nasa1974's Account Talk

Well last week I got nervous and didn't want to have a large Friday loss again. This is the guy that rode May right down the big sinkhole. My timing is always perfect. :nuts: What happens? Friday is finally positive and this last week has been good for those still in the market. So I jump back in the water and now I am up against a triple witching. Like I said my timing is perfect. I make a change and lose a chance to make a few thousand and now this. :laugh: Oh well!! Good luck everyone.
This is from

Thrift Savings Plan spawns millionaires

By Tom Shoop June 17, 2010

Officials who oversee the Thrift Savings Plan, the 401(k)-style investment plan for federal employees, always have encouraged employees to take the long view, putting away money throughout their careers to draw on when they retire.
As Government Executive's Retirement Planning columnist, Tammy Flanagan, noted a couple of weeks ago, every dime employees contribute to their TSP accounts belongs to them. Also, employees receive matching contributions on the first 5 percent of salary that they contribute biweekly (dollar-for-dollar matching on the first 3 percent and 50 cents on the dollar for the rest).
Clearly, some employees are doing the math and realizing that long-term TSP investments can add up. Figures supplied by the Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board, which oversees the TSP, show that 75 participants in the TSP currently have accounts valued at $1 million or more. And one savvy investor has at least $3 million socked away. All told, more than 10,000 participants have at least $500,000 in their accounts.
Account Value Number of Participants
$500,000 - $599,999 ......... 7,020
$600,000 - $699,999 ......... 2,121
$700,000 - $799,999 ............ 698
$800,000 - $899,999 ............ 205
$900,000 - $999,999 .............. 65
$1,000,000 - $1,999,999 ......... 69
$2,000,000 - $2,999,999 ........... 5
$3,000,000+ ........................... 1
Thrift Savings Plan spawns millionaires

Sure wish I was one of these guys. I wonder where Birch fits in this group? We need to get a few of these folks to become members so we can follow their lead. :D
C&S just went to the wrong side of zero. Hope the late day trading is up and not down. Good luck to one and all.
Hope all the Dad's out there had a great day yesterday. I was able to spend time with both my daughters. My new son-in-law even let me take over the grilling duties. :D
Well the April FRTIB meeting minutes where finally posted. Some very interesting information, worth reading. The biggest news was that the board was expecting the NEW TSP WEBSITE would be up and running by the end of May. I think they missed their latest deadline. :nuts:

Hw=ere is the link:
Surprisingly last week was good for all funds. Too bad I spent most of it in the G fund. :( Here are the results from my <1% vs "buy & hold"

Week ending 6/25
<1% $98,989.91 (GFCSI 24.05%, 4.81%, 25.23%, 25.25% & 20.66%)
80,5,5,5,5% $101,170.75 (GFCSI)
30,35,35% $98,414.10
(CSI)G-100% $101,481.29
F-100% $104,309.01
C-100% $99,556.23
S-100% $106,105.98
I-100% $89,743.24

Difference between 6/11 & 6/25
<1% $1,912.23
80,5,5,5,5% $454.38
30,35,35% $2,673.65
G-100% $56.39
F-100% $214.21
C-100% $2,326.08
S-100% $2,498.53
I-100% $3,146.68

Week ending 6/11
<1% $97,077.67
80,5,5,5,5% $100,716.37
30,35,35% $95,740.45
G-100% $101,424.90
F-100% $104,094.79
C-100% $97,230.14
S-100% $103,607.46
I-100% $86,596.55
No down move evident - it's only going to get stronger as the momentum players step up.

More often than not the C & S funds take a dip down during lunch. That is happening today.

Hopefully it gets stronger as the day goes on and we do not see a sell off before close. On average if Friday ended on a positive note so does Monday.
"No down move evident - it's only going to get stronger as the momentum players step up. "

Are you looking at something I'm not? ;)

Granted, I'm only an electrical engineer and don't understand all the psychological nuances of the market but it looks to me like C and S charts below the messages have a distinct negative slope.

Was hoping I wouldn't need my sticky pants today. No huge ups and downs but the little quick bumps can toss you out of your seat just as fast.:sick:
Here is a real shocker folks.

Redesigned TSP website is still in testing phase 06/21/10
Board is committed to making site 'better, faster and more secure.'
Simulated high traffic slowed down site.

Redesigned TSP website is still in testing phase

By Elizabeth Newell June 21, 2010

"The redesigned Thrift Savings Plan website showed signs of slowing in the face of high traffic during testing, an issue Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board Executive Director Gregory Long said the board is working to fix quickly in coming weeks...... "

Here is the link:
Well nasa, its you and me stinkin' it up in here! :D We both managed to bail too early and get back in too late! I lost 16 grand on that brilliant little idea... Now where does it end? Summer trading really sucks. I knew back in April that was too good to be true, even told my friends here, but did I get out???? Nooooooooooo. This pig got slaughtered.
Well nasa, its you and me stinkin' it up in here! :D We both managed to bail too early and get back in too late! I lost 16 grand on that brilliant little idea... Now where does it end? Summer trading really sucks. I knew back in April that was too good to be true, even told my friends here, but did I get out???? Nooooooooooo. This pig got slaughtered.

I actually did get out in April, and then stupidly went back in in May, something like May 11. Literally dropped like a rock the end of that week. I got stuck (-2.25%) but not slaughtered - and the market hasn't seen or been even close to that level since (1,135-1,140); the 6/7 1,050 trough was an especially tough one to navigate, the market was all over the place (+/- 5%) several times before that, and up once since (+7%) and back down again last 2 days on weak economics below the 200 dma and no good news expected (which means, any surprise will be a big up day for those with chips in, mine are not)
JamesE and amoeba, Yep just having a great time. My timing is fantastic.:laugh: Nearing the end of April I was 12%+ YTD and thought about getting out of the water but the numbers for May looked real good. For the last 3 years the S fund averaged almost 3% and the C fund averaged almost 4.5%. So I stayed put. We all now how May ended (lost 7%). So near the end of May I jumped out of the water and lost out on adding a few thousand back to my account. So a week and a half ago I jumped back into the race. As of yesterday I am 0.28% YTD. Yahoo!!