TSP Elite
You know I appreciate your views and respect your sentiments and your heart that springs eternal. I haven't been near a church since 1969 and never intended to go near one ever again. However, Captain Buzz is getting married in a church in January so I have to do my part - if she only knew the sacrifice I was making. But love will prevail over my obstinance.
Thank you my dear brother - I was so afraid I'd offend you.
I stopped going to church for 4 Sundays in a row; which stood out to my Sunday School Class and the church as like a year's absence. I have a 'hard time' with the Christian Religion both in the way it is structured and the grossly distorted mindset that dominates most of the various churches - and I've been through many over the years. But after an extended absense and deep reflections I realize how the general Country Club Atmosphere and brief connected 'feel good' boost have almost wholly done away with the much simplier Religion that God would have intended without all the garbage.
Sorry Birch but this is a touchy subject and I'm very disturbed over what the priorities seem to be - and how the numbers and social organization are grounded in trivial matters that give each dominination it's distinction from one another.
This would be the very last thing God would have intended. God would never want a real relationship grounded in simple sacred faith and trust and a genuine Life springing from the source of all Peace and Hope replaced with trival doctrines that give this or that church their name. Nor would God ever want a life grounded in sincere commitment replaced with something insignificant in comparison.
So think of the chuch as just a building Birch - because that's all it really is. Number ONE - if God exists - then everything in the entire Universe was brought into being and there is no way any 'building' could confine the Presense. So relax my friend - I can pretty well guarantee you that you will not be accosted (or confronted) by the Presense.
The TRUTH is the 'Church' is your heart and going to any building in no way makes that heart change or open. It's a personal decision and one that you alone can make; I would say it would be comparable to committing your life to the Service but not in a wishy washy way but something much stronger like being a part of the USMC. A committment on that level would undoubtedly bring you into a relationship you'd never regret.
So relax Birch - seriously it's more than a buliding only because it's the place where Capt. Buzz is getting married. The last thing God would do is give you some kind of 'evil look' and fill you with a sense of doom or some kind of crap like that - it's totally the opposite. But the main thing is watching your daughter and being a part of one of the Greatest Moments of her life.
Well I'll end by saying it's only a sacrifice when distorted views are part of the mindset. If I would weigh any action with my own distorted view of reality I could say everything I do is a sacrifice. It is not a sacrifice to walk your daughter down the isle; to participate in the biggest event of her life; to feel and share in her love and happiness; and to let her cherish these memories forever. Forget the dang building and your ridiculous phobia - by looking at things from this perspective.