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I am no longer convinced that there will be a spike in the numbers that affects the economy considerably. If anything, the general public has become aware to the point that I think people are truly concerned about avoiding the virus, especially if they are particulary vulnerable to the effects the virus might have on them. Those with less vulnerability will simply play the odds. Work has to commence. People HAVE TO get back to generating income and going about their lives. The economic furnace will be relit based on the efforts of Americans that are fed up, for a multitude of reasons, but mostly because the American Spirit cannot be beaten down.
So as we push into the 11-11:30am timeframe should we be looking for that volume strength/weakness to determine a potential IFT?
Any summation from PPT? Last one I saw he was saying we're at an inflection point, could go up, could go down, but we should know either way this week. Anything different in the video posted? Youtube has been blocked to minimize network load.
He is still saying the markets are in a danger zone. Advises against taking any long positions.
Any summation from PPT? Last one I saw he was saying we're at an inflection point, could go up, could go down, but we should know either way this week. Anything different in the video posted? Youtube has been blocked to minimize network load.
The clinical trial involved 397 patients with severe cases of Covid-19. The severe study is “single-arm,” meaning it did not evaluate the drug against a control group of patients who didn’t receive the drug.
But outside experts in clinical trial design worry that the results, instead of leading to a clear picture of whether the medicine is effective, will instead muddy the waters further.
The main concern, they say, stems from the fact that the Gilead trial expected to read out this week, which was conducted among patients with severe disease, lacks a control group — that is, patients who are randomly assigned to receive the best treatment available, but not remdesivir. As designed, the only randomization is the duration of treatment: either five days or 10 days of drug. Without a true control group of patients, many experts say, it will be difficult to determine whether remdesivir is effective.
“The overall study itself has little or no scientific value since all patients are receiving the drug,” said Steven Nissen, the chief academic officer at the Cleveland Clinic and lead investigator of many trials for heart drugs that have been approved by the Food and Drug Administration.
“The study, as designed, is essentially useless and cannot be used by the FDA for consideration of remdesivir for approval to treat coronavirus,” Nissen said.
Peter Bach, director of the Center for Health Policy and Outcomes at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, called the situation “frustrating.”
“For them to run the trial in severe but not include a control group, it’s just such a waste,” Bach said.
The predicament is symptomatic of one of the biggest problems in medicine: Collecting data quickly can actually slow things down if studies are not designed in a way that gives clear, definitive answers.
Once again, Mr. Market is reacting on emotions and hope. Not technicals!
It'll likely snap back to reality after investors have fully understood/digested Gilead's purported good news on Remdesivir. I mean, there wasn't even a control group...
At least China's study had a control group. And remember, it showed that patients on the drug did not improve more than those in a control group.
I don't think the news warrants today's rally, especially given the limited supply of the drug. But, as we all know too well, Mr. Market will quickly gobble up any bit of "good news" nowadays while ignoring the vast majority of negative economic news. It simply makes no sense whatsoever. Mr. Market's reckless disregard of the technicals will catch up with it sooner or later. A day I look forward to!
Yup agreed, not technicals.
But remember that "Irrational Exuberance" still resulted in another 2-3 year up surge in the late 90's, before reality kicked in.
Are you buying today, Rod? Above 50 several days but down so far today.
CNBC’s Covid-19 Testing & Treatments Index is equal-weighed and currently comprised of 29 companies that are working on testing and treating the coronavirus.
The S&P 500 and the CNBC Covid-19 Testing & Treatments Index have moved in near lockstep since the market bottomed on March 23.
The S&P 500 and the CNBC Covid-19 Testing & Treatments Index have moved in near lockstep since the market bottomed on March 23. A look at their movement since the March bottom reveals the S&P 500 and the Covid-19 index tend to rise and fall at the same time.
The relationship between the two reveals just how important coronavirus news is to Wall Street investors, who have for weeks said a reliable treatment is key to unleashing financial markets and an eventual return to all-time highs.