No, no, I find it interesting that they didn't FV. Does Vanguard manage the FV process? Does Vanguard have their own international index or do they use MSCI's EAFE or something similar? And have they apllied FV's on the same days as our I fund?
Need to 'splain myself: By "no change", I meant no share price change from yesterday. Assume that means there was a small FV since the Intl' markets were generally down...but not the large FV predicted for the I-Fund.
Let me spend a little time doing a better comparison between the I-Fund and the Vanguard Total International (VGTSX). There may be more differences than the names imply. (i.e. what index they attempt to track).
Could be tough since VGTSX is actually a "fund of funds"...a combination of the Vanguard Pacific, European, and Emerging Markets funds (26%, 58%, and 15% respectively).
I'm probably sending us "off topic"...but I have a feeling that the "redemption fee" of 2% charged for trading out after less than 2 months...plus the general Vanguard rules preventing trading of funds, makes them less likely to "require" large FV amounts.
I'll get back with a more coherent assessment.