nasa1974's Account Talk

I am not going to say anything about the CS&I funds right now because I do not want to jinx anything. ;)
Today was a nice day to be in the market. There was a lot of volume today also. Lets hope it continues for a few more days. If the market can stay green until Friday I may just jump into the (G)arage and count my blessings. I still have 2 IFT's so I could jump back out again. One in one out. :) Additional profit would be great but I do not want to be greedy. My goal is to get back to my 2007 numbers or maybe slightly over by the end of the year. It has been a great run from my lowest of lows back in March. Really nice day today everyone. Good luck tomorrow. :D
That was fun watching! He makes the whole combination of skating, moving the puck so very slick & easy! I am curious, though. In 1 on 1 contests are the goalies required to stay in one place, not move to where the last shot had put the puck?
What's with the I fund. The EFA closes at plus .46% or 26 cents per share and the TSP I fund is a MINUS .15%. Dang money managers.:mad:
Public Service Announcement.

Special Notice: Due to the system maintenance, custom passwords requested between 11 p.m. eastern time Friday, October 9, and 11 a.m. eastern time Monday, October 12, were not retained. Please request this change again. We apologize for the inconvenience.
The last hour of the market is always a surprise. Barring any surprises it looks like I will be giving at least half of what I made this week back to the dark side. :( Like to wish everyone a good weekend.

Some pretty good volume today. If the market doesn't go into sell mode the last hour I will make up what I lost on Friday. :D :suspicious: Hope everybody has a green day today. :laugh:
Well, a little luck for everyone today. :nuts: The market gave back what I lost on Friday and just a little more. Thank you very much. :laugh:
Getting closer to my goal. :worried: Do I stay the coarse or start to play it safe? Will October end just like September, on a sour note. :notrust:
I smell a comeback. All day smiley face pattern with a finish close to flat. Then the stage is set for gains tomorrow ...
okay, so it didn't come back. Still relatively flat on higher than average volume. All healthy in a breathing in market.
okay, so it didn't come back. Still relatively flat on higher than average volume. All healthy in a breathing in market.


Thanks for stopping by. Well we didn't have a full blown come back but there had to have been a buying streak in the last hour of trading. I stopped looking at the market a little before 3pm and most of the funds where still sitting around -1%. Let's see what happens today. Asia and Europe are down and futures do not look good right now. I hope the last two weeks do not copy the last two weeks of September. Fingers crossed.:laugh: