Rod's Account Talk

CheapShot said:
Rod are you just expecting a bounce and getting out or are planning on staying in longer than a couple of days.

Well, today I gained back 1.52% of my 3.61% loss from last week and yesterday. 2.09% deficit still to make up.

I'll probably be in longer than a couple days unless it tanks.

God Bless:)
I lost about 7% the last two weeks, but you gotta play to make some, I treat the TSP basically the same was as you it's not my nest egg, of course it could be if I make bundles, but hopefully I'll double my account by the time I retire in about 5 years. Good Luck.
CheapShot said:
I lost about 7% the last two weeks, but you gotta play to make some, I treat the TSP basically the same was as you it's not my nest egg, of course it could be if I make bundles, but hopefully I'll double my account by the time I retire in about 5 years. Good Luck.

Yeah, it definitely isn't my nest egg. But I do try to trade as if it were because being reckless with any amount of $$$ is pure stupidity. If you remember, before I jumped back in I was in (G) for about 2 months. I simply jumped back in prematurely. Bad move, we all make them. So, I don't let it get to me. I try to find that silver lining... and so far it has been buying (I) @ 19.10. If it falls below that, I may have to reconsider my strategy of holding out in (I).
Looks like today is going to be a good day all around. Japan should react positively and set us up for another good day tomorrow.

ATPIT, I have no plans of exiting (I) anytime soon.

If it falls below 19.10 (where I bought in), then I will consider it.

Until then, I'm in long.

God Bless:)

Are you saying you don't have any G money available? I was going to ask you for a loan - $200,000 goes alot further than my dollar cost averaging purchase this week. Good luck on that I fund - hope you can handle the gravity forces on take off.
Birchtree said:

Are you saying you don't have any G money available? I was going to ask you for a loan - $200,000 goes alot further than my dollar cost averaging purchase this week. Good luck on that I fund - hope you can handle the gravity forces on take off.

I've been 100 (I) since 23 May.

Trying to make up for that 3.61% loss. I should have 2.06% remaining to make up after today. I still have 33 years to make that up.;)

Perhaps I'll go long for 33 years... but what fun would that be??? Gotta get my kicks trading.:D

God Bless :)
I've had my ups and downs, but so far so good with fishing the bottom of the (I). I bought in @ 19.10.

If it falls below that, I will consider bailing.

God Bless:)
I said if the (I) fund were to fall below my target price that I would consider selling. It's now .07 below that price of 19.10.

I've considered it, and I'm staying.
Rod said:
I said if the (I) fund were to fall below my target price that I would consider selling. It's now .07 below that price of 19.10.

I've considered it, and I'm staying.

Took the risk and it didn't pay off. For future reference, I believe I will pull out once the share price drops below my buy-in price. On a positive note, the Nikkei opened UP nearly 100 points for the 9th and is nearing +137.

God Bless:)
Hang in there. The I Fund should be up tomorrow. I'm right more than 70% of the time using my tracking system. I was safely tucked in the F Fund the last couple of days. We should reap some benefits tomorrow.
Why the move to the S fund right now? I'm 100% G right now, and I'd imagine I'll stay this way until the end of June. Perhaps I'll buy back in right away if S goes as low as 15.50 and I as low as 17.00. Otherwise, I think G is the safe bet until until some stability returns.
lacaprup said:
Why the move to the S fund right now?

Because that's my risk tolerance. No desire to be in (G) when the bounce occurs. Hopefully we'll get that once the fed meet is over.
After seeing the nasty looses Japan and Europe took today, I'm expecting the I to drop sharply. I already put in the transfer as I expect the next two days to be a mini-rally. I hope the S has the rebound you expect as well.
lacaprup said:
After seeing the nasty looses Japan and Europe took today, I'm expecting the I to drop sharply. I already put in the transfer as I expect the next two days to be a mini-rally. I hope the S has the rebound you expect as well.

Yeah, it will rebound at some point. But the question remains, "When?".

I've been weathering (I) in anticipation. But unfortuantely I weathered it a bit too long. If you look through my posts, I stated I would consider pulling out of (I) if it were to drop below my initial buy-in price of 19.10. Well, I should've but I didn't. Next time I don't need to "consider". I just need to do it.

Expensive lesson learned, which makes us all better traders in the end.

God Bless:)
Going to be an absolute blood bath for us (I) holders today.

It's only $$$...

It's only $$$...

It's only $$$...

and ONE more time!

It's only $$$...

:D :D :D

Gotta stay positive... thank goodness for POWERBALL!!!:nuts:

Exits the room singing, "The sun will come out, tomorrow... bet my bottom LOST (I) dollars..."