Steadygain's Account Talk

FIRE GEITHNER!!!!!! He's one of them and will twist the knife in the taxpayers back again.

Yeah - I thought about this a lot last night.

With me it's a different story; I pretty much have to give the benefit of the doubt to the one in charge until he Proves otherwise.

To me the main thing is Obama - and so far his stance on this stuff has been very clear and I wholly support that. The huge danger of Obama ever taking a stand on something is the fact I will likely remember not only what he said but the tone in which he said it and all the expressions/emotions that go with it.

Obama was pushing for more TRANSPARENCY - and I think on the whole we are seeing way more transparency than ever before. He went through and found ONE TRILLION of WASTE to eliminate even before signing off the new budget.

Geithner - went against the TRANSPARENCY - by establishing a loophole for the Execs to get some reward. I have no problem with the Execs getting some reward if they are entitled to it. My Biggest Problem is the Secretcy - and going forward with decades upon decades of the 'Usual System' when this Administration is supposed to be pushing for something way better.

Now Obama is stuck with having to clean up the mess. Instead of firing him I think it would have been way better to openly admit 'He planned the LOOPHOLE' and it was a BIG MISTAKE. He could then openly appologize to the NATION and make the situation right BY TAKING RESPONSIBILY AND RESOLVING THE PROBLEM.

Enjoy your time off next week with the family. You well deserve some time off to relax and enjoy the most important part of our lives, Your Family. Get rested up we need you for April. It's going to be crazy...:nuts:

Enjoy your time off next week with the family. You well deserve some time off to relax and enjoy the most important part of our lives, Your Family. Get rested up we need you for April. It's going to be crazy...:nuts:


My dear brother and friend :)

On that note I'll head over to the other hospitals and get everything squared away. Mine is good this morning but 2 others have problems I need to take care of within the next few hours.

Later dude - and thanks for stoppn' by
Enjoy your week off Steady, family is the most important thing we all have. See ya when you get back. :D


Thanks CB !

Please take care of the girls while I'm gone. I need someone strong and sensitive to fill that role and someone who's more transparent and real. So you're the perfect pick.

Alevin - my sister - she's pretty cool but just be real with her cause she's not a BSer.

Lady - give her the Max - she's incredibly engaging - witty, charming, sweet, and fairly deep. Also has a great knowledge base so you can go in a lot of directions.

Silverbird - take it easy with her - she's like genius level smart and very independent but is often witty and fun but ya got to go really slow.

Mayala - Similar to Silverbird - again with them you need to focus on intelligence and ignore 'the prince charming routine'. Just be real and tell them exactly what you think.

WVgirl - You've got her figured out pretty well - so just relax and let it all go. Make sure your Opinion is strongly stated and I'd recommend stressing you're more into 'Natural Things' and how you enjoy certain teas. You might also mention how the DOJ falls so short of anything to do with NIH and how you wished ya'd gone that route. ;)

Luv2read - If she ever comes back - really come out with your Opinion on the Government (politics) or the TSP rules; board or whatever - that will get her going. I don't think you keep up with the Market analysis close enough (so avoid that). Then you might mention how you've always dreamed about have a place near the Gulf. :D

SugarandSpice - leave that one alone..still trying to get her out of the shell.

Darn - just had a WALK IN - so won't have time to proof this.

Anyway CB - be cool and be real and make sure they all get the attention they deserve.
Thanks CB !

Please take care of the girls while I'm gone. I need someone strong and sensitive to fill that role and someone who's more transparent and real. So you're the perfect pick.

Alevin - my sister - she's pretty cool but just be real with her cause she's not a BSer.

Lady - give her the Max - she's incredibly engaging - witty, charming, sweet, and fairly deep. Also has a great knowledge base so you can go in a lot of directions.

Silverbird - take it easy with her - she's like genius level smart and very independent but is often witty and fun but ya got to go really slow.

Mayala - Similar to Silverbird - again with them you need to focus on intelligence and ignore 'the prince charming routine'. Just be real and tell them exactly what you think.

WVgirl - You've got her figured out pretty well - so just relax and let it all go. Make sure your Opinion is strongly stated and I'd recommend stressing you're more into 'Natural Things' and how you enjoy certain teas. You might also mention how the DOJ falls so short of anything to do with NIH and how you wished ya'd gone that route. ;)

Luv2read - If she ever comes back - really come out with your Opinion on the Government (politics) or the TSP rules; board or whatever - that will get her going. I don't think you keep up with the Market analysis close enough (so avoid that). Then you might mention how you've always dreamed about have a place near the Gulf. :D

SugarandSpice - leave that one alone..still trying to get her out of the shell.

Darn - just had a WALK IN - so won't have time to proof this.

Anyway CB - be cool and be real and make sure they all get the attention they deserve.

Thanks for the confidence Steady,

What you see is what ya get with me and I sure ain't a BS'er, so that part I can handle. But my wife has never called me sensitive about anything but towards our daughter.

But from what I've seen, these ladies can take care of themselves wiithout any problems and some have even called BS on me in the past and even onto the carpet, so they'll do just fine. :D But I'll be here to take any slings and arrows that may be headed towards them, but more than likely, I'll be the intended target. :laugh:

Have a real good time bud,

Thanks for the confidence Steady,

No problem man - you are naturally cut out for it

You're good - really good!


Just remember: All of them are like Interior Decorators

Your job is simply to create the right atmosphere

then let them come to life and enjoy it - compliment them here and there and reinforce them

But never forget they have x-ray minds and can see through anything - so they may test ya once in awhlie - but you're well prepared You are what you are.

Thanks CB - All of us are really excited about the next week.

Take care,

My Ativar is Dopamine enlarged like 10,000 times ;)
A brain chemical

That's the one that EVERYONE wants...

The one that makes 'the high' both naturally and artificially

The 'Feel Good' one associated with many aspects of life :D:D

Gumby - Tomorrow I give my baby a bath

She is the very best and I'm just crazy about her - so no doubt I'll miss her here and there.

Well - that's it for me. Wishing ya'll the BEST.

See ya in another week or so

Sorry if you hadn't seen this before Steady.

If you had the chance, hope you got to visit.

Wow - I'm really touched you shared this with me.

The Beatles have a song that says:

'There are places I remember all my life
though some have changed.
Some are dead and some are living,
some have gone and some remain.'
In My Life - Rubber Soul Album

Often it's messages like this that shape my view - the more I ponder on the deeper meaning the more I realize how incredibly insightful the artist was.

This touches on one of the most complicated aspects of our life - knowing events that are deeply central to our lives will vanish without a trace. Birch had mentioned this before when he expressed how all Vietnam Vets will soon be forgotten. I know this is equally true of my parents and me. Life goes on.... and in the end it's very few people that make a lasting impression or inspire others in such a way that fundamentally influences others in a way that molds them and changes them.

Hendrix is still regarded as the greatest guitarest ever and continues to be a force that impacts on others. They can distroy his house, cover his grave - memorial, and remove all physical traces of his existence but NEVER can they take his Spirit - his Music - his influence which lives on now - maybe even stronger.

The house means nothing to me - other than emphasizing his humble roots. I could have bought his guitar - but decided against it because I would have felt I was robbing him if I ever went public playing it. Now I wish I had bought it - just to have it. But a house really means very little to me because no one could possibly know the grounding and roots from life within that house.

Thanks a lot for sharing this - I enjoyed it a lot. It's rare I get to hear about Jimi from those who knew him directly - which is very cool. :cool::cool:

Have a great day !! :)

Good to have you back Steady.
Hopefully you are refreshed.:)

Thanks my friend - I'm very refreshed and it's wonderful to be back.

My youngest daughter (in HS) is planning on attending Carson-Newman College in TN. While visiting my parents we watched videos on the school (as they have high speed connection). From that moment on - almost everything I think about is my longing to leave here and go to that area and devote my life to the wide variety of services available to that population in my remaining years.

It's just amazing how much I don't want to reflect on the here and now - and but way more long for simplicity and the longer reaching things in life. I am extremely fortunate to have a job that is totally secure and to be such a vital part of what I'm involved with; to be appreciated to the degree I am and to know I'm barely breaking ground. So life is wonderful and I'm very grateful.

This site has had a FAR GREATER impact on my life than I ever dreamed could be possible. It is much more the Social Networking aspect and the strength was way beyond what I realized. So I'm actually coming in for some deeper reflections here and there to achieve a better balance.

Anyway - I love everyone here and be gone for a week gave time to reflect on essentially every person I've met and how all those bonds have added to (and complimented) my existence.

Well - heading home - am trying to get off earlier and when things lighten up a little (some rare day) I'll have more time to interact.

For now it's type a sentence to two - minimize and get some things accomplished and then return to continue.

Wow, a whole month without my good friend Steady. I'm so glad you had a refreshing time and contemplated on your future.....You busy little ant! Stay away from that grasshopper!

Great to C U again.

Read my account thread and watch for my moves...It's April (already), Can you believe it?

Peace brother!
Please take care of the girls while I'm gone...

This site has had a FAR GREATER impact on my life than I ever dreamed could be possible. It is much more the Social Networking aspect and the strength was way beyond what I realized. So I'm actually coming in for some deeper reflections here and there to achieve a better balance.

Anyway - I love everyone here and be gone for a week gave time to reflect on essentially every person I've met and how all those bonds have added to (and complimented) my existence.

Wow, a whole month without my good friend Steady. I'm so glad you had a refreshing time and contemplated on your future.....You busy little ant! Stay away from that grasshopper!

Great to C U again.

Read my account thread and watch for my moves...It's April (already), Can you believe it?

Peace brother!

Thank you my wonderful friend !!

For me - it's like we (you and the other good friends) never parted. I guess that's what stuck out to me the most.

Somehow I feel a need to elaborate on the first quote above. I'd say it's a combination of many things which mostly boil down to chemical reactions. Perhaps I was a 'dry sponge' when I first arrived and the first time I shared something more deeply personal - My Favorite Meal (a post way back) - the responses were amazing. And that was the beginning and it was like 'WATER REFRESHING A DRY SOUL'. So it's apparently a Natural Phenomon but one I'd never experienced before in the 'ON LINE' world. Apparently I also was a source of water - so it was VERY COOL.

Frixxxx, I'm telling you this on the open board because you and many other guys are equally a source of water for the soul and I'm a lot more aware of 'the connections' and how they've impacted on my overall life. But I realize how lumping all the women together and referring to them as I did may have been insulting - so just want to say it was meant as a compliment and not in any kind of degrading manner.

It's great to see you again as well Frixxxx and I can guarantee you the feelings are mutual. YES - I am very much a 'busy ant' and the only way to keep the grasshopper away is by staying busy in the manner I do. It's amazing how I communicate here as I'll type a sentence or two then come back and put a few more in until it's done.

As for the new month - and watching your moves - THANK YOU !! I need all the help I can get. For now I've honestly got too much on my plate to continue with the day to day (minute to minute) analysis of the Markets and the Economy. So I'm taking a much more chilled approach and simply letting them go as they will until something finally develops. By watching too closely I believe we are way too inclined to be convinced it's a BULL Market when in fact its a BEAR. So I will either wait until the summer (leaving everything in G Fund) and then invest fully and let it ride - or I will wait for some really significant dives (say 8% - or a week of daily 3-4%) and jump in for a quick bounce. At this point however, I don't think it's worth the risk judgeing the Markets on a one or two day movement.

Well my little break is over - it's back to the grinding stone

Have a great day everyone !!
My Dumb @$$ Views....:p

1. Overbought - Oversold
These are terms addressing day to day (or mainly weekly Market activity).

When all Markets are BELOW 60% - I personally DO NOT consider them being overbought when the Markets start to rise and continue with strength.


2. Economic Data versus Markets
During the DOWNWARD TREND of the cycle - Economic Data will always rule over the Markets and subsequently it would be sheer insanity to remain in HIGH RISK - during this stage.

When the UPWARD TREND - honestly takes hold 'The Markets will rule over Economic Data'. In the past few weeks the most fundamental findings of record high and consisent 'JOBLESS CLAIMS' and other features which would result in RECORD LOW COMSUMER CONFIDENCE - has had no impact on the rising Markets. The Markets are continuing with remakable strength and TODAY is my first and strongest confirmation.

As I did not BAIL from the TRUE RECESSION until it was most fundamentally established in 9/08; ONCE I DID LEAVE I DID NOT LOSE A PENNY - so here I would not move to HIGH RISK until enough things happened to convince me it's real.

LONG TERM INVESTMENT - would indicate HIGH RISK at this point. Even if we undergo a few months of Volitility and drop 10% or so it looks increasingly doubtful that NEW LOWS ARE COMING and if they are the overwhelming odds are it won't last long.

BUYING when Markets are rising to record highs may sound completely insane - but that's only for the moment. In REALITY the Markets are still towards the BOTTOM and so I am moving towards HIGH RISK beginning today.

So if you go in - expect to get BURNED in the short term - but don't be surprized if VOLUME begins to kick in and you come out ahead.

Expect the worst and prepare for it - and that's how to play the game. One Last little tid bit - sometimes POLITICS can be the worst thing for the Markets (as the beginning) - and sometimes POLITICS can be the best thing (as the end). God Bless and GL :toung::toung::laugh:
Thank you my wonderful friend !!
Frixxxx, I'm telling you this on the open board because you and many other guys are equally a source of water for the soul and I'm a lot more aware of 'the connections' and how they've impacted on my overall life. But I realize how lumping all the women together and referring to them as I did may have been insulting - so just want to say it was meant as a compliment and not in any kind of degrading manner.
Pet name amongst friends....I hope nobody was offended!
As for the new month - and watching your moves - THANK YOU !! I need all the help I can get. For now I've honestly got too much on my plate to continue with the day to day (minute to minute) analysis of the Markets and the Economy. So I'm taking a much more chilled approach and simply letting them go as they will until something finally develops. By watching too closely I believe we are way too inclined to be convinced it's a BULL Market when in fact its a BEAR. So I will either wait until the summer (leaving everything in G Fund) and then invest fully and let it ride - or I will wait for some really significant dives (say 8% - or a week of daily 3-4%) and jump in for a quick bounce. At this point however, I don't think it's worth the risk judgeing the Markets on a one or two day movement.

Well my little break is over - it's back to the grinding stone

Have a great day everyone !!
I may not make the best moves or time the right buy-in but I 'm looking over the shoulders of those that make DA MONEY...

Great Times my friend!:cool:
My Dumb @$$ Views....:p

1. Overbought - Oversold
These are terms addressing day to day (or mainly weekly Market activity).

When all Markets are BELOW 60% - I personally DO NOT consider them being overbought when the Markets start to rise and continue with strength.


2. Economic Data versus Markets
During the DOWNWARD TREND of the cycle - Economic Data will always rule over the Markets and subsequently it would be sheer insanity to remain in HIGH RISK - during this stage.

When the UPWARD TREND - honestly takes hold 'The Markets will rule over Economic Data'. In the past few weeks the most fundamental findings of record high and consisent 'JOBLESS CLAIMS' and other features which would result in RECORD LOW COMSUMER CONFIDENCE - has had no impact on the rising Markets. The Markets are continuing with remakable strength and TODAY is my first and strongest confirmation.

As I did not BAIL from the TRUE RECESSION until it was most fundamentally established in 9/08; ONCE I DID LEAVE I DID NOT LOSE A PENNY - so here I would not move to HIGH RISK until enough things happened to convince me it's real.

LONG TERM INVESTMENT - would indicate HIGH RISK at this point. Even if we undergo a few months of Volitility and drop 10% or so it looks increasingly doubtful that NEW LOWS ARE COMING and if they are the overwhelming odds are it won't last long.

BUYING when Markets are rising to record highs may sound completely insane - but that's only for the moment. In REALITY the Markets are still towards the BOTTOM and so I am moving towards HIGH RISK beginning today.

So if you go in - expect to get BURNED in the short term - but don't be surprized if VOLUME begins to kick in and you come out ahead.

Expect the worst and prepare for it - and that's how to play the game. One Last little tid bit - sometimes POLITICS can be the worst thing for the Markets (as the beginning) - and sometimes POLITICS can be the best thing (as the end). God Bless and GL :toung::toung::laugh:

This is a speech I'm planning on sharing with the MB later in the future. Decided to remain 100% G Fund for now.

Thanks Frixxxx

I hope you the VERY BEST Squale - may have misread Birch's comment but decided to stay in Safety
Steady as she goes.

Hey there :) thanks for the visit.

Just noticed your 'Location'

If you buy 3 houses in Montogery County (MD) today - and sell all 3 in another year or so --

you'll make at a bare Mimimum $5,000.000. :D

I honestly lost count of the emergencies I've addressed today.... time to even look at the charts on this site

...still haven't had time to check Outlook and Vista Email for the hundreds of messages waiting for my reply.

BUT --- Always take a moment here and there to see if any activity's going in the home.

Well have a good day - haven't checked the AT for a little while but know you've headed up quite aways... keep it going !!