Steadygain's Account Talk

alt med has saved me big time on a few things "trad" med couldn't help with after tried and tried and tried to go every trad route.

As long as you find the solution then I won't have to intervene and do a lot of damage to the parties involved with your care.

Nutrition, herbs, chiropractic, massage, a few surgical alternatives. It' not an either/or, it's keep trying til you find something that works, not settle for masking symptoms but take care of the base condition if at all possible.

That's exactly right - and anyone with even the slightest degree of intelligence should be taking notes :D because she puts it so well.

I believe the Pharmaceutical Industry is to the HEALTH CARE SYSTEM Exactly like the Investment BANKS are to the General Economy. The Investment BANKS control essentially everything that's what has been going on and they largely control the politicians. So to a large degree 'WE ARE STUCK WITH WHAT THEY PUSH OUT THE PIPES' But better days are comming.

Alt. has been largely overlooked and finally the world is starting to wake up.

I keep reading and learning and it it makes physiological sense, I'm willing to give it a whirl-no New Ager here, just a well-trained practicing biologist/ecologist.

Like hell :embarrest: ... I mean Shucks and Gee Willy Cers --- you're a whole lot more than just a well trained practicing biologist/ecologist

You're a Spiritual Giant
..........a Psychologist/Psychiatrist
..........a Financial Genius - Wall Street Wiz and all that stuff
..........a Jack of all Trades - and the Grand Master of them ALL

Well I'd better end on this note: For those who don't know it - after so many posts without reference to the Markets.... the THREAD just disappears....

So I'd say the Bollinger Bands are being stretched - that's right they are being stretched and eventually they are going to snap.....

Once they snap the Markets will dive so fast and go so far down you will lose both bowel and bladder control if you are fully invested unless you are Birchtree or have taken his courses and have drank at least 1 or 2 gallons of Birchtree Juice daily for the past 18 days.

Decided to give my own 'unique message'

For all you Zebras and Kangaroos that joined the Service in any manner whatsoever --- or are still actively doing your part.

Happy Memorial Day

For all you Racoons and Badgers that were actively involved with the Theater of WAR; were POWs; or that lost your life in Service...


Happy Memorial Day
Ya ever get 'that feeling' that ya Jinxed the place :worried:

Have ya ever wondered .... humm did I say something wrong ?

It's probably my brain is numb and I just got the last patient out and I'm simply 'letting down' ...

Well have a great weekend everyone !!

Sleep in tomorrow - I mean really sleep in !! and if anyone says something just tell them 'Steady told me to'.

Here's another real good Adam Hamilton article just for your pleasure, Steady.

Thanks Birch - I need to run but was hoping to leave 'here' on a better note - so I'll read it next week when I get back.


I need to run - in laws are coming for supper (in less than an hour to spend some time with 'my angel' and the rest of us). My in laws are great Birch - really wonderful - and that's what brought us out here.

Anyway - also need to stop by Walmart and get an Oil Filter to change Emily's oil and look for some gaskets to fix a leaky foset.

My home is an hour from here - speed limit

So am pressed for time. But it's cool as I have the State Trooper DeCAL 'Gold STAR' on my rear passenger - which shows Maximum Contribution - so they just give me the 'Thumb's Up'. :p

Well - Adam Hamilton is one of the rarest and smartest. He lives and breathes this stuff Birch -and obviously is very reputable - I mean his background is amazing

so I'm looking forward to it.
I am very new to this site, but always go straight to you and Birch.

I really enjoy the words of endearing wisdom found here...from MEN. Do I sound a bit jaded? I have yet to meet men with similar beliefs and values. Having served in federal law enforcement for close to 30 years, retiring in January, reading your conversations is a nice diversion.

Your message above keeps recurring in my thoughts and there is something I need to get out in the open. Please know I am not trying to challenge you - and you're entitled to believe whatever you want - but where our 'beliefs and values' are obviously conflicting then I'll do my best to bridge some understanding.

I know how Birch feels - and I wouldn't even try to persuade him to think differently. But your message here really stuck out:

Birchtree, I'm with you! I can't believe there is a place where I can talk to intelligent people who educate themselves as to the facts and what is REALLY going on! WAKE UP people! In 100 days BHO has crippled this country economiclly, jeapordized the future for our children and sold us out to terrorists...just to mention a few of his credits thus far. I can't stand to see him swagger onto a stage and speak. I live in Chicago and I know what he is about and has been about, as well as the people he took with him to the capitol. It is a sad state of affairs.

So let me tell you how I see things and hopefully we can still be cool with each other. First and foremost I see Obama as a human being, a man, that is virtually no different than any other man.

I believe that 'we are largely conditioned to believe the President is more than a man' and so it seems 'we are hugely inclined' to blame him for anything and everything that even 'appears out of place'.

Number ONE - he is a man with male wiring. He is geared towards taking on challenges in a hugely 'short sighted manner' ready to FIX things here and now - with little capacity to appreciate the long range effects.

I believe he is trying to consider the long range effects as best as he can - but simply by being a man - he is largely confined to his specific wiring and NO ONE can fault him for that - for he is what he is and everyone else is largely defined by their wiring.

Number TWO - he has been 'politically groomed and conditioned' over the years and nothing more represents his 'Core Being'. So everything he thinks and does stems from that Core - and it has little to no flexability.

You and I are no different - we have a Core to our being that has little to no flexability - and this Core largely defines how we think and the way we believe and will hugely determine our actions and the way we live our life.

Perhaps I'm totally blind to all the bad he may be doing and maybe things are even a thousand times worse than you describe. But when I consider everything he has had to deal with and the magnitude of problems he has faced - and I limit most of my understanding to PBS Shows, Major News Stations, and Major Newspapers and I hear about everything he has done and is trying to do then I have to believe he is doing everything possible to make things right and has most certainly made huge strides in attempting to make the USA a better place and one that is more respected around the world.

BHO has crippled this country economiclly, jeapordized the future for our children and sold us out to terrorists... I think the best way to approach this is by dealing with specifics and that way we can limit our deeply blinding 'inner feelings'. If we look specifically at what Obama has done in every messure by which he has sought to bring about change - by what PBS, Major Networks, and Major Newspapers have revealed - then there are many things he has done to make this country economically stronger, has made and is making the future of our children more secure and is strongly and soundly directing his efforts at overcoming terrorists.

Of course it would be better to carry on this conversation in the Lounge - but I do hope this 'one difference' in our outlooks doesn't wreak everything else.

I'd bet if we really focused on specifics - and came to an agreement of who and what he is - we'd find we really do share a lot in common.
Now try not to walk on my chute as you gently float on by heading for the next support zone in the lower quartile. We will eventually share air currents as our paths cross. Probably around the 50 mark.
slip away....reach up high on the front set of risers, pull them deep into your chest and hold them till you land........Airborne!
Now try not to walk on my chute as you gently float on by heading for the next support zone in the lower quartile. We will eventually share air currents as our paths cross. Probably around the 50 mark.

I would say this Market is a whole lot like Politics:
We have those that believe the current rally is the true beginning of a long and sustained bull market. Those who have consistently held that view and have remained fully invested are undoubtedly the winners.
If these same individuals hold to the belief that OBAMA is the one mostly responsible for the change of events then he is a HERO.

We have those that believe this recent rally is nothing more than a fake head. By remaining in safety they have missed out on one of the greatest gains in history. Their stuborn refusal to buy into the Bull will either eventually get them at the bottom - or if they are right will keep them is safety when the SPX hits 550.
If these same individuals hold to the belief that OBAMA can only do so much and that no one person has the capacity to right the wrongs that have transpired over many years in just a few short months - then OBAMA is at best a man making the best effort he can.

Perhaps the TRUTH lies somewhere in between. Maybe the Markets are not reflecting a 'True Recovery' but have mainly been reflecting the hopes of investors that we have hit a bottom - or that things have turned around - when in reality they have not. Maybe some honestly believe OBAMA has the capacity to turn everything around in a few short months.

OR maybe - just maybe - the Markets are going to do what they do without any explanation whatsoever. My guess is NO ONE KNOWS THE TRUTH - and the Markets will have to fall (and fall very hard and go very deep) if the BEAR still dominates - and the BULL will continue to gain strength and the Markets will rise to ever increasing heights if the BULL Dominates.

TO ME - The best thing to do is wait it out and see what happens.

In the same light - TO ME - The best thing to do is wait it out and see where the USA winds up in the next few years. If OBAMA is striving to make the 'right decisions' - EVEN IF NONE OF US HAS THE CAPACITY TO RECOGNIZE HIS ACTIONS - then the USA will wind up stronger and better. If OBAMA is striving to make the 'wrong decisions' - EVEN IF NONE OF US HAS THE CAPACITY TO RECOGNIZE HIS ACTIONS - then the USA will wind up weaker and worse.

Our constant endeavors to persuade everyone that OBAMA is evil or ill willed only serves to work against the good he may be striving to do - and our constant endeavors to persuade everyone that OBAMA is more pure and good willed only makes the 'suspecious' more suspecious.

So maybe - just maybe - the best thing to do is strive to be as NEUTRAL AS POSSIBLE - and time will prove wheather OBAMA is out to destroy the country or make it better.


In the same manner - maybe our best course is not taking a BULL or BEAR stand - but striving to be NEUTRAL and allowing time to prove itself. If we are in a BEAR PHASE then this will not last and if we are in a BULL PHASE then this is just the beginning.

I will not fight it either way - it's beyond my control and I am content to let time reveal itself.

slip away....reach up high on the front set of risers, pull them deep into your chest and hold them till you land........Airborne!

Very few experiences could ever compare to being Airborne.
To be or not to be..... that is the question

Whether it is nobler to STAY IN G FUND :D

or to bear arms with C,S,I Funds and by opposing end them

Alas - dis days like these that bring hope and joy for those like me ... who have burried their heads in the sand and refused to give into the ever expanding riches that others have abandoned themselves to :nuts:

And so for this moment - as it appears 'The End' has finally arrived I can hold my head proudly in the Sand - as all around me proudly hold theirs high in the air.
I am very new to this site, but always go straight to you and Birch. I have to say, and I know I will hear about this...but having divorced 12 years ago, I really enjoy the words of endearing wisdom found here...from MEN. Do I sound a bit jaded? I have yet to meet men with similar beliefs and values. Having served in federal law enforcement for close to 30 years, retiring in January, reading your conversations is a nice diversion.

I hope your friend who had the stroke is doing well.

I am holding fast...70% into C 15% S 15% I with 20% going in. When I actually see that in writing it scares me senseless! Praying for the best. Always looking for advice from the experts here.

AND...thanks so much for the lovely Mother's Day're a gem!

Listen Sweetheart,
This will hopefully be my last message and it is nothing against you and it was not you who drove me off. You’re a very sweet lady with an incredible depth and you see something in me wonderful – in fact what you see is beyond description and it does way more than you could dream or imagine.

The best way to describe me is a wounded animal and the wounds are incredibly deep and have been ongoing since childhood. That's what makes me a Gem – more than anything else it is that longing for healing and to be whole and complete. My Spirit is beautiful and my soul is an endless spring of pure love that is forever striving to find and heal the wounds in others. Once I commit to a relationship there is no limit to what I will do and no boundary could ever box me in. The more I give from the very depths of my core – the more I am healed and the more I become complete.

I have only experienced the Ultra Completeness – ONCE in my entire life and that was with Cornelia. We did not have 'sex' – but what we did have went a billion times beyond it; so far beyond it that there is nothing to possibly compare anything to it. It was a complete chemical and spiritual blending – a total giving and receiving - a healing that went beyond anything I ever thought possible – it was everything pure and perfect – everything you could ever hope to find or experience – and I would never even remotely think of striving for anything less.

So I'm a dangerous person to get involved with. You have no idea how deeply I can filter throughout your life and the magnitude by which I can compliment everything you are and all you represent. But I'm on hold for at least the next 6 years because I would never let anything even remotely take from the security I provide for my youngest daughter – at least until she finishes school and is on her own. Would I then have the nerve to find the Ultra Completeness on a long term basis for the duration of my time here on Earth? I don't know – I have no idea.

But if I got involved with you – it would only be with one underlying goal and that is to bring out your love so all the wounds could heal and disappear. That's the only reason why I said anything about Obama and its ridiculous – because losing yourself to me will undoubtedly be one of the most beautiful journeys you could find – but it ends in heartache and disappointment. I'm not willing to go through it again and all the more I'm not willing to put anyone else through it.

So thank you for seeing the good in me.

Take care,
Consciousness versus Unconsciousness ( Decisions )

That's the only way I have to explain my current investment plan.

With Consciousness leading the way - I remain in G Fund as the Markets continue their endless journey to increasing gains. Here I see everything falling apart and the blade ready to drop.

With Unconsciousness - you ignore everything and simply hope for the best. Don't read a thing or do anything and simply be grateful that for some strange reason things are either holding steady or amazingly enough going up slowly but surely.

I'm eventually convinced if one strategy is not working - it's best to change your strategy and go with the flow.

Crazy ...... over the rainbow I am crazy
bars in the window

Pink Floyd
My playmates - S and I - are having fun and continue their status of being ahead of me on the AT.

Last week I went in when things looked like they were going to majorly crash - in hopes of catching up with 350z. Here I am not breaking the cardinal rule of 'pitting one against another' but was simply hoping that I could pass somone in G - who was quite a bit above me. When you win at this game you are defying all the odds and it makes the thrill of being IN even better. I did GAIN last week

As crazy as it sounds it's still more fun for me to be losing 'a little' and temporarily - than to be stuck on the sidelines.

Well have a great day everyone and don't let the day to day stuff affect you too much. For now will stay in S/I simply because they are the top winning Funds.
Last week I went in when things looked like they were going to majorly crash - in hopes of catching up with 350z. Here I am not breaking the cardinal rule of 'pitting one against another' but was simply hoping that I could pass somone in G - who was quite a bit above me. When you win at this game you are defying all the odds and it makes the thrill of being IN even better. I did GAIN last week

You're aiming too low. You should be gunning for the top guys like Clester or Scribbler.:D
You're aiming too low. You should be gunning for the top guys like Clester or Scribbler.:D

Yeal it's kind of weird - but I really don't know them - whereas you, WINDHUNTER, Corepuncher and many more have been like family for ages.

I think I mainly was shooting to get up with you because I'm tired of the SINGLE Digit Gain and I consider you a DOUBLE Digit.

Plus since most of us have essentially stayed in G for what seems like forever I all the more thought it be great to Abandon Ship with everyone fully convinced I'm going to the bottom - only to wind up passing you guys.

These Markets have been 'ridiculous' but at some point you either take advantage of their BS and ride it out - or you get in and force the bastards to crash and burn. So I'm just doing my little part.
Yeal it's kind of weird - but I really don't know them - whereas you, WINDHUNTER, Corepuncher and many more have been like family for ages.

I think I mainly was shooting to get up with you because I'm tired of the SINGLE Digit Gain and I consider you a DOUBLE Digit.

Plus since most of us have essentially stayed in G for what seems like forever I all the more thought it be great to Abandon Ship with everyone fully convinced I'm going to the bottom - only to wind up passing you guys.

These Markets have been 'ridiculous' but at some point you either take advantage of their BS and ride it out - or you get in and force the bastards to crash and burn. So I'm just doing my little part.

I know what you mean. I sat in the F fund for a month and allowed a move to go unused. But, in this crazy market, one wrong move could put me back to zero. Not to mention losing a lot of money.