Rogue's Account Talk

Re: Planned IFT today.

So I called the TSP folk. The first lady advised that only the portion of my contributions I put toward TSPRoth would count against any $$ I could put toward an IRA or RothIRA. We got disconnected. Next lady advises me that NONE of my TSP (nor matching) contributions count against what I can put toward an IRA or Roth IRA since tsp is considered same as a 401k contribution. I can't locate an investment advisor around here (NE Tennessee) that can show me the answer in writing also. Leaves me wondering what the penalty is/would be if I overcontribute by $5k or $10k by maxxing TSP at $17,500 this year AND maxing both an IRA dd Roth at $5,500.00 each. Seems this would maximize my tax offset, lower my taxable income by the most this yr, etc. I don't think I can afford to do all of that, but I really want to open a Roth while we are in an income group to do it. If Wifey and I make >$200k, and we are getting close, we may earn ourselves out of Roth eligibility. That would total $27k toward retirement for me, plus whatever Wifey does. Meantime, trying to see if we're dipping a bit today so I can make one last IFT into C&S, before I "go away in May."

Purly my opinion, no quid pro quo intended or implied.

My understanding is the TSP is the same as a 401k. 401k are called so becuase they fall under the IRS tax code (26 U.S.C.) SubSection 401K and TSP exspressly falls under 401k3G. The 401k contribution limitations are expressed in the law under SubSection 402g.

An IRA or Roth IRA are expressed in SubSection 408 with limitations described in SubSection408o which reference SubSection 219g.

For example, SubSection 402g limits amounts to $17,500 while SubSection 219g sets the amount at $5,000. My impression is both are mutually exclusive and the fact that they are different amounts would give me more confidence in that opinion.

Take that for what it is worth, but for me before I pay a Financial Advisor a couple hundred dollars for an answer I'd have the IRS agent questioning my contributions explain to me what I am missing by reading the actual IRS tax code passed by congress
2 IFTs in one week.
Not to be confused with 2 girls, one cup.

Seeing prices dip all morning, I moved more to C & S to:

G: 15%
C: 30%
S: 55%
Just moved to safety.

From: To:

G: 15% 70%
C: 30% 15%
S: 55% 15%

I've gotten all I expect to get out of August, and plan to buy a dip in the fall to ride the winter waves.
Unless Putin invades Ukraine, there is a gold panic, race riots, or the bottom falls out of pork belly futures etc etc.
In which case I'll play less Pot Limit Omaha and more No Limit Holdem.
Is this dip enough? My "buy" finger is twitching. Looks like some value in S for the cold & profitable months.
It being near the end of the month, and a day before payday, this seems the time to buy the dip.
I need to work on my "payday bump" superstition. I always think that the influx of money from TSP'ers on paydays is predictable so short-term traders can sell off today (Thursday) in anticipation of the buying that will happen tomorrow on payday.

The data doesn't support it, so this is likley the retirement equivalent of a "leak in your poker game."
Noone is as superstitious as a gambler.

Ugh! Looks like everything spiked just before Noon. I moved too soon, and now I have buyer's remorse. Dammit.
I'm not sick enough to hope for a downswing this PM before closing. But I did log in to see if I could cancel the IFT.
No dice. Swing and a miss. Drawing dead. Felted (well, not really but same sentiment.)
Bright side: I'm young enough to rally and if my next few moves are better then I will counter this one.
But, dammit.

In-process interfund transfer request submitted 09/25/2014. You have an interfund transfer request being processed for 09/25/2014 which cannot be changed because the deadline for changing or cancelling has passed. This request is not yet reflected in your account balance. After processing, your account balance will be invested as shown below. You can create a new request by clicking Request Another Interfund Transfer.
Also, this could be the start of a rally. Even if it continues through tomorrow or for several days I could profit.
But, dammit.
IFT today.
Sell the swell.

Moving from:

Moving to:

"We're loadin' up our Woody with our boards inside and headin' out...."

I'll just be out here paddling around waiting to see a dip to buy before I jump into some late year whitecap waves.
OK, seems that now's time to buy some fear and uncertainty.
Also, in time for tomorrow's injection of federal employee money.
Seems to be some value in S & I funds now.

Moving from/to
G 65/30
C 25/30
S 10/20
I 0/20

Pending interfund transfer request submitted 10/23/2014. You have a pending interfund transfer request that should be effective as of close of business 10/23/2014. You may change or cancel this request until 12:00 noon, Eastern time, that day. (Only one request can be effective each day.)
2007 PIP: 6.3 %
2008 PIP: -29.79%
2009 PIP: 23.02%
2010: 10.12%
2011: 3.52%
2012: 11.33% (from Q4AY12 statement, PIP past 12 months)
2013: 19.81% (autotracker figure, PIP no longer on ann'l statements?)
2013: 19.2% (from Q4AY12 statement, PIP past 12 months)
Considering a premium service. In comparing them, it looks like the L2030 and L2040 do really well comparatively though. Maybe a year of an L fund for 2015?
See how well the PS did back in 2008 if it goes back that far. I tried the L30 in 2008 and lost my shirt. :sick:
Buy the dip (I hope).
IFT this morning, hoping to catch the ebb and then ride the flow.

Moving from/to
G 30/0
C 30/45
S 20/30
I 20/25

Your Personal Investment Performance (PIP) for the past 12 months ending 10/31/2014 is 11.76%.

#135 on the non-Premium YTD AT @ 6.52%
Still 11:15, it looks like the early AM results are turning around, so I wanted to cancel my IFT.
Alas...I mistyped my login x3 and I'm locked out for an hour.
So it goes...
See how well the PS did back in 2008 if it goes back that far. I tried the L30 in 2008 and lost my shirt. :sick:
I didn't think any of them fared well in 2008.
Except the Heavy G-fund like the L-income or something.
I lost a ton that year too. I think we all did.
Alas, as of today, I'm outperforming all of the L funds by a little bit, and S fund. 100% C would beat my rate this year.