Playing the I fund

No, no, I find it interesting that they didn't FV. Does Vanguard manage the FV process? Does Vanguard have their own international index or do they use MSCI's EAFE or something similar? And have they apllied FV's on the same days as our I fund?

Need to 'splain myself: By "no change", I meant no share price change from yesterday. Assume that means there was a small FV since the Intl' markets were generally down...but not the large FV predicted for the I-Fund.

Let me spend a little time doing a better comparison between the I-Fund and the Vanguard Total International (VGTSX). There may be more differences than the names imply. (i.e. what index they attempt to track).

Could be tough since VGTSX is actually a "fund of funds"...a combination of the Vanguard Pacific, European, and Emerging Markets funds (26%, 58%, and 15% respectively).

I'm probably sending us "off topic"...but I have a feeling that the "redemption fee" of 2% charged for trading out after less than 2 the general Vanguard rules preventing trading of funds, makes them less likely to "require" large FV amounts.

I'll get back with a more coherent assessment. :)
14 cent +FV

I've emailed 350 earlier concerning the results this morning on the I fund expected performance. Late in the morning at noon, I was getting an 8 cent increase in the I fund....really close to todays increase. I had doubled checked the reference dollar value from the previous noon time.

Some of you know that I also download the I fund data automatically, probably one of the first to do so....I believe Gilligan was the instigator.....but mine are estimates and most of the time are either right on or within 2 cents....rarely are they further I raise the question with 350 to check his data.....

I'm not positive that we got such a strong FV today. Maybe 4 cents.
...rarely are they further I raise the question with 350 to check his data.....

I'm not positive that we got such a strong FV today. Maybe 4 cents.


My calculations are correct. Yours is wrong. But that doesn't matter. We got a 14 cent +FV. Just look at MSCI's posting of the EAFE and do the math. As for your calculations, I've seen you way off before, prior to your banishment.:D :)
I'm not positive that we got such a strong FV today. Maybe 4 cents.

I am. It's not really a matter of opinion. EAFE was off .211%, about 5 cents. I fund paid 9 cents, an FV of 14 cents. 350's estimates have been spot on, always within a cent or two. And now his FV estimates have been on too, within a few cents. You can download all the data you want, as far as I am concerned, 350's got the crystal ballz.

My calculations are correct. Yours is wrong. But that doesn't matter. We got a 14 cent +FV. Just look at MSCI's posting of the EAFE and do the math. As for your calculations, I've seen you way off before, prior to your banishment.:D :)

That could be .....I forgot to think of the MSCI posts.....I still wonder why I had the results of this morning though....the calculations here are automatic and are very close if not spot on majority of the time.....the only variable that could be wrong is the dollar value ref or current value.....but it was checked twice.....

Maybe I should be banished again.....:embarrest:
I am. It's not really a matter of opinion. EAFE was off .211%, about 5 cents. I fund paid 9 cents, an FV of 14 cents. 350's estimates have been spot on, always within a cent or two. And now his FV estimates have been on too, within a few cents. You can download all the data you want, as far as I am concerned, 350's got the crystal ballz.

350's got big ol brass balls!
Thank you for your skills. I am considering this very carefully. However, I also am waiting for other news to see if money keeps flowing into stock funds and raising all boats on the way up!

Todays rally left all the funds at the top of their current range. If the USM moves up again tomorrow, it will be a blessing and a perfect time to take profit.
Guess I'm gonna have to download all the indexs to get accurate to the penny just to satisfy a few ......

Maybe just leave it to the 350z, as he does it so well already... There is also our good buddy Gilligan out there too, who pitches in and is deadly accurate.

and the few are indeed many....
With theYen Carry Trade in full force and the US Fed walking a tight rope between destroying the domestic housing market or having foreign investors dump US Bonds in a stampede like fashion, look for the I Fund to do very well over the next three months, unless of course, the CB's try to coordinate another commodity shakeout.
Feel free to confirm my complete ignorance of how these factors actually effect and/or reflect the actual I fund, but given the huge afternoon moves in the USM and the dollar, and the EAF, was this a somewhat conservative FV. And if so, does that mean that we are at least starting tomorrow in the black, even with the FV correction?
Todays rally left all the funds at the top of their current range. If the USM moves up again tomorrow, it will be a blessing and a perfect time to take profit.

The blessing will probably come tomorrow and Friday, but I didn't want to take the chance. I left the I fund today to sit on the lilly pad until the euphoria turns back into fear. Then I'll just get right back in for the monkey ride.
I'll get back with a more coherent assessment. :)

Don't want to clutter this I-Fund discussion. I have a brief description of I-Fund vs. VGTSX FV behavior in my tracking thread.

(Not worth the read unless you REALLY like FV discussions conducted by amateurs). :)