You stated "I guess things would probably be a WHOLE LOT WORSE if I was in charge. Disability would go out the door."
Here I mean NO OFFENSE to you - or to anyone that merits it. What I'm saying here is: I would destroy the disability mindset that is destroying the U.S.A. and bring back the STANDARDS that all citizens of the U.S.A. should live by. People who simply choose NOT to work and decide to drink and get high would not get Disability to support that life style.
You stated that you despise 95% of veterans seeking benefits because they are not worthy.
95% may be stretching it and there are many veterans under my care that are truely Service Connected that deserve every penny they get and all we can do for them.
The overwhelming BULK of Disability Money or 'Free Money' that I see flowing out of the VA - are for individuals that did not even serve a full term; got in all kinds of trouble while they were in because they didn't want to be told what to do, because they got into drugs and alcohol and all kinds of other things; they got busted down to E1 and got out on a 'General'
That is your opinion.
And I'd be willing to bet anything that you would share the exact same opinion if you knew the details of what I'm reflecting - also if you knew the magnitude by which these individuals come to me wanting 'DISABILIY'.
You don't deserve to work for the VA if you discriminate against them.
This is where you are wrong my friend. When someone comes to me demanding that I give them a diagnosis of PTSD so they can get disability and they did not finish boot camp - got in trouble getting drunk and doing drugs - and were 'booted out' because they were unfit for duty - and never even remotely had any connection to Trauma or Battle - then I AM NOT GOING TO PRETEND THAT APPLIES.
When essentially healty individuals come to me and their lifes are messed up because how they live and their lack of motivation to turn their lives around - then I'm going to do everything possible to help them turn their lives around and give them a sense of self worth and strive to help them get what they really need.
Leave these matters to those above your pay grade.
The overwhelming BULK already have their Disability by the time they meet me - so I have nothing to do with it. They are seeing me because something in their life is missing - and very often that is a good self esteem because they have no job and basically no work history. If they work they lose their Disability - so Disability for the majority of people I've encountered does far more harm than good.
I never earned any stars but I progressed up the ladder as best I could.
Then you lived up to STANDARDS and I respect you for that.
If I had stayed a couple more years, I probably would of made E-8.
Again - you are rare compared to the bulk I see - but I treat everyone of my patients with dignity and respect. I do whatever I can to help them make the most out of their lives.
You were obviously one truely committed to your country and you conducted yourself in an honorable manner. THAT I deeply respect. You - and all like you - are the main reason I am here.
"was a combat soldier to the bone marrow"; whats that mean?
It is a MINDSET I had to be thoroughly saturated in - in order to be what I was and accomplish what I did. It means I saw myself as a combat soldier - as a killer - as a hitman - and that was supreme over everything else. I functioned in a variety of 'Jobs - MOS' but my first and most supreme job was always 'Combat Soldier' It means that the others in your unit are closer than mother, father, brother, sister, wife, girlfriend or anything else. That everything you do - you do for them and to make sure they are safe. That you are always their eyes and ears - and always watching their back and making sure they don't walk into danger. It making sure that as a Team you go out Accomplish the Mission and come back as a Team.
I collected many medals and awards, among them the Purple Heart, Airman's Medal, and the Air Medal. I served on our wing general inspection team for two years. Served 19 years in Civil Service.
I deeply appologize for wording myself the way I did. I absolutely guarantee you that I would have held you in the highest regard had I known your background and who you really are.
Sorry you don't get on my nerves. I guess we have some things in common WE have way more in common than you realize - we are both 'brothers' to the bone marrow and both of us have the highest regard possible for VETERANS. You have more than earned my respect and I'm very sorry for lumping you into the unworty. You just have no idea how widespread the abuse has been to the VA System - and that does bother me.
but I never consider your financial advice; can't figure it out.
There are many on this MB with far greater financial expertise than me - Uptrend, Poolman, Corepuncher, Coolhand, 350z, Birch and numerous others.
I don't expect you (or anyone) to follow my advice - but I go with one simple rule: Maximize Gains and Minimize Losses.
3.17.2009 I will be invested in all five TSP funds.
3 of the 5 will likely PLUNGE. 1 will gain minimally and 1 will vary
I will have 100% in minimal gain - ZERO LOSS
I have one IFT left for this month.