USA and Europe are you forced to deal with the Abundance we've always known compared to the bare minimum of survival.

So - although I can appreciate the disappointment and anger that this DEBT will undoubtedly force upon the overall population - we must remember that EVEN TO THIS VERY DAY it is not something that has even remotely impaired our way of life and the enjoyments throughout.

We've know all along it would eventually have to take a TOLL on EVERYONE - but so far by simply borrowing more and more things have been exceptionally good.

I was just going thru some of the threads here and saw your statement that by 2019, 55% of our money be taken away as tax.

I'll have to find the article and link it here for everyone to read. It's possible I miss read it.

The article was more geared towards the urgency of the USA taking immediate action to change the underlying structures that keep things as they are. It was way more stressing that if we continue as we have continued over the past 30 years or more - and do not make a very serious effort to PAY OFF THE DEBT - that by 2019 - 55% of our money will be needed 'as TAX to pay off the DEBT' in order for our country to continue.

We will still have TAX on everything else and if we are still dependent on OIL then gas will be easily $10 a gallon by then

What a ripoff - but just thinking for a minute or so about all the bailouts, etc makes you realize that the payment for all this will ultimately end up coming from us taxpayers.

My dear friend - and I say this not even knowing you but I'm so in tune with your heart and mind on this.

In the past I've made many 'angry comments' about these bail outs and the rest. I (and the rest of the Country) were led to believe that this entity was the ROOT of our Problems - and even though it will be costly - once we BAIL THEM OUT - everything else will fall in place. So the 'BAIL OUTS' sounded like the BEST SOLUTION. But then it was something else ... and the story repeated itself over and over. Let alone the expense of Iraq's Oil - under the pretense of our fight on Terrorism. BUT I honestly do not want to get back in to 'THE BLAME GAME' - because that's all it is - and it's too much a part of our nature to find comfort and justice in BLAMING THIS PERSON OR THAT OR THIS GROUP AND SO FORTH - when nothing can really be accurately seperated out. THE FACT IS - IT IS THE WHOLE PICTURE AND WE ARE ALL INCLUDED - THE LIFESTYLES WE HAVE AND THE STANDARDS WE HAVE ALWAYS KNOWN ARE PART OF THE REASON. It is human nature at large - and I realize 'we are all good people' - but we do not have the ability to live and work together as we should and in the MODEL all of us are born into and forced to live in that MODEL and be an active part of it - WHAT CAN WE DO??

Because of this I am thinking that it would be good to have a Roth type IRA or TSP where the $$ you put in is tax free when you take it out. I cannot remember where I heard or read it but I am under the impression that within a couple years the TSP may introduce a Roth type option. That would be great. Of course, in the ongoing chess match between the taxpayers vs the banksters/crooks/Fed, I would not be surprised if this never takes place. That way they can make sure we pay taxes on a greater amt of $$, after it has had a chance to grow.

My friend - I feel for you. The overwhelming odds are you will not be able to hide your money in the future or more especially be able to keep 'them from taking how ever much they need'.

Again - as hard as this pill is to shallow - the TAXPAYERS are the ones who have known and enjoyed the highest and most abundant standards throughout the world. It is largely 'OUR EXCESS' that has fueled the general structures to continue as they have.

"I'm now convinced that it's part of the human condition and that in and of itself is the underlying problem. It appears impossible that we could live and work together without someone in charge. Once a hierarchy is in place we need endless rules to protect and administer it, the law and its enforcement, and we largely wind up with some 'chain of command' - or a system of order that destroys relationship rather than promoting it. Rarely do we experience relationship apart from power.

In our world the value of the individual is constantly weighed against the survival of the system - whether political, economic, social or any other system. First one person, then a few, and finally many are sacrificed for the 'good' and ongoing existence of the system.

This is what lies behind every struggle for power, every prejudice, every war, and every abuse of relationship. The will to power and independence is perhaps the greatest driving force we know.

The deeper I think about everything the more I realize it is not Bush or Obama; it is not the Bank Execs; the auditors... and everyone else we would love to lump in a group and 'Blame for everything'.

The TRUTH is - they along you and me and everyone else has no other choice but to live in the Human Condition that has dominated our existence from the very beginning and throughout the years. "
It's important for me to note:

I do believe the entire world could live in a Spirit of Love and that true RELATIONSHIPS could supercede and overcome the systems that have been in place throughout the years.


This is the Article - sorry it took so long to post it.

Paul Krugman - the winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics last year with his book 'The return of Depression Economics and the crisis of 2008' is someone who solidly proved himself to me.

I know of no other person that has a more comprehensive understanding of 'not only our economy' but the economy at large.

To keep the debt from wrecking the economy, the U.S. would need to raise annual federal income taxes an average of $11,000 in 2019 for all families that pay them, an increase of about 55%.

It can't go on forever, and it won't. What will shock America into action is the prospect of fiscal collapse, which will grow more vivid each year. In 2008 federal borrowing accounted for 41% of GDP, about the postwar average. By 2019 the burden will double to 82% by the CBO's reckoning. By that point $1 of every six the U.S. spends will go to interest, compared with one in 12 last year.
You all probably know that the largest chunk of the Federal Budget is for Department of Defense. I personally won't be voting to reduce the strength of our military but I think some parts of it are going to have to be cut to help pay down that debt. I saw an article earlier this week quoting HASC Chairman Rep Murtha that cuts could be coming starting in 2013.
Well over the weekend the news from PBS regarding the Economy was not good.

The days of 'double digit gains' are over.

To double your money in 'standard saving's will take over 300 years.

The value of the Dollar will slowly be chipped down to nothing and as that happens our Economy will suffer even more.

Investments for over the next 10 years should be in Closed End Bonds - getting 10%; Emerging Economies like Brazil and others that are not part of the TSP choices; and Selective Stocks with Dividends of 10%. This sounds like the most solid way to more forward with guaranteed certainity.

THE BOTTOM LINE - We are in a totally different ball park and can not afford to invest with the 'mindset' of the past - he stressed we need to plan in a totally different way if we are to do well.

All this reflects one man's view - PIMCO head guy - will see if I can find a link; but he sounds very convincing.

I'll have to weigh things out before I make a total change. 5% Matching and the $16K + pretax dollars is still a great Savings over time.
With 2 IFTs you're screwed by jumping in too early

Days like today force you to hold - wait for a bounce

I'm waiting for some 'Big News' to send everything way down and try for a 2 or 3 day bounce.

So if we'd get say 1 1/2 weeks of 'Today' - I'll go in
For someone on the Diving Board - today was good

If weakness continued and ended with a drop ... saw that as a good sign.

So tomorrow's the big day :confused:

If something happens to spook the Markets and we start off substantially lower - I'll dive in

If they are up - or flat - will probably wait

GL to all

What is going to happen tomorrow?

I'm honored you're asking :cheesy:

The Mystic Chart Followers say tomorrow will apparently fall into the Head & Shoulders upward sail towards the sky.

'They' sound a lot smarter than me - and follow a bunch of things that give their advice substantial weight. So I guess the odds are the MARKETS will have to go with them ;) and shoot way up :nuts::D

But strickly going with my Gut - unless I just get bored to death of being in G Fund ...

I'd say some BS is going to happen that hopefully pushes things way down and we start the day at -3% or somewhere near there and it looks like a drop will continue throughout the day. Now I realize that doesn't sound GREAT for someone already in - but for someone on the diving board - that's the best news possible.

When I say some BS - I mean just that - California's 20+ Billion Debt and giving IOUs - yet nothing seems even remotely phased. We should be hearing Horror Stories of everything closing down and all kinds of stuff. If you or I owed even 10K - man they would take everything. So we'll hope tomorrow finally brings REALITY to the surface on various fronts and things fall in place.

But if you're in My Friend - if you are in - be cool and sleep well because everything goes on as if 'nothing has happened' and somehow all States and Major Institutions are immune to debt and sail on as if everything's great.

So the BOTTOM LINE - Tomorrow is going to be a super GAINER even in the mist of terrible news - cause that's just the way it works.

Well that's enough for a 'good night story'

Good night everyone - sleep tight and don't look to see what that noise was ..... just pretend you didn't hear it.
You could very well be correct regarding the upward direction tomorrow. I know coolhand is expecting some upward movement, and if you look at the 60 minute charts they look like they are at a point where they could go up as well.

We will find out tomorrow!!:D
But strickly going with my Gut - I'd say some BS is going to happen that pushes things way down.

When I say some BS - I mean just that - California's 20+ Billion Debt and giving IOUs - yet nothing seems even remotely phased. We should be hearing Horror Stories of everything closing down and all kinds of stuff. If you or I owed even 10K - man they would take everything. So we'll hope tomorrow finally brings REALITY to the surface on various fronts and things fall in place

Ahhh .... That's the Way

uh huh .... uh huh .. I LIKE IT

un huh.... un huh

OK - now picture Lady and Alevie moon dancing to this tune ...

then the ballons start flying up in the air and all of us are dancing.;):D

The 'real excitement' is not so much winning - but having the Markets coincide with 'your gut'

My gut now feels we've been going low enough and despite all the garbage we're due for an 'upturn' however how brief that may be.

I may jump off the board fairly soon :laugh::nuts:
30% C/40%S/30%I - COB Today

When entering my IFT... this is the song that filled me

Moon Rivvvvver

wider than the Nile

I'm folllllowing you in style ;):p:laugh:

I take that as a 'very good sign' - so we'll see

Daily Reminders:
You have to be in - TO WIN
Buy on Weakness and Sell on Strength

and hope someday you simply luck out
I believe in Miricles Miricles Miricles

Where ya from ?? You sexy thing SEXY THING




This is where I kick in with Jimi Hendrix guitar and we all get lost for a few minutes :cheesy:

And that's how to play the BS Markets my friends

Forget the charts and the moving averages and all 'logical things'
and 'Flow with the BS' :D
Remember, do not start a victory dance on the 5 yard line.........:suspicious:

You misunderstand what I'm saying... :embarrest: and that's easy to do.

Allow me to elaborate my friend.

My Post simply reflects that I began the day is a super good mood ;)

Now when you consider the way I started off - and hopefully everyone is familar with that song. Man - I'm like screaming I believe in Miricles -- where ya from ya sexy thing - then I repeat sexy thing like in this super sexy voice

Then after I kick in the beginning BOM BOM BOM BOM BOM BOM


And when we get to the Miricles - it just echos over and over

That's when the feedback starts and I start ripping off a lot of rifts

So man all I'm doing is celebrating LIFE and the Markets will do their thing and whatever happens - happens and I'm cool.

That is the bottom line of what I meant to express. We can't make rhyme or reason with all this crap - so take a RISK and let it fly.

I'm cool either way - but a bizarre pop would not surprize me and I'll get out soon.

Peace - Love - Rock n Roll


I knew what you were saying, but you mentioned the markets which will go sideways a while. Hence my celebration remark.

Believe me.....I was singing "I BELIEVE IN MIRACLES" when I wrote my response....

DANCE and SING my Friend.......DANCE AND SING!!!!:cool:
You misunderstand what I'm saying... :embarrest: and that's easy to do.

Allow me to elaborate my friend.

My Post simply reflects that I began the day is a super good mood ;)

Now when you consider the way I started off - and hopefully everyone is familar with that song. Man - I'm like screaming I believe in Miricles -- where ya from ya sexy thing - then I repeat sexy thing like in this super sexy voice

Then after I kick in the beginning BOM BOM BOM BOM BOM BOM


And when we get to the Miricles - it just echos over and over

That's when the feedback starts and I start ripping off a lot of rifts

So man all I'm doing is celebrating LIFE and the Markets will do their thing and whatever happens - happens and I'm cool.

That is the bottom line of what I meant to express. We can't make rhyme or reason with all this crap - so take a RISK and let it fly.

I'm cool either way - but a bizarre pop would not surprize me and I'll get out soon.

Peace - Love - Rock n Roll

Right on Man!! We won't let all the what if's to get us down.:)