Playing the I fund

EAFE is up 0.035% which corresponds to +.07 for the I Fund

With the dollar having an up day, seems like there would be a likelihood of a negative FV.

Considering the dollar up .045%, I'm thinking the FV for I Fund may be -.09 which means overall, the I Fund would be down by -.02 today. Just guessing.
I don't see any reason right now for an FV. Everything has been pretty flat since noon. The EAFE price you quoted takes currency into account up to noon. After noon big swings in either the currency value or overseas stocks values is needed to trigger an FV.

That would put the I-fund up about a penny.
I hope you're right, fundsurfer. If I ever get some historical data on the dollar index, I might be able to do more than guess but that isn't happening now. Thanks for the tip about the noon data.

I will be very glad if the price shows a small increase. Better that than a pullback later. I really would like to be a "buy and hold" type of TSP investor. A small increase would fit into that goal very well.

If you want to be a "buy and hold" type of investor, then you should really consider not sweating details like the day to day fair value of the I fund. It will likely be a constant source of frustaration and anxiety for you. One of the benefits of "buy and hold" is that you are not obligated to participate in the emotional roller coaster that is the constant compantion of "swing", "position" and "market timing" traders. :D

Best of luck...
I agree! --


If you want to be a "buy and hold" type of investor, then you should really consider not sweating details like the day to day fair value of the I fund. It will likely be a constant source of frustaration and anxiety for you. One of the benefits of "buy and hold" is that you are not obligated to participate in the emotional roller coaster that is the constant compantion of "swing", "position" and "market timing" traders. :D

Best of luck...