Firstly, congrats to those of you who have been reaping the rewards since Monday! :bigok:
Before then, we were oh so close to that 5% pullback with only 1.87% more to go in the S&P 500 (according to my math). I am still waiting for that pullback. Because if I was to "capitulate" and join you in the funds, then Mr. Market would decide to pullback. I will not give into his beckoning call. :nana: Been there, done that, way too times over the years. I'm certain a lot of you have done the same. I IFT'd to (G) a few months+ early before the 2008 crash. But, I hardly missed any gains during that period. I'm hoping to do the same with the eventual pullback (or correction). Only time will tell if I succeed. Be careful out there, especially with the many uncertainties of the coronavirus.
God Bless :smile: