I am very new to this site, but always go straight to you and Birch. I have to say, and I know I will hear about this...but having divorced 12 years ago, I really enjoy the words of endearing wisdom found here...from MEN.
You take a chance whenever you reveal anything about yourself. Birch and I have a lot in common and he is so 'solid' in ways that I'm not - where I am in ways he's refused to deal with. But he is a rock with incredible wisdom, integrity, and insights. I'm often blown away by his immediate advice when someone has a herniated disc or had a heart attack .... things that are way outside of financial things. I love to hear him talk about his gardening and lawn, his wonderful daughter who has come so far, his 'cat' and the plans with Western NC and all the other things.
Anyway - THANK YOU SO MUCH - This has been a very trying day and it's so nice having some encouragement - especially of this magnitude and linking me with someone I respect so dearly.
I don't know what to tell you regarding divorce. I guess in a big way I wish I had the freedom to do it all over - but I have 3 wonderful daughters and my wife is a good person with many admirable characteristics. I think we somehow need to rediscover ourselves but it's too much to go into - sorry nevermind.
As MEN would go - I can honestly say it'd be rare to find someone like me. But please know I am flawed through and through with 'male wiring' - but few know women better than me and all the more it's rare to find anyone that deeply admires and appreciates what makes them so special.
SO IF YOU HEAR ANYTHING - SIMPLY HEAR THIS - You're a woman and that makes you deeply sacred; Men in general have a lot of difficulty understanding woman and showing them the love and respect they are due. Often taken for granted and largely over looked and frequently reduced to sexual objects - it's bound to be hard. But you are 'Human' and there is not a person on this MB or outside of it - that would have any right to throw some crap in your face. So don't be afraid - or concerned what you say to me - because my home 'IS SAFE'.
Do I sound a bit jaded?
You sound amazing 'REAL' and I'm shocked by your honesty. Please don't stop - I think it's great.
I have yet to meet men with similar beliefs and values.
Well I think that's a little unfair - at least towards me because you have no idea how well my beliefs and values match up with yours. See it's difficult because NOTHING is more sacred to me than meaningful relationships and each and every one has a huge degree of 'intimacy' that has to remain 'intimate - private - secret'
I can tell you this - the more deeply I have really gotten to know any woman on this entire MB the more we have immensely found in common. The more 'we made a point of being open and honest' the more we found in common.
I'm way WAY TOO DEEP - HOWEVER - and so it can become a huge world within itself that grows and grows and it's easy to get lost and swept away - and then it's really hard to shut it down and keep everything at bay; but for me that seems to be the only choice. I do think you'd find we probably have way more in common than you even remotely realize.
Having served in federal law enforcement for close to 30 years, retiring in January, reading your conversations is a nice diversion.
AND that's how it should be - and that's exactly what it's meant to be. If I give you (or anyone else) a 'nice diversion' then I've accomplished everything I could hope for. THANK YOU !!
Wow January is just around the corner. I hope you have some good plans my friend and that the retirement years will give you the opportunity to fill your life with amazingly wonderful things and that life is full and happy.
I hope your friend who had the stroke is doing well.
You're sweet and I really appreciate your thoughtfulness. My friend had 'a massive heart attack' - that's how his wife described it. So it sounded really scarey at first - and it is (and was) a serious thing. But he has made 'remarkable recovery' and his wife is just unbelievable in the way she loves and supports him. So it's good.
I am holding fast...70% into C 15% S 15% I with 20% going in.
You're amazing - absolutely amazing !!
I'm totally in G Fund with 21% going in and I don't retire for another 10 years.
If you've been in since March 6th (or 9th) then you have REALLY DONE WELL. I certainly hope you the best.
When I actually see that in writing it scares me senseless!
None of us 'knows' what's going to happen. I think the bulk of people here believe we are going to 'crash BIG TIME' - and it would appear that the FED and others share this view.
Personally I'm in G Fund because I believe what has happened since early March is largely a fluke and the BEAR is just waiting to hear that colective sign of relief - wanting to make sure that the tension and suspense has finally disappeared and then WOOOSH. :worried:
Praying for the best.
You sound like you're doing well - in various ways - so I'm happy for you and THANKS SO MUCH for being my friend as well. Very cool.
Always looking for advice from the experts here.
I think that some get 'lucky' and some miss out. On the whole it's virtually impossible to do the day to day stuff with only 2 IFTs a month - so to me the very best you can do is find the cycles that have the most grounding and if they match with 'Reality' then let that be your guide and pretty much ignore the rest.
But I'm just learning
so what do I know??
AND...thanks so much for the lovely Mother's Day message...you're a gem!