TSP Elite
alt med has saved me big time on a few things "trad" med couldn't help with after tried and tried and tried to go every trad route.
As long as you find the solution then I won't have to intervene and do a lot of damage to the parties involved with your care.
Nutrition, herbs, chiropractic, massage, a few surgical alternatives. It' not an either/or, it's keep trying til you find something that works, not settle for masking symptoms but take care of the base condition if at all possible.
That's exactly right - and anyone with even the slightest degree of intelligence should be taking notesbecause she puts it so well.
I believe the Pharmaceutical Industry is to the HEALTH CARE SYSTEM Exactly like the Investment BANKS are to the General Economy. The Investment BANKS control essentially everything that's what has been going on and they largely control the politicians. So to a large degree 'WE ARE STUCK WITH WHAT THEY PUSH OUT THE PIPES' But better days are comming.
Alt. has been largely overlooked and finally the world is starting to wake up.
I keep reading and learning and it it makes physiological sense, I'm willing to give it a whirl-no New Ager here, just a well-trained practicing biologist/ecologist.
Like hell :embarrest: ... I mean Shucks and Gee Willy Cers --- you're a whole lot more than just a well trained practicing biologist/ecologist
You're a Spiritual Giant
..........a Psychologist/Psychiatrist
..........a Financial Genius - Wall Street Wiz and all that stuff
..........a Jack of all Trades - and the Grand Master of them ALL
Well I'd better end on this note: For those who don't know it - after so many posts without reference to the Markets.... the THREAD just disappears....
So I'd say the Bollinger Bands are being stretched - that's right they are being stretched and eventually they are going to snap.....
Once they snap the Markets will dive so fast and go so far down you will lose both bowel and bladder control if you are fully invested unless you are Birchtree or have taken his courses and have drank at least 1 or 2 gallons of Birchtree Juice daily for the past 18 days.