nasa1974's Account Talk

Re: nasa1974 Account Talk

Might as well get started and somewhat involved. Or at least give it a try.

Your insight, humor and support starts here ! I'll be back to read your
entries. Have fun and good luck in the search for a better retirement.
Re: nasa1974 Account Talk

Jump into the TSP Tracker ! It's a great tool and you can compare your
results to over 173 TSP Participants ! Just an idea ! You will need to
send a PM to (i believe) EW_Ret. Again, good luck !
Re: nasa1974 Account Talk

A friend of mine gotten mne interested in TSP Tracker. That is what has led me to all of you.:D
Re: nasa1974 Account Talk

OOPS!!! One of these days I may learn how to spell :D

Spell Check huh, (LoL), great to hear ur in the Tracker. Check out my
SqualebearAccountTalk thread for my allocations. Both make believe &
real. You'll see what I mean. I don't write a lot, but it's an outlet. Tons
of information to be had here, many with good insights and research.
Good Luck Again !
OUCH!!! What happened to the "I" Fund? The chart didn't look that bad and we lost 27 cents a share. I guess I have a lot of learning to do.
Morning all. Didn't lose too much yesterday (60% G, 20% F & 20% I). Hoping to get back to even before end of the month. Currently at 0.70% for the year. My low point was 5.05% January 22nd. I think my only system is just plain luck. :D Later!!!
Morning all. Didn't lose too much yesterday (60% G, 20% F & 20% I). Hoping to get back to even before end of the month. Currently at 0.70% for the year. My low point was 5.05% January 22nd. I think my only system is just plain luck. :D Later!!!

Nasa1974, I highly recomend reading some of the treads that explain FV.
(Fair Value) concerning the I-Fund. It's not an exact science, but helps
towards understanding the wild swings that the I-Fund demonstrates.
Last but not least, there's Barclay, who manages the TSP Funds. Again,
there's a lot of threads which believe that Barclay's responsible for many
missed calls concern FV and thus, adding to my confussion as well. Hope
this helps.
OK, Now I probably should do some research but being a newbie maybe one of you old timers have the answers. Are the members of the of the TSP board picked by Congress? Does Congress have to approve any changes to the rules that cover our TSP? How many Congessmen and Senators are day traders? :rolleyes: Really do not expect an answer to that one. :rolleyes: My guess is that the board members are government employees or contractors to for the Government. If so why can't we ask the IG's office to investigate any wrong doing. That is what they are for. I am no lawyer but what the board has done does not pass the commen sense rule. If it looks like dog s*** and smells like dog s*** it must be dog s***. And instead of petitioning the board (they don't care) it is an election year and 4,000+ unhappy government employees = many votes for a presidental hopeful. Just some ideas. "Force field up again."
OK, Now I probably should do some research but being a newbie maybe one of you old timers have the answers. Are the members of the of the TSP board picked by Congress? Does Congress have to approve any changes to the rules that cover our TSP? How many Congessmen and Senators are day traders? :rolleyes: Really do not expect an answer to that one. :rolleyes: My guess is that the board members are government employees or contractors to for the Government. If so why can't we ask the IG's office to investigate any wrong doing. That is what they are for. I am no lawyer but what the board has done does not pass the commen sense rule. If it looks like dog s*** and smells like dog s*** it must be dog s***. And instead of petitioning the board (they don't care) it is an election year and 4,000+ unhappy government employees = many votes for a presidental hopeful. Just some ideas. "Force field up again."

Nasa1974, No flame necessary. I read your questions earlier this morning
on a different thread. Although I didn't have an answer at the time, the
questions were extremely valid. So, to answer your questions I can only
point you to the best location I could find for ya. Click on the link below;

Oh yes, one more thing. Stop calling yourself a newbie and stop calling
us the old timers. Hell, I could be younger then you, say, 22 years old.
(Well, I can make believe, can't I) :nuts:
Your respect is appreciated, we're all hear to learn and help one another
make some well deserved $Cha-Ching$ (Not Yen, Only USdollars allowed).
Stick around and don't bail out on us and "they will come".
Haven't posted in a couple of days. Still 60% G, 20% F and 20% I. Made a whole $39 yesterday. Woppie!! Of course Averaging $39 dollars a day wouldn't be all that bad it is just the $200-300 dollar losses thrown in there that hurts. :) Stay positive and make money.
I know I am preaching to the choir but this is from the

Federal Register
73251 Vol. 72, No. 247 Thursday, December 27, 2007

The Agency is amending its
interfund transfer regulations to provide
that the Executive Director may adopt a
policy of setting limits on the number of
interfund transfer requests. In the near
term, this amendment will allow the
Executive Director to immediately
address and, if necessary, restrict the
activity of frequent traders, who have
disrupted management of the Funds and
whose activity has resulted in increased
costs to participants.

This interim rule is effective

January 7, 2008.

It appears that the Executive Director set the limits to what the board wanted adopted. The problem I see is that the limited IFT's was not posted for all to see. His limits should have been posted somewhere. Or did I miss something getting into this site sfter the fact?

The Agency desires to stop this
excessive trading immediately and also,
after continued analysis, to design an
interfund transfer policy that provides
for administrative efficiency, investment
flexibility, retirement security, as well
as reduced trading costs.
To that end, in the near term, the
Agency is adopting a regulation to grant
the Executive Director the authority to
notify the small percentage of
participants who are driving up costs
through their excessive trading and
request that they cease their practices.
Otherwise, these participants will be
required to request interfund transfers
by mail. It is the Agency’s hope that this
swift and direct action will inform such
participants of the unreasonable
expenses associated with their trading
and persuade them to voluntarily curb
their trading, thereby curtailing the
excessive trading costs borne by all
participants who hold the C, F, S, I, and​
L Funds.

Why is the Board calling this excessive trading when WE have the right to do an IFT daily, if we want to. They the Board gave US this privelage to trade daily. Some within the TSP world just was using this privelage to improve their retirement fund. How can this be excessive?


PART 1601

1. The authority citation for part 1601
continues to read as follows:

5 U.S.C. 8351, 8438, 8474(b)(5)
and (c)(1).

2. Amend § 1601.32, by revising
paragraph (b) to read as follows:

1601.32 Timing and Posting Dates.

* * * * *

Limit. There is no limit on the
number of contribution allocation or
interfund transfer requests that may be
made by a participant. In order to
mitigate excessive trading expenses, the
Executive Director may write to any
participant who engages in excessive
trading and ask the participant to stop
this practice. If the participant
continues to engage in excessive
trading, the participant may be required
to request interfund transfers by mail.

[FR Doc. E7
25007 Filed 122607; 8:45 am]


The amendment still allowed unlimited IFT's to all participants except to those that had excessive trading . But how can it be excessive if WE have no limit to our IFT's? Nowhere posted did the Board say what would be considered excessive trading. If there is no limit to trading what is excessive, 2, 3, 5, 10, 15? What process did the Executive Direcor come up with to come to a decision of excessive trading? Was the decision used on a case by case basis or just set out as punsihment to all of the perceived abussers?

Just my thoughts and opinions.

I know I am preaching to the choir.
I know I am preaching to the choir but this is from the

Federal Register
73251 Vol. 72, No. 247 Thursday, December 27, 2007


The Agency is amending its
interfund transfer regulations to provide
that the Executive Director may adopt a
policy of setting limits on the number of
interfund transfer requests. In the near
term, this amendment will allow the
Executive Director to immediately
address and, if necessary, restrict the
activity of frequent traders, who have
disrupted management of the Funds and
whose activity has resulted in increased
costs to participants.

DATES: This interim rule is effective

January 7, 2008.

It appears that the Executive Director set the limits to what the board wanted adopted. The problem I see is that the limited IFT's was not posted for all to see. His limits should have been posted somewhere. Or did I miss something getting into this site sfter the fact?

The Agency desires to stop this
excessive trading immediately and also,
after continued analysis, to design an
interfund transfer policy that provides
for administrative efficiency, investment
flexibility, retirement security, as well
as reduced trading costs.
To that end, in the near term, the
Agency is adopting a regulation to grant
the Executive Director the authority to
notify the small percentage of
participants who are driving up costs
through their excessive trading and
request that they cease their practices.
Otherwise, these participants will be
required to request interfund transfers
by mail. It is the Agency’s hope that this
swift and direct action will inform such
participants of the unreasonable
expenses associated with their trading
and persuade them to voluntarily curb
their trading, thereby curtailing the
excessive trading costs borne by all
participants who hold the C, F, S, I, and
L Funds.

Why is the Board calling this excessive trading when WE have the right to do an IFT daily, if we want to. They the Board gave US this privelage to trade daily. Some within the TSP world just was using this privelage to improve their retirement fund. How can this be excessive?



 1. The authority citation for part 1601

continues to read as follows:

5 U.S.C. 8351, 8438, 8474(b)(5)
and (c)(1).

 2. Amend § 1601.32, by revising

paragraph (b) to read as follows:

§ 1601.32 Timing and Posting Dates.

* * * * *

(b) Limit. There is no limit on the
number of contribution allocation or
interfund transfer requests that may be
made by a participant. In order to
mitigate excessive trading expenses, the
Executive Director may write to any
participant who engages in excessive
trading and ask the participant to stop
this practice. If the participant
continues to engage in excessive
trading, the participant may be required
to request interfund transfers by mail.

[FR Doc. E725007 Filed 122607; 8:45 am]


The amendment still allowed unlimited IFT's to all participants except to those that had excessive trading . But how can it be excessive if WE have no limit to our IFT's? Nowhere posted did the Board say what would be considered excessive trading. If there is no limit to trading what is excessive, 2, 3, 5, 10, 15? What process did the Executive Direcor come up with to come to a decision of excessive trading? Was the decision used on a case by case basis or just set out as punsihment to all of the perceived abussers?

Just my thoughts and opinions.

I know I am preaching to the choir.

It has been a couple days since I posted.
Been thinking about getting into the IFTracker but with all the charts out there and the different strategies everyone has I think I would rather be a follower than a leader. :D That and the tracker seems to be a way that the Board can catch the so called excessive users. I think the most IFT's I did in one month was 5 or 6. I better be careful.:laugh:

After reading Title 5 and the Federal Register I still can not figure out how they can say someone is abusing the system if we have been given the right to do a daily IFT (no limit). Has anyone from the Board explained how doing a daily IFT is excessive in leagal terms???:confused: Also legally how can the Board restrict so called excessive users but let the rest of us (not excessive users) have no limit IFT's??? Also how can the Board legally refuse someone from using the internet for IFT's if they have had some negative posts?

Just some thoughts. I know, I know don't rock the boat, right?
Have a profitable day
Maybe the moderators should give permission to some of the Board members so they can post instead of being guests and just being able to read.:laugh: