RunningFool's Account Talk

That's about all I can take for now and with all those corrupt politicians meeting about money I am heading for the hills for a while. G96-F1-C1-S1-I1:notrust:
Well I have completely lost all reason G75,F5,C10,S5,I5. I hope it doesn't hurt too much!:nuts: That giant sucking sound is GREED pulling us all into the vortex of death.
Well I have completely lost all reason G75,F5,C10,S5,I5. I hope it doesn't hurt too much!:nuts: That giant sucking sound is GREED pulling us all into the vortex of death.

Whats so strange is that we all sound bearish and know we all got sucked into this vortex of death and we all know there's no escape, but we all are jumping in..:confused:
You are late to the party but not that late - there will be plenty of profitability that resides in the ride ahead.
Well it seems that this rally may or may not have run its course. So I, having only vague notions of what I am doing, have decided to pull back my vast investments so a safer position. Hopefully this will not cause the markets to crash. G 92, F 5, C 1, S 1, I 1. Have a good day.:)
Looks to me with the last few days of ups and downs that the people (investors/market) are not sure where they want to be, all the negatives and yet we still are staying pretty much horizontal.

I think it's a testament of the American motivation to succeed!
All the sellers have cut and run - and with $11 trillion on the sidelines there is going to be an explosion of monumental proportions on the horizon. There is still 15 billion shares hanging on short and even they will be forced to cover eventually and that may take several months adding fuel - if they dion't get out of the way they'll be toasted.
Well Birch I have been amazed by the ground that you and others have gained, from almost -30% to -5%. It has inspired me to at least jump into the market just a bit to try to avoid being trampled by the on coming herd of bulls. A few more days will provide a couple of more opportunities (IFTs) to maybe jump back in and run with the bulls for a while.:)
Once again the vortex of death is calling me into the fray and I go. G 65, F 5, C 10, S 10, I 10. I blame this all on birch and his confounded contrariness and of course my own greed. Have a good day. :)
Well, this whole rally just doesn't seem right to me. All the news is bad and all we get from the axis of evil (Gov't, Wall Street, THE FED) is a bunch of groundless cheerleading. So I am thinking of pulling back from the vortex of death (which seems to be just a bunch of hot air) and see what happens. On the plus side I was able to get into positive territory (barely) for the first time since Dec 07 but this thing is starting to smell a bit fishy. Decisions, decisions, decisions.
Getwell SB.:)
For all the millions of folks who follow my every move to govern their financial decisions, I have changed to a more aggressive allocation today. G 89, F 5, C 2, S 2, I 2. DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME!!! I will not be responsible for the consequences. Have a good day. :)
Wow these kind of returns are intoxicating. I have decided that I'm never going to retire anyway so I am throwing caution to the wind and putting it all in. G 0, F 0, C 25, S 40, I 35. Its like the roaring 20's, let the good times roll, until the piper must be paid. Its only worthless money anyway.
Have a nice day :)