Playing the I fund

What are you using to get that estimate? Currently CNN, Yahoo, and Scottrade all show EAFE down 19%. Are you assuming a +FV for yesterday? Not being sarcastic, I'm just trying to understand more.
He uses a spreadsheet that calculates several diffent things and adjust for currency. There really isn't a good up to date ticker you can look at. His numbers are the best.
For those of you that must know. Here's 60 wonderful pages that go into detail. Enjoy the read.

Thanks for the lin.......................
Can anyone give us a normal explanation of how 350z gets his figures?

I had the different world indices and US Index (weights included) with the links somewhere in this board. But I need to update the world indices' weights 'cause those were from 2004. Not much difference, but I think the latest ones are from 2005. :)
Close enough 350zCommTech! I-fund up .164% or +.04 cents. :D

Now if only the US market can flash some more green to show the way for the Asian and European market tonight. :)

It should still be 3 cents, if my I fund price is correct. Perhaps Fabijo can chime in with the his current I fund price.:)