Playing the I fund

Nikkei, DAX, CAC, FSTE all very green today.
Dollar not much moved...
Looks like VERY nice day for "I".

Looking forward to Gilligan's predictions later this morning.
A quick look, I have OSM up 1.2%. Dollar about even. Owe $0.12 FV. I have the I fund up about 12 cent taking the FV into account. I also think if the US keeps falling that we could see an FV in the other direction. Have to admit I thinking of stepping aside into G/F.
I'm also thinking of collecting today's gains to hop over into the F, but I also wonder if Japan will rally tonight because of our new homes sales reports increased unexpectedly. I figure Japan depends on our consumerism alot and we have increased confidence on consumer spending.
Where's Gilligan's guess for today? Only 15 minutes until deadline for IFT's. Would love some input before then!!

I'm thinking of letting it ride for another day and see how OSM reacts to todays news. Ready to cut and run if it starts down.
Ball park estimate: a gain of 29 cents to $20.29, subtract 12 cent FV = $20.17

Holy crapola, Batman! Oops, wrong 70's sitcom. Aye-aye, good buddy. Hey, what's tomorrow's closing I-fund estimate?! I guess we'd need the Professor for that calculation.
Have to admit I thinking of stepping aside into G/F.
Decide to wait another day. I'm at a point where S is near target and I is half way there. If I jumped out it would be because I thought I could time a little retreat. The recovery of US markets from early morning have me deciding to wait for now.
Holy crapola, Batman! Oops, wrong 70's sitcom. Aye-aye, good buddy. Hey, what's tomorrow's closing I-fund estimate?! I guess we'd need the Professor for that calculation.
At the rate we are going $20.50 is not out of the question, however if the markets turn down we could see a big drop.
I jump out today after closing....100% G fund. Just have that feeling that we are going to have a drop. Won't be on the sidelines too long...I'll jump right back in.
Yeah, we'll have to see. A guy I work with said that he'd wait at least another day, but I decided to just go 100% F. That candlestick pattern looks similar to many of the short term tops the I fund has had. I may go back in tomorrow or Friday, but this weekend will be a 3-day weekend (Columbus Day), I could even wait until Tuesday.