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Neat, an art gallery! Where? I will have to come by and see it on one of my PT trips.
I hear ya, I am finally just about able to chew all that I have proverbally bitten off!
Two main reasons why PTCrew is getting overhauled: I cannot stand this forum software (like some of my trades, it seemed like a good idea at the time, baha) and the needs of the site outgrew having a forum only. I figured that would happen, but not for about a year; I was nine months off.

(a good thing)
I thrive on trying new stuff, and building an elaborate site with many bells and whistles is definitely new to my rudimentary webmaster skillz. Particulars here:
My approach is moving from commercial code to OpenSource/GNU. I modded this forum software as much as I can, but open source is much more flexible and mod-able and has the support of an entire community rather than one author. I want to be able to tailor and customise pretty much everything and add just about anything.
Where I am now is learning to write PHP code (modifying is one thing, writing from scratch is another) to convert the current forum's SQL database to the new forum's database format; a simple import/export is inadequate. One learns much more when you have a real objective rather than "exercises" or "labs", much like "necessity is the mother of invention".
Fully customizable themes is a big bonus, too. A preview:
haha, Oh, sorry, Rod, for the threadjack!

You were saying 30C/60S/10I...