Steadygain's Account Talk

One currency : who controls the supply? Who decides the value? What does it relate to? And please don't tell me gold, under that standard countries cheated too, and it encourages theft and melting of "cheap" gold used in manufactured goods (sort of like theft of copper pipe except worse because an ounce is worth so much), and illeagal conflict mining of gold. A basket of currencies? How is it decided upon? Who decides the percentages? Who prints money? What about the shadow system, where money sort of creates itself, what do you do about that (only worse with electronic transactions)?

Nationalization of Banks: Hedge funds are outside of the banking system, that was one of the problems. Regulation of hedge funds is what's needed.

Stabilization and security, yes. :worried:

A Senator met with me on various occasions at his place or mine and went over all the Details of 'The New World Order'.

That was years back - when I lived in WV.

I have always believed a small elite group essentially controls everything.

But all that is small stuff to me - because I know who is really in charge of not only our planet - but everything else - and in the end I'm simply passing through and all this is temporary.

This I do know with tremendous certainly - That all our sufferings and tribulations are NOTHING compared to the Glory we will receive.
F -1.18%...........C-19.92%........S-17.16%........I-19.89%

When you consider these Funds

More than 25% of the AT - is above -1%

Top Spot is just shy of 11%

I'd say TSP Talk is the place to be. :cool::cool:
This ranking is going to change dramatically in the next eleven trading days - IMHO only. Watch ATCJeff move up the charts. We'll see how long he can ride.
This ranking is going to change dramatically in the next eleven trading days - IMHO only. Watch ATCJeff move up the charts. We'll see how long he can ride.

I am thrilled to pieces for you - Uptread - ATCJeff and anyone else who is 100% High Risk and raking it in.

ENJOY YOUR MOMENT of Glory - for it is very much a Glorious Moment

The Greatest Changes by far will be the TOP - LOCKING GAINS

The space between G Fund and me will grow wider

And all not in High Risk will anxiously await the Next Rally

Now there is NO DOUBT these rallies will occur No Matter What

Hopefully by the end of 2nd Quarter - over 50% will be above -1%

and all of us will keep moving up....

because the Trick is - You gotta know when to Hold em'
...............................................know when to Fold em'
know when to walk away
know when to run

I am thrilled to pieces for you - Uptread - ATCJeff and anyone else who is 100% High Risk and raking it in.

ENJOY YOUR MOMENT of Glory - for it is very much a Glorious Moment

The Greatest Changes by far will be the TOP - LOCKING GAINS

The space between G Fund and me will grow wider

And all not in High Risk will anxiously await the Next Rally

Now there is NO DOUBT these rallies will occur No Matter What

Hopefully by the end of 2nd Quarter - over 50% will be above -1%

and all of us will keep moving up....

because the Trick is - You gotta know when to Hold em'
...............................................know when to Fold em'
know when to walk away
know when to run

Never count your money
While you're sitting at the table
There will be time enough for counting
when the dealings done...:D
I honestly appreciate you taking the time to reflect your thoughts and feelings on my thread.

Let me start by saying that KevinD had the best idea possible yesterday - and that was making a RESOLUTION to keep all comments 'positive' in his home and that is something all of us should honor.

When Sugar&Spice told Birch 'I will remove it' I had NO IDEA what that had to do with. My guess was it surely had to do with something negative - something that was not worth holding on to and I would say the exact same thing applies to me and you.

This is part of what I told S&S

I would say the same thing to me (note I said myself first) and you.

I have nothing against you my friend and I deeply respect your history and that you were E7 and close to E8. That means you were a 'REAL SOLDIER' and not someone who simply wore a uniform.

BUT LET ME GET AWAY FROM THAT - Because that is too easily misunderstood. What I meant to reflect is that I believe in STANDARDS and overall I believe the general population of the United States has largely LOST the STANDARDS that once reflected a very stong and beautiful country. I believe a 'Disability Mindset' has largely destroyed our country and that many other standards have largely dwindled away.

Hallballer, I'm sorry about our misundertanding - and this is not the first time I worded myself POORLY. Please ask me to clarify, or ask me to be more specific - or give me specifics - and I'd say the overwhelming odds are WE THINK A LOT ALIKE.

Thanks for living your life the way you did; for being true to yourself, your family and your country.
Steady, thanks for your words. I totally agree with you about the truely unworthy "fake" soldiers. The VA you work in must receive a much higher percentage of these types than the norm.

On a lighter note. "3.17.2009 I will be invested in all five TSP funds."
You say "3 of the 5 will likely PLUNGE. 1 will gain minimally and 1 will vary

I will have 100% in minimal gain - ZERO LOSS"

Sure they will but no one can say beforehand when these things will happen for certain. Its true you will have 100% in minimal gain - ZERO LOSS. But how long are you going to remain totally in G? Seems like a short time ago, you and Birchtree were confirmed Bulls.
This will be my last reply to you publically on the boards.
Steady, thanks for your words. I totally agree with you about the truely unworthy "fake" soldiers. The VA you work in must receive a much higher percentage of these types than the norm.

God's richest blessings to you and all associated with you.

Most of the veterans I see were 'good soldiers' with a similar mindset and were devoted and committed throughout. The unworthy 'fake' soldiers are very few in comparison but Mental Health is usually the avenue they take when striving for disability and they strongly get my attention.

But deep down most of them are decent human beings that lacked the support and nurishment (love, care, discipline) that we thought everyone had. They usually see me because they know many others that already got disability and for most of them it was a very easy process. But when they see me it's a different story. I'm out to give them the structure they need and help them turn their lives around and I'll do everything possible to make sure that happens. So for the bulk it's drying out - getting stable - making some solid plans for the future and earning some money - and getting their medical and mental health needs squared away. Then they don't want to waste their lives away doing nothing on free money - they build a good self esteem and are ready to earn their keep. Many of them become mentors to others and I've had a very large number of success stories.

But the hardest by far are those that already got disability - or non service connected VA money - because they would a thousand times rather let their lives waste away than do anything that might take away from that money. They make enough to survive and support their habits and that's all they want.

I knew you'd have to agree. When I say soldier to the bone marrow I'm talking about the events we go to where Veterans are honored and we stand when they play our song...or when they ask all in the audience who served their country...because it is not a switch you turn on and off...we are Veterans and very proud of it and nothing would ever be able to hold us down when we're given that occasion to take a's what we are and forever will be.

E7 was the highest I made - so you certainly deserve whatever I could say. They wanted me to go to OCS in boot camp and I told them I joined to go through the ranks - to be a soldier - and I did not want to be an officier.

On a lighter note. "3.17.2009 I will be invested in all five TSP funds."
You say "3 of the 5 will likely PLUNGE. 1 will gain minimally and 1 will vary

I will have 100% in minimal gain - ZERO LOSS"

Sure they will but no one can say beforehand when these things will happen for certain.

Honestly - I hope with all my heart that C,S,I take off like a rocket and F barely moves - then you will do very well. I am very happy where I am right now BUT I am stuck in G (and I'm content with that).

Its true you will have 100% in minimal gain - ZERO LOSS. But how long are you going to remain totally in G? Seems like a short time ago, you and Birchtree were confirmed Bulls.

I'm very BULLISH - probably to a fault. But I'm out to even the score because the BEAR did a lot of damage last year. So when I think the time is right I'll go back in like I did the last time.... and hopefully pick up another 7 to 10% - then LOCK IT UP.

This will be my last reply to you publically on the boards.

I hope we're cool my friend - and I can't help but think we are. Our interaction has been good - we are TRUE BROTHERS.

Feel free to PM me if you ever get in the mood - or stop by anytime. You might even set up your own Thread and we'll come visit you.
Corepuncher and WINDHUNTER - (and everyone else for that matter)

It looks like the Rally woke from the Sleep Mode



Roger... over and out
lock in confirmed
over and out...:d

You've done EXCELLENT !!

I mean you've really done outstanding.

You should sell you dumb @ss luck plan to the MB say for $20 bucks a piece.

I can help with the small print that says:
Hello..... hello..... hello .....iis there anybody out there

Last night during supper Carrie told me they were studying the 60s in one of her classes.

OMG!! - You should have seen the excitement in her face.....:D

She's going on and on about it being 'THE BEST EVER' and how lucky I was to be a part of it.

Almost anything they said triggered a lot of memories of me doing this and that .... even mentioned Jimi Hendrix..

BY FAR the BEST PART - is she really understood it was not just SEX, DRUGS, AND ROCK N ROLL - But it was a TRUE MOVEMENT of people coming together and discovering a New and Better Way - the Civil Rights Movement and everything else that went with it.

I told her 'Tune in - Turn on - Get High' - That it was tuning in to a universal wavelength and a freedom to develop into something better and stretch with an atmosphere that had no boundries... turning on to a greater love and a more unified spirit... and getting high on everything around...the music and relationships... and of course the mari j wana.

Anyway - it brought me back to meeting you and knowing you'd wished you were 'part of the scene' and the 'trip we took to the 60s'

Hope all is well

Carrie is the only one left at home. She's 16 and is the most beautiful girl you could ever imagine. It's not her grades (which once again are straight As) it's the way she lives her life and interacts with others. It's thinking like an adult and having amazing goals to accomplish. It's the friends she has and the others she stives to include and extend herself for. It's holding to her values and convictions and refusing to be self centered or uncaring. It's many things that are wonderful - the character - the humor - the wit - and everything else.

Well she asked me not to tell my parents about us coming to stay with them next week. She wanted to be the one to call them and surprize them.

So last night she called them and kept giving me the 'Thumbs Up' because both of my parents were so thrilled - and she felt all that excitement and the incredible joy they experienced. My father said something about reserving a room and my wife told him we already reserved it and everything is done. So I'm thrilled to pieces and on top of the world. Next week should be one of the best weeks of my life and a time I will always cherish.

So if the Markets decide to take a turn for the worse - just remember that all this is a blink of the eye in terms of the overall picture.
Vapor Enthusiasm -
that's how I would define our current condition. The gas vapors have clouded the minds of the masses and distorted their thinking - causing them to pour their money in on a burning Economy.

Reality -
Jobless rates continue to SOAR - breaking new records. Economic conditions are terrible and those in charge are scambling to sell off and grab whatever they can to keep things rolling for maybe another month; but holding their breath and hoping things will let up soon.

Without a foundation the Markets can not support sustained or prolonged growth. This is a Rally in a BEAR MARKET. Vapors will fade and enthusiasm will disappear and with that the Woosh that Tom talked about before.


Birch - just trying to make a little balance
like the Yen and the Yang - so the balance is even
BULLS - Robo, Coolhand, and Birch are all suppling support for sustained growth. I realize that Birch is always Bullish - but lately he's been providing lots of data supporting this.

All 3 know way more than me - so I can't rule it out.

BEARS- Almost everyone else has not lost sight of what we've been through over the past year and how much loss has occured. By far most of the Bad News that has eventually bubbled up for all to see has occured this year. A Bear Rally does not mean the Bear is done and too much excitement day after day - along with 17% Gain - can make us forget.

Would not doubt we see some UP days before it's through :confused:
Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner told CNN Thursday his department asked Sen. Christopher Dodd to include a loophole in the stimulus bill that allowed bailed-out insurance giant American International Group to keep its bonuses.

So the Execs deserved the $165 Million and it was all part of the package. Not trying to cause any problems here but hey these guys are use to getting Money on scales we can barely dream about - so it's only right they get their due - and apparently Geither meant for them to get it.

Therefore the PROBLEM is NOT the Execs getting $165 Million in bonuses - the PROBLEM is the Lack of communication between Giethner and Obama.

NOW when you consider Obama's stance however - this is not the time to be throwing $165 Million to Execs. Remember his cap on Exec pay??


Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner told CNN Thursday his department asked Sen. Christopher Dodd to include a loophole in the stimulus bill that allowed bailed-out insurance giant American International Group to keep its bonuses.

So the Execs deserved the $165 Million and it was all part of the package. Not trying to cause any problems here but hey these guys are use to getting Money on scales we can barely dream about - so it's only right they get their due - and apparently Geither meant for them to get it.

Therefore the PROBLEM is NOT the Execs getting $165 Million in bonuses - the PROBLEM is the Lack of communication between Giethner and Obama.

NOW when you consider Obama's stance however - this is not the time to be throwing $165 Million to Execs. Remember his cap on Exec pay??



FIRE GEITHNER!!!!!! He's one of them and will twist the knife in the taxpayers back again.