nasa1974's Account Talk

I'm guessing the best bday present you could have is to not have gigantic sell off at 3:30 as usual.........heres wishihng you a happy bday.
I'm guessing the best bday present you could have is to not have gigantic sell off at 3:30 as usual.........heres wishihng you a happy bday.

Thanks CapeChem. My birthday wish would be for the market to make a slow crawl up. I would take .25% everyday for the next month. :nuts:
May sure turned into one of my worst months. :sick: Almost afraid to think what the summer market will look like. :notrust:
Got a chance to get on board for a little bit. Heading home later this afternoon. Market looks shaky this morning. Sure hope it can hold out and end positive. :suspicious:
Back at work. Trying to catch up. Wow, Wednesday sure made up for Tuesday. All this rollercoaster action is going to get me seasick. :sick: Today can go either way. :notrust:
The way the market has been I wouldn't mind if I at least broke even for the week. Thereby loosing a little or gaining just a bit. But the swings down sure overwhelm the swings up lately. It has even become difficult to make a move in or out of the market because just before noon the market may be in your favor but by 3:30 everything could have reversed and ruined your move. At least when we had the opportunity to make a daily IFT we could counteract a bad decision the day before. I guess the FRTIB would rather see all of us on welfare midway into our retirement than be self sufficent and adding to society.
Sure moving in the tracker. Passing some long time friends. HHHAAAAA!!!! :nuts: The only thing is I'm passing them going in the wrong direction. DOWNNNNNNNNNNNNNN :(
Getting harder not to second guess why I talked myself out of going to the G fund back in late April. Got my sticky pants on but I don't know how much longer I will keep them on. :cheesy:
Getting harder not to second guess why I talked myself out of going to the G fund back in late April. Got my sticky pants on but I don't know how much longer I will keep them on. :cheesy:

Nasa, I got mine on but I'm stuck on the lilly pad. Every time I've been off of it this year I've gotten killed. My timing has been awful:( Guess it could have been worse. Patience, patience, patience!
Nasa, I got mine on but I'm stuck on the lilly pad. Every time I've been off of it this year I've gotten killed. My timing has been awful:( Guess it could have been worse. Patience, patience, patience!

Thanks Scout. Patience is starting to wear thin. I am down 1.67 YTD but down 13.64% from my high back in late April. Can't afford to ride this elevator much lower.
Sure hope the bulls can pull off a rally this afternoon. The last week or so I wish I knew why the 1:30-2:00 hour turns to the bears. The dark side of the force is winning.....