Steadygain's Account Talk

:DThose who take the time to get to know you, matter.:D

:mad:Those who don't, never will matter!:mad:
I'll double second SB's motion !! Steady, your the greatest. Please don't ever change. We need your reality checks. I don't think this guy heard what you were really saying or he did and was guilty as charged. I worked in the mental health field for seven years prior to joining the USPS. I quickly learned that those who were there just to milk the system have no defense, and tend to attack, like a cornered animal, when confronted with their subterfuge. Hang in there buddy!
Thanks Ron

I'd give ya a hug if I could so just consider having received one.

Yesterday was like Spring - so cut down 2 larger trees and then cut that down to firewood and made a huge stack of limbs to burn off. During those hours I'm in a tee shirt feeling like I'm in Special Forces and primed for battle. So I made a point of being in the 20s.

But I'm 50s - and as the day goes on my brain is numb... it's unreal how worn out I feel.

I don't see how he could miss what I'm saying - BUT THE TRUTH IS the last thing I want to do 'Attack anyone on the MB'. I may say something in jest - totally in fun - but it's rare I would attack anyone. However if I feel they're attacking me then I'm quick to respond. But I have the highest regard for veterans and I've got my Honorable Discharge right here in my office and the ones like you and Birch and James, CB and many others are deeply connected.

I think the board is comming 'together' in a really good way and I'm not out for any conflicts. In fact it's totally the opposite - if I think there's some friction (like what I felt Kevin and I had) then I'll strive to see all the more the real him and make a point of not being an idiot in my realations with him.

THANK YOU - but have no fear - Birch is my brother and I'm everybit as stubborn as him (and probably as hightly opinionated) - so for the better or worse there is little chance I'm going to change.

Take care my friend and thanks for stopping by

Those in High Risk - pretty much maintained their LEAD.
SEE, Another one who matters ! There are many ;)

Thanks Squale - a double super doober hug for you

TRUST ME - I know the bulk of my relationships here are wonderful and that's a wonderful feeling I'm able to take with me - so it's a very special place filled with many lasting blessings.

Heading home - see ya all in the morning
Steady, as you where.....

Deep cleansing breath, AAAAAAHHHHHHH!!! HHHHHAAAAAA!!!!!!!

1970 to 1974 USAF minuteman missiles. Basically, "a glow in the dark".:D
What an absolutely PERFECT WAY to start the week.

I think it's pretty clear that my ultimate GOAL would be to have everyone who is willing to take the risk to JUMP IN ON THE RALLY EARLY ON and RISE TO POSITIVE TERRITORY. Please review my posts if there is any doubt about that - I believe it's time the stronger ones help the rest - that those with substantial grounding come forward and I asked all the ones with that grounding to please help.
Mr. Handballer is apparently UPSET with me because I despise the thousands and thousands of individuals who swore in to join the service - only to wear a uniform for several months - were deemed unfit to 'serve their country' - got busted down to the lowest rank and left the service with a 'GENERAL' under honorable conditions. This means they had no heart or ambition to be a soldier and serve their country. THESE INDIVIDUALS USE THE VA SYSTEM FOR DISABILITY INCOME AND VA INCOME AND STRETCH WHAT EVER SERVICES THEY CAN GET OUT OF THE VA - Far over those who were excellent soldiers who served with their heart and soul and got an "HONORABLE DISCHARGE"

MY LIFE is devoted to "The Veterans" - and my reputation is probably the highest in the center. I've brought many changes to increase both the level of care we provide and the manner in which we provide it. 'The REAL VETERANS' have the highest respect and admiration for me - because I'm ONE WITH THEM. The ones who are simply 'out to milk the system' who were never soldiers - that only wore a uniform but got busted down to nothing and left without an HONORABLE DISCHARGE find that I'll do whatever I can to turn their life around BUT THERE IS NO WAY I WILL DO ANYTHING TO REWARD THEM WITH DISABILITY INCOME BECAUSE THEY CHOOSE TO DO NOTHING WITH THEIR LIFE.

Obviously I'm trilled for WINDHUNTER - and I would love to see the whole MB past me and rise way above me. I AM HAPPY WHERE I AM BUT I'D LOVE TO SEE EVERYONE UNDER ME - COME ABOVE ME.
NOW LET'S GET TO MR. HANDBALLER'S MESSAGE - ABOUT ME SAYING I HATE THE VETERANS. I WOULD NEVER MAKE A COMMENT LIKE THAT; WOULD PROBABLY SAY I HATE MY FAMILY BEFORE I WOULD SAY I HATE VETERANS. All this comes down to me telling Birch that if I were president things would be a whole lot worse because the first thing I would do is eliminate the overwhelming bulk of disability.

This upset Mr. Handballer - who said he was a veteran getting disability. Usually when people tell me "I'm a veteran and not only qualify for all the care the VA can provide - but I also want all the disability I can get from them" - they IN FACT were never (IN MY OPINION VETERANS)

So this was my response:

Nice try Mr. Handballer - I earned the highest rank possible during my time in service... was personally selected for some of the biggest Missions during my time of duty...received 2 outstanding awards in 2 seperate Annual General Inspections because they could not find ONE FLAW...was a combat soldier to the bone marrow and never once failed at any Mission. If you were (and are) a REAL VETERAN - I'd be willing to bet you'd never find anyone you could relate to easier than me - and never would you find anyone more ready to do everything possible on your behalf.

I'm stuck in G Fund - Mr. Hallballer - because I used my 2 IFTs and I don't have an attitude with you or anyone else because it was my decision. So Mr. Hallballer - push the 'ignore button' next to my name if I get on your nerves.

You stated "I guess things would probably be a WHOLE LOT WORSE if I was in charge. Disability would go out the door." You stated that you despise 95% of veterans seeking benefits because they are not worthy. That is your opinion. You don't deserve to work for the VA if you discriminate against them. Leave these matters to those above your pay grade.

I never earned any stars but I progressed up the ladder as best I could. If I had stayed a couple more years, I probably would of made E-8. "was a combat soldier to the bone marrow"; whats that mean? I collected many medals and awards, among them the Purple Heart, Airman's Medal, and the Air Medal. I served on our wing general inspection team for two years. Served 19 years in Civil Service. Sorry you don't get on my nerves. I guess we have some things in common but I never consider your financial advice; can't figure it out. 3.17.2009 I will be invested in all five TSP funds. I have one IFT left for this month.
You stated "I guess things would probably be a WHOLE LOT WORSE if I was in charge. Disability would go out the door." You stated that you despise 95% of veterans seeking benefits because they are not worthy. That is your opinion. You don't deserve to work for the VA if you discriminate against them. Leave these matters to those above your pay grade.
Indeed. Steady should show some love to the military vets he comes in contact at the VA where he works. But he can't since he despises them his own words).
If this applies to you Handballer - then YES - I would immediately take your disability along with thousands and thousands of others who conviently rob a system that was meant for the worthy.I work for the Veterans Administration and I see this day in and day out. Now if you're one of the VERY FEW that honestly has a disability related to faithful service and you were a real soldier then I would weed out all the low lifes - so you could really stand out for who you are. SO HANDBALLER - From my perspective (and from daily life experience) I know the overwhelmingly majority of those getting money from the VA System - in no way shape or form merit it.
I could not agree with you less. Like many thousands of others, I am a military veteran collecting disability income and veteran medical treatment. Recently retired from Civil Service. I could like to expand on this subject but using a Commodore 128 computer with slooow internet service, I keep my responses short.
I guess things would probably be a WHOLE LOT WORSE if I was in charge. Disability would go out the door - Shadow Banking would be nixed - I'd be kicking ass left and right until they either killed me or got things right.
Obviously, when you take all the crap away, there is a difference of opinion concerning those who are worthy of receiving VA Benefits and those who are not. Each opinion is based on individual perspective, actual life experience and emotion. The MB has it's limitations when it comes to getting inside the head of member and determining their meaning behind the written word. Showing each other "Respect" through "requests for clarification" and being able to "agree to disagree" could have avoided the clash which does not appear to be going away easily. This is Steady's thread and I humbly request that this disagreement end here. We are at War with terrorism and anyone could find themselves in need of VA Benefits, at any given time. It hurts to see it and it hurts to know someone exposed to it. Lets not dishonor ourselves by fighting amongst each other, as no one is right and no one is wrong. I only know of one man's character in this tention filled topic and I'm assuming the other has seen the worse that mankind has to offer or knows someone personally that has. Steadygain is a man who'll offer a stranger the shirt off his back. I know this to be true as I am one of those strangers who has been blessed by his compassion and his willingness to help others in need. Handball, although we don't know each other, your posts prior to this grouping have been positive and worthy of this very special MB and have been welcomed here since your first day here. Lets try alittle harder to practice what I mentioned above and finally put this to rest. :)
Well said Squalebear, as I've found Steadygain to always be kind and courteous to everyone on this board and I have nothing but respect for all veterans.
My daughter served in the Air Force and now my granddaughter has followed her footsteps. She has her first year in the Air Force and is scheduled to be deployed to Iraq in June.
I honestly appreciate you taking the time to reflect your thoughts and feelings on my thread.

Let me start by saying that KevinD had the best idea possible yesterday - and that was making a RESOLUTION to keep all comments 'positive' in his home and that is something all of us should honor.

When Sugar&Spice told Birch 'I will remove it' I had NO IDEA what that had to do with. My guess was it surely had to do with something negative - something that was not worth holding on to and I would say the exact same thing applies to me and you.

This is part of what I told S&S

But then there is that sweet wonderful soft side - the intelligent part that realizes 'hey enough is enough' - the emotional side that says why bother - the negative is not worth holding on to or getting wrapped up in

you are 'removing it' because in doing that you show you are the 'Real Winner' and that no one on this MB or off it can defeat you.

I would say the same thing to me (note I said myself first) and you.

I have nothing against you my friend and I deeply respect your history and that you were E7 and close to E8. That means you were a 'REAL SOLDIER' and not someone who simply wore a uniform.

BUT LET ME GET AWAY FROM THAT - Because that is too easily misunderstood. What I meant to reflect is that I believe in STANDARDS and overall I believe the general population of the United States has largely LOST the STANDARDS that once reflected a very stong and beautiful country. I believe a 'Disability Mindset' has largely destroyed our country and that many other standards have largely dwindled away.

You stated "I guess things would probably be a WHOLE LOT WORSE if I was in charge. Disability would go out the door."

Here I mean NO OFFENSE to you - or to anyone that merits it. What I'm saying here is: I would destroy the disability mindset that is destroying the U.S.A. and bring back the STANDARDS that all citizens of the U.S.A. should live by. People who simply choose NOT to work and decide to drink and get high would not get Disability to support that life style.

You stated that you despise 95% of veterans seeking benefits because they are not worthy.

95% may be stretching it and there are many veterans under my care that are truely Service Connected that deserve every penny they get and all we can do for them.

The overwhelming BULK of Disability Money or 'Free Money' that I see flowing out of the VA - are for individuals that did not even serve a full term; got in all kinds of trouble while they were in because they didn't want to be told what to do, because they got into drugs and alcohol and all kinds of other things; they got busted down to E1 and got out on a 'General'

That is your opinion.
And I'd be willing to bet anything that you would share the exact same opinion if you knew the details of what I'm reflecting - also if you knew the magnitude by which these individuals come to me wanting 'DISABILIY'.

You don't deserve to work for the VA if you discriminate against them.
This is where you are wrong my friend. When someone comes to me demanding that I give them a diagnosis of PTSD so they can get disability and they did not finish boot camp - got in trouble getting drunk and doing drugs - and were 'booted out' because they were unfit for duty - and never even remotely had any connection to Trauma or Battle - then I AM NOT GOING TO PRETEND THAT APPLIES.

When essentially healty individuals come to me and their lifes are messed up because how they live and their lack of motivation to turn their lives around - then I'm going to do everything possible to help them turn their lives around and give them a sense of self worth and strive to help them get what they really need.

Leave these matters to those above your pay grade.
The overwhelming BULK already have their Disability by the time they meet me - so I have nothing to do with it. They are seeing me because something in their life is missing - and very often that is a good self esteem because they have no job and basically no work history. If they work they lose their Disability - so Disability for the majority of people I've encountered does far more harm than good.

I never earned any stars but I progressed up the ladder as best I could.
Then you lived up to STANDARDS and I respect you for that.

If I had stayed a couple more years, I probably would of made E-8.
Again - you are rare compared to the bulk I see - but I treat everyone of my patients with dignity and respect. I do whatever I can to help them make the most out of their lives.

You were obviously one truely committed to your country and you conducted yourself in an honorable manner. THAT I deeply respect. You - and all like you - are the main reason I am here.

"was a combat soldier to the bone marrow"; whats that mean?
It is a MINDSET I had to be thoroughly saturated in - in order to be what I was and accomplish what I did. It means I saw myself as a combat soldier - as a killer - as a hitman - and that was supreme over everything else. I functioned in a variety of 'Jobs - MOS' but my first and most supreme job was always 'Combat Soldier' It means that the others in your unit are closer than mother, father, brother, sister, wife, girlfriend or anything else. That everything you do - you do for them and to make sure they are safe. That you are always their eyes and ears - and always watching their back and making sure they don't walk into danger. It making sure that as a Team you go out Accomplish the Mission and come back as a Team.

I collected many medals and awards, among them the Purple Heart, Airman's Medal, and the Air Medal. I served on our wing general inspection team for two years. Served 19 years in Civil Service.

I deeply appologize for wording myself the way I did. I absolutely guarantee you that I would have held you in the highest regard had I known your background and who you really are.

Sorry you don't get on my nerves. I guess we have some things in common WE have way more in common than you realize - we are both 'brothers' to the bone marrow and both of us have the highest regard possible for VETERANS. You have more than earned my respect and I'm very sorry for lumping you into the unworty. You just have no idea how widespread the abuse has been to the VA System - and that does bother me.

but I never consider your financial advice; can't figure it out.
There are many on this MB with far greater financial expertise than me - Uptrend, Poolman, Corepuncher, Coolhand, 350z, Birch and numerous others.

I don't expect you (or anyone) to follow my advice - but I go with one simple rule: Maximize Gains and Minimize Losses.

3.17.2009 I will be invested in all five TSP funds.
3 of the 5 will likely PLUNGE. 1 will gain minimally and 1 will vary

I will have 100% in minimal gain - ZERO LOSS

I have one IFT left for this month.

Hallballer, I'm sorry about our misundertanding - and this is not the first time I worded myself POORLY. Please ask me to clarify, or ask me to be more specific - or give me specifics - and I'd say the overwhelming odds are WE THINK A LOT ALIKE.

Thanks for living your life the way you did; for being true to yourself, your family and your country.
Well said Squalebear, as I've found Steadygain to always be kind and courteous to everyone on this board and I have nothing but respect for all veterans.

That's wonderful !! and I will always strive to be that way.

My daughter served in the Air Force and now my granddaughter has followed her footsteps. She has her first year in the Air Force and is scheduled to be deployed to Iraq in June.

There are few things that ever compare to Being a Veteran and serving your country with dignity, honor, and respect.

I do hope God watches over her and keeps her safe.

May God Bless and Keep Her Safe ! ;)

Squale - thank you so much for taking the time and the effort to interact as you did.

Please know this is not something between him and me. It was a misunderstanding - based on my poor wording. I have nothing but the highest respect and admiration for Mr. Handballer and it took real courage to confront me the way he did.

PLEASE don't let there be annimosity between any of us especially all of us who served in the manner by which Mr. Handballer demonstrated.

When my daughter was in Iraq with the Army she told me she was jealous of the Air Force girls because they could wear ear rings and use finger nail polish. My daughter now informs me that she may sign up for the Army Reserve when she gets out early next year. She apparently likes being in charge.
Squale - thank you so much for taking the time and the effort to interact as you did.

PLEASE don't let there be annimosity between any of us especially all of us who served in the manner by which Mr. Handballer demonstrated.

It would appear that my Mission was accomplished. Your concern over
annimosity isn't necessary. Thats not who I am. I saw something of
concern and gave it some attention. Ok, Ok, maybe I was feeling just
a little protective my Big Brother, but I posted a fair and well balanced
evaluation and reasonable solution to my concern. I've read your recent
entries and feel good that I posted my thoughts. ;) Group Hug ! :nuts:

When my daughter was in Iraq with the Army she told me she was jealous of the Air Force girls because they could wear ear rings and use finger nail polish. My daughter now informs me that she may sign up for the Army Reserve when she gets out early next year. She apparently likes being in charge.

That's funny Birch,
When I was in the Army - I thought how cool it would be...

to be in the AF or Navy because I could grow a beard or let my shirt tail out....

but then I saw the USMC - and realized what slouches we were..:p

The USMC probably did more to shape me than anything else because I loved the way they stood out and made a point of acting like a Marine - of being a Marine - throughout my Army years. ;)
Thank you Squalebear !!

Birch may be a little too strong at times and come across like a walking encyclopedia of financial facts and data....

and I may often be a little rough around the edges....

but YOU are THE BEST.
There is no denying that the Marine Corps as a WHOLE when it comes to appearance and discipline puts the rest to shame however as a Combat Arms guy I have been in a few organizations that I would say fit that bill as well.
This is no way meant to diminish others occupations just that to some organizations it means more and leadership makes a difference.
There is no denying that the Marine Corps as a WHOLE when it comes to appearance and discipline puts the rest to shame however as a Combat Arms guy I have been in a few organizations that I would say fit that bill as well.
This is no way meant to diminish others occupations just that to some organizations it means more and leadership makes a difference.

Thanks man - I totally agree

Special Forces would stack up ... as would others in that realm

Leadership makes a huge difference...setting the bar as high as possible is the first step...but the mindset of every member in the Unit is what makes them what they are.

BTW - very cool lookn' ride you've got.

I bet if we were at a stoplight and it turned green - that you would beat me to the next light :nuts::laugh:
I am sure the young man that owns it now would beat us both.
Had to part ways with it a few years ago. The wife would not let me park it in the house during the winter.:D
Don't know why.