TSP Elite
FIRE GEITHNER!!!!!! He's one of them and will twist the knife in the taxpayers back again.
Yeah - I thought about this a lot last night.
With me it's a different story; I pretty much have to give the benefit of the doubt to the one in charge until he Proves otherwise.
To me the main thing is Obama - and so far his stance on this stuff has been very clear and I wholly support that. The huge danger of Obama ever taking a stand on something is the fact I will likely remember not only what he said but the tone in which he said it and all the expressions/emotions that go with it.
Obama was pushing for more TRANSPARENCY - and I think on the whole we are seeing way more transparency than ever before. He went through and found ONE TRILLION of WASTE to eliminate even before signing off the new budget.
Geithner - went against the TRANSPARENCY - by establishing a loophole for the Execs to get some reward. I have no problem with the Execs getting some reward if they are entitled to it. My Biggest Problem is the Secretcy - and going forward with decades upon decades of the 'Usual System' when this Administration is supposed to be pushing for something way better.
Now Obama is stuck with having to clean up the mess. Instead of firing him I think it would have been way better to openly admit 'He planned the LOOPHOLE' and it was a BIG MISTAKE. He could then openly appologize to the NATION and make the situation right BY TAKING RESPONSIBILY AND RESOLVING THE PROBLEM.