Rod's Account Talk

Hello stranger, really good returns this year you are doing something right.

Hi there George! Hope all is well. Yeah, I guess the one thing I am doing right is not chasing after Mr. Market.

Just use me as the buy-n-hold guinea pig, and we'll see how I fare in the end.:toung:
Hello All,

I've been in a buy-n-hold pattern since I bought in near the bottom of the 2008 crash. This has been my performance:










30.30% (YTD)

I'm very satisfied with my buy-n-hold (no chasing after the market) strategy and will remain @ 56.66% (C) and 43.34% (S).

Thank you, God Bless, and Merry Christmas! :)
Rod, Good returns. Hope 2014 can be half as good as 2013. Have a nice Thanksgiving and a Merry Christmas.
Still holding... and nearly doubling my balance since I retired in Sep 2011!

60 (C)

40 (S)

God Bless and have a most Blessed Christmas! :)
Very bold position for a retired guy but your obviously blessed. Good food for thought for me to be bolder and more confident.

Have a Merry Christmas.
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I bet he is not withdrawing from his TSP and why fix it if it is working. I just retired but I told my self some years ago that this is a race/marathon and when you get close to the end of the race you don't slow down you put in your kick to cross the finish line. Well I have not crossed the line yet so I'm still in my kick so to speak. I'm fully invested and plan to stay that way until things change. I not drawing from my tsp. At time of retirement that is the most money you will have and I hope to put it to work in my favor. Hope I did not jinx myself heehee. With that said to each their own, let's make some money
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Thank you for your kind comments. To clarify, it is the Air Force I am retired from. I'm still in my 40's, so I have a little ways to go until I am really retired.:)
Hello All,

Long time, no see! As you old-TSPTalk timers know, I've been in a buy-n-hold pattern since shortly after the 2008 crash.

As the "buy-n-hold guinea pig" :ban:, these have been my returns since the crash:

2008: (I bailed to the (G) Fund on 22 Jan 2008, completely avoiding the crash.)


2009: (I reentered the market on 20 Feb 2009. My last IFT was on 2 Nov 2009: 60(C) 40(S).)

















6.97% (YTD)

Although's slogan is "Friends Don't Let Friends Buy and Hold", I've been quite satisfied with my buy-n-hold strategy over the past 9 years. Without contributing a cent, (because I am unable to) I have more than doubled my TSP account balance since I retired from the USAF on 1 Sep 2011.

I am now contemplating bailing to the (G) Fund because I sense that we are in for a rough summer. I could be wrong, though. But, the last time I felt this strongly about bailing to the (G) Fund was 8 months prior to the 2008 crash. And you must admit, we are overdue for a correction (and due for the Bear). The last correction was when the S&P 500 dropped 15% from Nov 2015 to Feb 2016. (It dropped only 5.40% during BREXIT, but gained it all back, and then some, within a matter of days.)

Our last Bear was Oct 2007 - Mar 2009. Here is some Bear history before that:

Mar 2000 - Oct 2002
Aug 1987 - Dec 1987
Nov 1980 - Aug 1982
Jan 1973 - Oct 1974

You can view more correction and Bear history here:

Unless we are repeating another 13-year Bull run (Dec 1987 - Mar 2000), we are definitely due for the Bear. But, as I said, I could be wrong and we could have 5 more years riding the Bull.

Should we believe what Warren Buffet said in Feb, ""We are not in bubble territory or anything of the sort..." ""Measured against interest rates, stocks are actually on the cheap side..." ???

Of course, interest rates are on the rise. Expect another hike in June, possibly followed by another one before the year is out.

Source for Buffet quote:

Warren Buffett: Red-hot market not in a bubble, still looks 'cheap' - Feb. 27, 2017

In the meantime, I'll let you know if I decide to bail to (G) in order to preserve my overall 114% returns since 2008. BTW, compare my 114% overall returns since 2008 with some of the seasoned investors on this forum. Go to the AutoTracker history and add(subtract) their annual returns since 2008.

Did my buy-n-hold strategy beat them out?

I calculated the numbers of one very popular poster. His overall returns since 2008 was 55.59%. That almost convinces me to maintain my buy-n-hold strategy!:usa2:

Happy Investing and God bless. :smile:
