Playing the I fund

I'm getting tired of them worthless dogging rants of yours thank you for the appology.....u know sooner of later my data will catch up so wait around FunSmuf.....
take a pill ----get over it....i think i should stop.let's get back to business,do i need a spelling check
Veteran's Day, November 10, 2006 — Although November 10th is a Federal holiday, the stock and bond markets will be open. In addition, we have been advised by the Department of the Treasury that it will be open to accept our investments in the G Fund. Therefore, the TSP will be operating on a limited business schedule on November 10th.
  • Share prices will be calculated as of close of business on November 10th and account balances will be updated.
  • Transactions made on this Web site or the ThriftLine by 12 noon eastern time on Friday, November 10th will be processed that night.
The TSP call centers will be closed on November 10th.
Better than flat, Nikkei 300 was up 0.36%. Nikkei 300 more closely tracks the I fund than the Nikkei 225. At least a year or so ago it did.:D^N300

Thanks, but I’m cornfused, (seems like a perpetual state somedays) I’ve been following the Nikkei 225 thinking that it was a broader index and captured the I fund stocks, but the 300 does it better with fewer stocks? I’ve been messing around with this for a year and it seems every day I learn something new. :confused:
The I fund fact sheet had it posted that the N300 was the closest indext for Japan the it tracked. This was one or two years ago and it may have changed.