The Fed is just rolling the dice like the rest of us and whether they win or not depends on folks going back to work sooner, rather than later. Right now, potential momentum is still in their favor, and they seem to be convinced that if we can restart work in earnest, that there will be a rush back to the top and none of the negatives that are bound to unfold in the coming months will matter. We've seen it playing out in the short-term already with this bear market rally.
But, I see merit in the article you posted. Risk may be shifted or deferred, but if the virus isn't brought under control, then the Fed fails. It's still all about the virus. The Feds plan hinges on either control of it or the realization that we can go back to being productive in spite of it. If the American people can be convinced of either, the Fed wins. The media is going to try and convince us that doom lies ahead.