nasa1974's Account Talk

Tuff second quarter for my real account (-11.12%). February, March and April where such great months and May and June took all that away. Finished the first half at a -5.13%. Big hole to crawl out of, but let's do it.
S fund was the biggest looser for the month while the F fund came out the winner. As volitale as the euro was the I fund faired pretty good.

G - 0.03
F - 0.22
C - 0.68
S - 1.21
I - 0.28
Well I just keep heading in the wrong direction. Hopefully I will be able to recover some of it back before the end of the year. I have done it once already this year. Does the market have another strong sustained rally left??????
This year the market has not been one to follow trends. :notrust: So what will happen today? :worried: So far this year the Friday before a government holiday has been negative. :( What can we expect today? Maybe we will be in for a surprise. :rolleyes:
Well the first 45 minutes of trading has created the WOW! factor. WOW! If the markets stay like this I might make some of my money back.

Let's hope that this afternoon doesn't throw us into the OH MAN!! tailspin. OH MAN!!! The market just took a cr**. :nuts:

Good luck everyone, we need it.
Well yesterday started out very exciting. But as the day progressed the great selloff continued. What can we expect today? Probably more of the same. Good luck everyone.
Here are two proposed changes to our TSP regulations. Comments can be made by July 19th.

This information is from the FRTIB website.

FRTIB Electronic Reading Room

The following index of records falls under the E-FOIA mandate. As we create additional records that qualify, they will be made available in our Electronic Reading Room.

  • The Agency’s regulations are published at title 5, chapter VI of the Code of Federal Regulations. Any amendments to these regulations will be posted here, at, and in the Federal Register.
    • Below is a link to an excerpt from the Federal Register announcing an Agency proposed rule with request for comments.
      • 5 CFR Part 1604 and 1651; Uniformed Services Accounts and Death Benefits.
      • You may submit comments on this amendment via or by mail or fax to Thomas K. Emswiler, General Counsel, Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board, 1250 H Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20005 (fax number -- (202) 942-1676). Comments must be received by July 19, 2010.
    • Below is a link to an excerpt from the Federal Register announcing an Agency proposed rule with request for comments.
      • 5 CFR Part 1600; Employee Contribution Elections and Contribution Allocations.
      • These proposed regulations relate to the implementation of the Agency’s automatic enrollment program as authorized by the Thrift Savings Plan Enhancement Act of 2009, Public Law 111-31.
      • You may submit comments on this amendment via or by mail or fax to Thomas K. Emswiler, General Counsel, Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board, 1250 H Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20005 (fax number -- (202) 942-1676). Comments must be received by July 19, 2010.
A lot of smiling faces across the tracker this morning after yesterdays rally. Let's hope we can keep smiling for a few more days.:D
Well we haven't seen a rally like yesterday since June 15th. Long time coming. But we can't get to comfortable, more people are saying we have moved from a bull market to a bear market and we can expect a selloff soon. I do not know if that is true or not. It just seems to me that the current market has not been following any of the technical trends but leans more towards panic and fear. Just my opinion.