Steadygain's Account Talk

Thank you for your inspirational words, Rick. You've helped many people. Now it's time for you to focus on yourself and your family because that's where your true source of strength and delight lives. God bless you always, and have a wonderful holiday season.

I've been doing a lot of reflecting lately. When you first arrived I was there to greet you and I brought you to tears (because I said exactly what you needed to hear). You were amazed because you thought how can a total stranger be so in touch with your life - someone you'd never met. Well somehow I think for that moment - you and I both needed that - and it was wonderful. It was everybit as wonderful for me as it was for you; maybe even more so and all of it right here in this little world.

I guess what I'm saying is I can't help others without it helping me too. Whatever 'good' I do - it all comes back - and usually even more. But everything has to run its course and I can't stop when the water is pouring in or out... for often it's too vital a source to stop.

Since returning from a week with my parents - my battery was fully charged and the reception I got from all the coworkers was pretty overwhelming. As a result I was able to set the bar a little higher and that means I do even more so others can relax and do a little less. Anyway I'm finally reaching a point where work is so busy that I have little to no time to be here. I'm also recognizing more and more how true your message is and I'm probably equally amazed at how 'A total stranger' can know me so well and tell me exactly what I needed to hear.

Thank you !! I hope everything is going well - Everything - and it was a real pleasure.

What a beautiful story! You were in that place for a reason, and you helped someone in need. Welcome back and I hope you and your loved ones have a beautiful Christmas!

Amazingly - I sincerely do not believe that anything happens randomly or by chance. I believe we are always in a state of transition and whatever we do at any given time is a matter of choce. The needs are there and how we respond is entirely up to us. My family is doing GREAT !! My oldest is keeping very busy in her first real job out of college - went all the way over to South Korea and is rapidly becoming part of their culture. My second is getting increasingly involved in activities to strengthen her Social Working and Psychology skills. My youngest was just inducted into the National Honor Society and got a nice letter by the same organization that sponors the Nobel Prizes. She started a class at the Nursing Home recently to help them maintain better balance and prevents falls; as she wants to be a Recreational Therapist and decided to do a lot of volunteer activities here and now. She'll be a Jr. in HS next year.

In our 'common thread' world: She took her violin to my parents Retirement Home and gave them a private concert. It was the highlight of our week with them. Maybe somewhere - by some randon chance I may get to hear you play or hear that child loaded with talent.

Well take care - and I hope all is going well with you and yours.

Of course your message to me is my exact message to you - as nothing could be more true for you as well.
I call it "The double barreled shotgun" approach.

After being in Safety for a long time I usually pull one trigger and half goes to High Risk. Then I sit back and wait and if it looks like it's going to drop quite a bit further then I pull the other trigger when it hopefully hits the bottom.

Then I wait it out. That's pretty much how I've done it over the years because I learned the hard way - I should have waited a little longer before going 100%.

Went through 1 box of Kleenex so far today.

BTW - I honestly don't know anything about the FERS Sick Leave (which I am). I use maybe 8 hours in 2 years. If I wind up with a few thousand hours in the next 10 years -- how will that increase my income if things work out??

Thanks - will return at the end of the day.
If I have a few thousand hours in the next 10 years -- how will that increase my income if things work out??

Thanks - will return at the end of the day.

Nevermind - I just got all the info here at work.

Probably will not be in tomorrow - as I'll nip this a lot faster if I stay in bed....:)

I appologize for being so 'competitive' this year and I finally see how that has largely destroyed my overall demeanor which - believe it or not - was wonderful when I went down the tubes. As in the play CATS I keep reflecting on 'the way things use to be'. Also somehow became a huge jerk in the way I've treated others - which is just incredible - because there is no hint of me doing anything like that for ages. I must have somehow acquired a major attitude and I really don't need it - here or anywhere else - so hopefully you'll see a big change.

Well good luck to everyone !

If someone could tell me how to get rid of the Poll on my thread I'd sincerely appreciate. In the tool options there in nothing about Polls and it's dumb since it's way in the past.
I kinda like the poll Steady. It's so you.:cool:
I've noticed you posting less often but more content.
Not to mention bullish. It fits you, now if we can just get the market to cooperate.
Nice Jump, Steady, Nice Jump


You timed that one right. Again.

I thought you had become a 'G Fund' Trustfunder. Afraid to pull the trigger. Not the Steady I knew. Instead, that move proved you are the Steady I know...

Anyway, what's all the discussion about torquein' the folks off. I haven't really noticed it. Just a comment that some folks got perturbed about. Who hasn't done that!!! My turn is coming - but, then again I think Mojo may think my turn happened about a month back. Yuk, yuk...
I kinda like the poll Steady. It's so you.:cool:

Thank you !!
Then whatever happens - happens - and I guess it's a trivial matter.

I've noticed you posting less often but more content.

I'm in a transitional state - where my spirit is being withdrawn and my mind and the rest follow shortly thereafter. So at this point there are enormous reflections for me to dwell on - things I have gained and lessons I have learned. I am very content with my experience and it was a wonderful adventure; it was way beyond what I ever would have thought possible.

Not to mention bullish. It fits you, now if we can just get the market to cooperate.

Here I am very much an 'Odd Ball' and out of place. In the short term (during most of my remaining years) things will continue pretty much as they are (and as they have been over the years). My life style will not change (as I live very simply) and I will always have more than enough to feel and enjoy 'abundance'. What I will make from Social Security and my VA Pension will more than supply our needs and things should go well.

As for the TSP - when all 3 Primary Funds take a 60% Loss or better - I take that as incredibly wonderful news and that should be a very strong signal to Invest Fully and stay invested in the long run.

I think watching the Markets too closely is a huge mistake and when our lives become more centered on hitting the Markets on their lowest low - and selling on the highest high - mainly for the sake of our position on the AT then we have lost our 'focus' and our perception is way too narrow (or zoomed in) to honestly enjoy the overall picture. At least that's what happened with me.

So in all sincereity it's not that 'I'm Bullish' - it's much more that I simply don't care anymore. The Markets have gone LOW enough for me to put in 50% and simply let it go for awhile. If we settle back down from the rapid rise (and all the more achieve a new low) then I'll invest the other 50% and let it ride.

GL - to everyone
Re: Nice Jump, Steady, Nice Jump


You timed that one right. Again.

This time is was sheerly by accident. I simply got to a point where I decided enough is enough - it's time to go in and let fate take its course. So it was not "timing" in this situation. It was way more the recognition that being out of high risk means no potiential gains (whether I watch the Markets or not). At some point you simply decide the risk is worth the gain.

I thought you had become a 'G Fund' Trustfunder. Afraid to pull the trigger. I think watching the Markets on essentially a minute by minute basis and reading numerous posts and listening to numerous analysists on a nightly basis - brings us to BELIEVE that we are SMART enough to know exactly where the Economy is and how the Markets are going to respond. G Fund saved me enormous loss over the long run - but the Markets are impossible to predict and the recent HUGE JUMP was the single Greatest Jump since 1933.

So my move to high risk was way more a humble acknowledgement of my inability to predict - and a willingness to take a loss.

Not the Steady I knew. Instead, that move proved you are the Steady I know...

Thank you so much - I am a perfectionist - very highly driven - incredibly motivated to show that making timely adjustments in the TSP is the ultimate way to achieve maximum wealth. BUT I was use to unlimited IFTs and overall the Recession was not something I had to contend with. In a Recession - when all 3 primary funds went down well over 20% - G Fund was the best choice.

At this point I am not willing to lose potiential gains - in the event the Markets defy economic conditions and continue to rebound. If they are forced in a downward trend - I'll simply DCA until it hits the bottom and then invest the remaining 50%.

Anyway, what's all the discussion about torquein' the folks off.

Life is filled with many transitions - or phases - and as we pass from one to another we usually comtemplate more deeply about our experiences and come to see many things (good and bad) we may have overlooked.

I simply recognize that some of my interactions were childish (or silly) - that some were very strong - challenging, that some were too competative, that I was too protective with certain friends and too much ready to fight - that I was prehaps too willing to give too much and all of these things somehow resulted in bad vibes, animosity , or negative energy.

So it's simply part of the overall picture - and something that probably can not be avoided. But these are the things I put most of my focus on - to take as lessons to learn from.

I haven't really noticed it.

Please don't misunderstand me Boghie, I'm not saying anything in even the remotest 'negative way' towards anyone on the MB - NOT AT ALL - rather I am simply reflecting on everything from the first to the last.

Just a comment that some folks got perturbed about. Who hasn't done that!!!

It's not a popularity contest or anything like that my friend. Overall I am very grateful for all the bonds that developed and everything that has transpired - I'm simply recognizing that sometimes my wording (or message) could have been better.

My turn is coming - but, then again I think Mojo may think my turn happened about a month back. Yuk, yuk...

You're fairly new - I'd recommend letting your personality really come to life - and hopefully that will spark others to come to life and from here bonds with develop. You'll get way more out of this than anything else.

Well Mr. Universe at least now you won't get completely covered with the bull's stampeding dust. However, if you wait too long to burn that other 50% G you might get passed by the turtle climbing the ladder. The lingering fear and pessimism from last year's abnormal market plunge (bless those 10,000 hedge funds) put most investors in a state of catalepsy. They are now being punished sitting in zero-yielding paper while the bull tramples his way to highs in this new bull leg. I'm reminded that those few who made the painful decision to buy into the bottoms are appropriately rewarded. I've managed to come back on the comeback trail over the last five weeks to the tune of $302K - what will the next five weeks deliver? Yes, fate will deliver my tugboat to new heights before the end of the year - dollar cost averaging is the redeemer of all portfolios.
I've had an old Frank Sinatra song rolling around in my head the last few days. It goes something like this: It was a very good year for small town girls with independent means....can't get the rest of it out. Have a pleasant weekend.
Well Mr. Universe at least now you won't get completely covered with the bull's stampeding dust. However, if you wait too long to burn that other 50% G you might get passed by the turtle climbing the ladder. The lingering fear and pessimism from last year's abnormal market plunge (bless those 10,000 hedge funds) put most investors in a state of catalepsy. They are now being punished sitting in zero-yielding paper while the bull tramples his way to highs in this new bull leg. I'm reminded that those few who made the painful decision to buy into the bottoms are appropriately rewarded. I've managed to come back on the comeback trail over the last five weeks to the tune of $302K - what will the next five weeks deliver? Yes, fate will deliver my tugboat to new heights before the end of the year - dollar cost averaging is the redeemer of all portfolios.

My life long brother and friend; the only one I would claim as my Big Brother. A Big Brother is by defination my superior - an unmovable rock - and the one who has learned the most solid decisions over time.

I'm out of the game my friend - but the whole journey was wonderful and enlightening in many ways. My incoming has exceeded my outgoing for many years and I am pretty well set. I think for me the KEY is largely simplicity and honestly being very content with what I have and recognizing more and more the abundance I have. Once I have my kids through college we'll have quite an adjustment dealing with the extra money - but retirement will be just around the corner so we'lll just keep staching it away - just like always. :rolleyes:

I married well Birch - to a lady who can strech a dollar forever and will always plan the better way (the cheapest by far).

I've had an old Frank Sinatra song rolling around in my head the last few days. It goes something like this: It was a very good year for small town girls with independent means....can't get the rest of it out. Have a pleasant weekend.

You have a wonderful weekend too Birch.

I saw the movie 'On the other end of the line' and right at the very end Lady comes out with an acoustic guitar and sings the most beautiful song - in the most beautiful way I've ever heard it.

Not sure why it was her... maybe just the memories of her and her father playing 'Tiny Bubbles' together and singing so many other songs that meant a lot to me... but that song will alway be her song and will probably remain my favorite over the years.

Well have a great weekend everyone !!

Well I went on 'Record' yesterday declaring last month as THE BOTTOM

Since the BOTTOM many (including me) were convinced it's still a BEAR MARKET and the worst is yet to come. This thought was easy to support in light of the Numbers and Data flowing out.

So how do we know a bottom was actually achieved - and all the more how do we know the BULL CYCLE is underway? The best way is going to the experts - the ones that live and breath this stuff - and hearing it from them. Then QUESTION THEM - but keep an open mind.

Look for undeniable evidence - A REAL BULL MARKET will stand up under any (and all conditions). No matter how bad the news; no matter how many jobs are lost or whatever - eventally the TREND will reverse and stay the course.

1) Sustained Weakness with Extreme Losses
(Stocks down 85% and all Funds down 60%)
(Time goes way slower during pain) so a few years is like forever
3) Multiple Major Efforts FAIL to stop it

but once it hits BOTTOM
1) Initial growth will SOAR like a rocket
2) Volatility will dominate the beginning stage (why I'm in F)
3) Progressive growth will dominate (why I'll go to G - and move to High Risk when 4/09 arrives)

Poolman moving to S Fund
Uptrend going G
Coolhand's indicators - remained on BUY
It's a real pleasure having you as part of the MB. I think there are a few things to bear in mind and these are very important.

1. Don't look at the charts too closely
Since you are a long time Buy and Holder you are way stronger than most of us - ME ESPECIALLY

The closer you watch the Charts - the more you second guess yourself and that often causes you to make a bad decision.

2. There are times to consider frequent changes

After a steady long BULL Market - in which you've left everything in the 3 Major Funds - often you may have several years of Volatility and this is usually where I've made my biggest gains.

Once the BULL MARKET is really over - and subsequently THE BEAR has taken over - many times you can catch quick bounces along the way.


3. There are times to Make a Decision and leave it there for years

Last month was the FIRST TIME since I got here in 10/07 where it would have been BEST to fully go in C,S,I and walk away. Let it go and only come to keep in touch with close friends.

Once you're in the Habit of making frequent trades - it's very hard to break from that mindset BUT even if the Markets go down 15% they will not get below the BOTTOM and over the months and years you are guaranteed far more gains than losses by simply keeping everything in High Risk.

So - in a nutshell - this is a great place and there are a lot of very cool members and very smart ones ... but we have all been highly conditioned to making frequent trades and this trend will likely continue .... but this can be very deceptive at this point in time.

In that - if we are honestly in a BULL MARKET (beginning) then days like yesterday may look like a mistake and initial volatility is unavoidable. BUT LONG RUN staying in the Game is the best and easiest way to win.

Well - you joined the MB at a very unique time and everyone is use to the BEAR but the BEAR is dead and a new trend has arrived.
Big Chief tell me Bear not dead, Bear hibernate. Bear angry when awoken by the sound of bull hooves.:laugh:


My friends,
I am definately NOT a fence rider. I'm on one side or the other.

Until very recently I was convinced THE BEAR ruled and mainly stayed in SAFETY.

Now I believe we hit a BOTTOM and therefore we have to go up from here because we can not reach a new BOTTOM.

I believe this POST from Birch is the greatest KEY to understanding our present situation. WE WENT WAY TOO FAR - AT A RECORD BREAKING SPEED. So I would expect the Markets to do a fairly substantial retrace before it's all through. But even if we would lose 15% before we climb back up - in the end THE BULL HAS TAKEN OVER.

I'll probably stay in F a little longer in hopes of a most selfish and welcomed retracement so when I'm free to IFT in 4/09 I can go in at an even better price.
i wasn't pickin ya steady, i was just making my perma bull sound :)

(mostly to pick on frixxxx and his (very funny btw) bear comment)
i wasn't pickin ya steady, i was just making my perma bull sound :)

(mostly to pick on frixxxx and his (very funny btw) bear comment)

I enjoyed both of your responses !!!

Please don't ever feel like you need to explain anything to me...

trust me I definately know what SNORT!! stands for. :D

I went 100% G today - because F is totally the opposite of where my heart and life are and I'll be High Risk A.S.A.P.

If anyone would owe me any kind of explanation it would be Birch for posting 'The 3 Stages of a Bear Market Rally'

But I can't fault him for thinking:
1. We are in a BEAR MARKET
2. This is only a RALLY

After all it would take a very RARE MIND - to break the Herd Mentality - and honestly BELIEVE we are in a BULL MARKET.

Deep down I'm still hoping for a 10 to 15% Retracement mainly so I can hear everyone say: Ha ha - the BEAR is not over :rolleyes::worried:

But as for me (and my house) - we will go 100% High Risk and will be at peace no matter what.

Just because I post it doesn't necessarily mean I believe it. This was simply information that might be used at a later date when the correction arrives - if we even have one. It's good to know what the possibilities are for the future. I'm not going to change my stripes now, that's for sure.

Just because I post it doesn't necessarily mean I believe it. This was simply information that might be used at a later date when the correction arrives - if we even have one. It's good to know what the possibilities are for the future. I'm not going to change my stripes now, that's for sure.

You're my big brother so I have the right to raze ya :D

It's one of the rare honored positions I can claim.

If you don't think I fully recognize you are

and always have been PERMABULL #1


I've never met more of a BULL MINDED PERSON in my life.

YOU ARE THE BULL - and I'm just joining in
Somehow I'd imagine many are on the edge of their seats wondering when it's going to end ... :worried:

So the timing is very hard to avoid.

If we go in now - after this incredible record jump - this fluke that hasn't happened in 70 years or more and it goes down say 10% then we're going to get panicky and more than likely bail to safety.


Only until we honestly fall below our previous low - last month - can we now be concerned with a BEAR MARKET taking us down the drain. The higher we go the more unlikely this will happen and all the more some 'settling' should not concern us.

I went 40% Balanced Stocks; 30% Mid Cap Stocks; 30% Small Cap Stocks yesterday and am thrilled I got in when I did. So what happens today or tomorrow - or next month - makes no difference to me because that investment will remain untouched for years to come.

At some point each of us has to decide - when is a good time to buy for the Long Run. A real BULL MARKET is something you don't jump in and out of - it's something you strive to get in as early as possible and ride it out over the years.

Now I know you're probably wondering if I'm going to keep this up on a daily basis forever and ever. NO - I AM NOT.

This is a fundamental CHANGE for me - it's a new thing and I won't be saying this 'garbage' over and over. In fact I'm trying to get it all out of my system by 4/1/09