nasa1974's Account Talk

Hope everyone that had a three day wekend enjoyed it.
I had good news bad news. Bad news, I had to get up early and go to work for two hours. Good news, it was only for two hours. Good news, I didn't loose any money today with the markets closed. Bad news, tomorrow the markets are open. :laugh: Everybody have a great evening. See you tomorrow.

The good news is the futures are flat to up, which is better than on Sunday when they were down strong. Tomorrow could be an up day as traders are jonesing to play in the markets after a long 3-day weekend.
Some very key members of this MB jumped into the G fund today. I probably should have followed them given the track record of February. That and the fact I gambled last month and lost. Well I am gambling again and hope the market can stay positive one more day.
Well my luck held yesterday. :o What will the market do today? :confused: Who know's? Fingers crossed. Good thing I like going to the amusement parks and riding the roller coasters. :nuts:
Headed to the lilly pad. 85%G, 5%CSI. Kept my toes in the pond however. Still have one IFT left for the month.
OK, here is my prediction for today. It is going to be huge. :rolleyes:

Why you ask?? Well for one I am 85% G , about 44% of us in the tracker are either 100% G or have at least 50% of our money in G, it is the last day of Options X week, it is Friday and typically Friday's have been negative, the Feds have raised the interest rate by .25% and February has been notorious for not being a positive month yet MTD the C is up 41 cents, S is up 77 cents and the I is up 11 cents. That is my reasoning.

Of course I have no idea what is going to happen, but if it is a huge day you heard it here first. :laugh:

Good luck everyone.
OK folks here is todays $64,000.00 question. If you still have an IFT left would you jump out of G today expecting a bounce on Monday? Monday's have been very positive lately it is the first day after option X week and the beginning of the last week of trading for February. Could have the potential for adding some green to your account. Do the stars all line up?
OK folks here is todays $64,000.00 question. If you still have an IFT left would you jump out of G today expecting a bounce on Monday? Monday's have been very positive lately it is the first day after option X week and the beginning of the last week of trading for February. Could have the potential for adding some green to your account. Do the stars all line up?

I have done it twice recently.............debating #3 as we post!?!?! :blink:
Haven't done a back to back in a LOOOOONG time. I went 50-50 C and S. Hoping today holds up to its current trend and Monday follows its good track record, looking for the bounce. No pain no gain, right? Good luck one and all.
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The Sun-Neptune conjunction is a strong Level One signature and will be active all next week. It's one of the highest signatures in Financial Astrology. Should be right up your alley as a space cowboy. Snort.
The Sun-Neptune conjunction is a strong Level One signature and will be active all next week. It's one of the highest signatures in Financial Astrology. Should be right up your alley as a space cowboy. Snort.

:D Thanks Birch. I have been out in deep space before and when coming home and achieving reentry my chutes have failed to open. Hoping for another rocket ride with a smoother landing. :laugh:
OK folks here is todays $64,000.00 question. If you still have an IFT left would you jump out of G today expecting a bounce on Monday? Monday's have been very positive lately it is the first day after option X week and the beginning of the last week of trading for February. Could have the potential for adding some green to your account. Do the stars all line up?

I don't have any IFTs left so I did the <1% thing. Moved 2% out of G into C and S funds.
Will this Monday continue the current trend and have a positive affect on the market? :confused: Right now it doesn't look promising. :worried: Good luck everyone.
I watch my position on the tracker daily. Not because I am competitive and need to be ahead of someone else in the tracker but I do like to see how I am doing on a day to day basis as far as my fictional account goes. Don't get me wrong it is fun to see where some of my friends reside on the tracker but I do not feel that I have to be better than him or her. But, OH how fickle the tracker can be. On 2/18 my position was 235 and I was 85,5,5&5% GCSI. On 2/19 I made a move to 50% C&S gained 0.03% and leaped 43 positions to 192. Holy cow!! Then yesterday, still 50% C&S, I lost 0.04% and fell 49 positions to 241. What the heck??? Still 50% C&S today so where will I reside tonight after the market closes? Are we having fun or what? :nuts:
Good Luck nasa.
I also enjoy watching the tracker, was on vacation all of last week and had no easy way to watch the market. Stayed in G and missed the upswing. I think there may be a little downward momentum the next couple of days so be careful.
Good Luck nasa.
I also enjoy watching the tracker, was on vacation all of last week and had no easy way to watch the market. Stayed in G and missed the upswing. I think there may be a little downward momentum the next couple of days so be careful.

Thanks Mike.