Playing the I fund

So are you saying it's incorrect to add each EOM percentage figure together, to get the 11 month (YTD) total?? :) :confused:
You are getting 20.88% because you are adding the percentages together. Each end of month percentage is calculated by comparing the fund's price at the end of the month to the fund's price at the beginning of the month. If you just add 1% to 1% you can't say it equals 2%. Each 1% could be 1% of two very different numbers:

It's like this .01x + .01y, not .01x + .01x
I shouldn't feel so bad, knowing the one thing I can trust for churning out the correct numbers is the TSP Talk Tracker; Closed out the week at 21.04% YTD. :)
Y'all have a good weekend. I'll be painting the house as long as the weather holds.
Anyone worried that the dollar has weaken so fast? Seems to me there will either be some profit taking or propping up of the dollar. All the commentaries I've heard lately say foreign investors will sell their dollar assests to protect themselves from heavy losses causing a crash in our markets. What about the idea that these same investors will buy more dollars to keep the price steady. The chinese have a vested interest in keeping our economy going. We buy their stuff by the truckloads. If our economy fails then so will theirs and the whole worlds. We are the worlds consumers. So I don't think they will bail out of the dollar so quickly.

It's a world economy. If we go down then watch out below.

I look for the dollar to level out and maybe go up in a few weeks. I'm cautious on the I fund.

Just my humble 2 cents worth.
I think we should all be cautious of the I fund, and ready to bail at a moment's notice.....

My broker, who thinks I am nuts to have so much in I (and none in G)....likes to ask, "what if you are in an accident and in a coma, and the fund goes to h#ll?"

I think we should all be cautious of the I fund, and ready to bail at a moment's notice.....

My broker, who thinks I am nuts to have so much in I (and none in G)....likes to ask, "what if you are in an accident and in a coma, and the fund goes to h#ll?"


Good Point. Something to think about.
Note to self....Tell/show wife how to access TSPTalk's, Mayday's account transactions thread and change my/our allocations to match....update as needed to my/our TSP account.......:D
I'm in no hurry to scamper from the family international fund, but I will begin the process of peeling off on the way up because there are too many chasing this momentum and that always ends badly. But nothing happens over night - there needs to be real depth of participation to catch the most folks at once. And everytime an I funder makes an IFT and banks a profit for the next round trip - well in a little deeper and a little more on the line.
I have learned to like swinging in and out of the S fund myself. Its almost as volitile as the I fund but without all the FV stuff to try and factor in. I've been dabbling in the I a bit too anyway.
I think the larger question is, "What happens to my Gov't Job if I become comatose?"
I think we should all be cautious of the I fund, and ready to bail at a moment's notice.....

My broker, who thinks I am nuts to have so much in I (and none in G)....likes to ask, "what if you are in an accident and in a coma, and the fund goes to h#ll?"

I would advise something in a living will authorizing IFT's (etc) regarding TSP... provided the law allows. It would be a real bummer if the US Govt took back TSP profits resulting from IFT's occuring while you were in a coma. :worried:
Good Point. Something to think about.
Note to self....Tell/show wife how to access TSPTalk's, Mayday's account transactions thread and change my/our allocations to match....update as needed to my/our TSP account.......:D
Whenever I'm in Oklahoma City (like this week) I have plenty of time to create spreadsheets and focus on programming. Maybe during one of these visits I'll finally have a program that will analyze the fund prices every day, then automatically make an IFT to the appropriate fund. I'm getting partway there tonight, by playing with Excel and the MACD calculations. One day, I'll have my TSP autopilot program.
Whenever I'm in Oklahoma City (like this week) I have plenty of time to create spreadsheets and focus on programming. Maybe during one of these visits I'll finally have a program that will analyze the fund prices every day, then automatically make an IFT to the appropriate fund. I'm getting partway there tonight, by playing with Excel and the MACD calculations. One day, I'll have my TSP autopilot program.

No offense, but you need to get out more. :D
Nikkei down 0.24% this morning- and Dollar up slightly against the Yen.

Red from the land of the morning sun.
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