nasa1974's Account Talk

Nasa...just for clarity...on your spreadsheet those are not average returns over the time....they are summations of returns....I got your point though and agree.

I get the information from and it is the summation for the month, correct. I just put all the years in a row so it is easier to see vs. the monthly summations for the year that Govexec does.

Key players debate how to lower prescription drug costs for feds

By Alex M. Parker September 30, 2009

"Key players in the drug pricing debate discussed several options for reducing costs -- ranging from statutory pricing to "carving out" a single prescription drug plan for those enrolled in the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program -- during a private meeting Tuesday on Capitol Hill.
According to attendees of the meeting, which was closed to the public, much of the discussion focused on pharmaceutical benefit managers, who act as a go-between for FEHBP carriers and enrollees when it comes to prescription drugs and services. Many critics of PBMs have argued that higher prescription drug costs for FEHBP enrollees -- as much as 45 percent higher than other federal health care programs that purchase drugs -- were due to a lack of transparency and accountability for PBMs......."
WOW!!! September was a tale of two different markets. The first 10 trading days the market moved in a positive direction and gave everybody hope for a great month and a great 3rd quarter finish. The last 10 days was like riding a roller coaster from hell. :nuts:
I can't complain too much however. September and the 3rd quarter numbers were good to me. Hindsight being what it is I could have ended the month at a positive 4% but actually finished at 2.42%. Anytime above zero is a good thing. :cheesy: 3rd quarter numbers was the best so far at 11.34%. WOO HOO!!!! Now if the market co-operates and I play it smart I need to make up 6.26% over the next 3 months to get me back to my 2007 finish.
Birch, I hope you are right about the 4th quarter run. :suspicious:
Good Luck everybody.
Attached is the Excel program I have been running to compare the <1% option vs. Buy & Hold. This is through September. The 3rd quarter has been very bullish so the Buy & Hold has been doing very good with the "S" and "I" funds doing very well. The <1% option is running a close 3rd.
Here is the background again. All accounts started with $100,00.00. The Buy & Hold account percentages are (GFCSI) 85,5,5,5,5; (CSI) 30,35,35 and 100% (C) (S) (I). The <1% option started as 85,5,5,5,5 and I used the "G" fund as my source to increase the other funds. I kept the "F" fund at 5% while increasing the (CSI) funds above 5% until the "G" fund was depleted of shares. I reset the account back to 85,5,5,5,5 on August 13th and started the process all over again.
I will provide the individual accounts later.
Updated Excel information. The file was too large to show the information January through September so I reduced it to the 3rd quarter only. Current files are over 300KB and system max's out at 244KB.
Updated Excel information, series two. The file was too large to show the information January through September so I reduced it to the 3rd quarter only. Current files are over 300KB and system max's out at 244KB.
Had a good weekend. Got a lot of things done. I was able to shorten the "honey do" list, but that won't last long. :D
Sure would be nice if this week gives back the losses from last week. :laugh: A guy can hope can't he. :blink:
Good luck everybody.
S fund in a free fall, I fund trying to hold it's own and C fund trying to recover. We still have an hour and a half to go. DANG!!!!
Good day today. However, I still have my two IFT's for the month. I may just have to use one next week. My magic 8 ball is getting hot because I am shaking it too hard and too long.:blink::blink: Have a good night all. I am home drinking a cold one and munching on some pretzels. Later!!!
I have just heard from my imbedded source that the Lunar Impact Maximum Mission (MISS) was a success. The secret lunatic base was destroyed. Unfortunately the cloaking device failed at the last minute and the lunatic base was able to launch a retaliatory strike against us. The ISS has been put on notice to deploy the Laser Saving Device (LSD) that should destroy the incoming projectiles. However, if the use of LSD fails to destroy all of the projectiles it may not matter anyway. Have a nice day. :worried: :blink: :nuts: :laugh:
The market is a little hairy going into the last hour and a half. Let's hope we get a buying frenzy and not a sell off. :worried: Have a great weekend. I will try to post the <1% vs "buy & hold" through October 9th over the weekend. Numbers are interesting.
I have attached the numbers for October in my <1% vs. "buy & hold" spreadsheet. I tried to just place the information here but it would not cooperate. In the <1% scenario the percentages in the GFCS&I funds currently look like this: 64.14, 4.91, 10.30, 10.41 & 10.29. The "buy & hold" numbers are interesting. It is going to take some time but I plan to try and do 2008 the same way and compare the results.
Have a great Columbus Day everybody.
Everyone should pay attention to the first article. It could effect some of us.

Insurance providers drop out of federal employee health program
By Alyssa Rosenberg October 9, 2009

"Some federal employees will have to choose new health plans during open season this year because their insurance providers are leaving the Federal Employee Health Benefits Program, or reducing the number of areas they cover..........."

Pentagon extends Army, Marine deployments in Iraq
By Katherine McIntire Peters October 9, 2009

"Defense Secretary Robert Gates this week approved a request from U.S. combat commanders in Iraq to extend the deployment of some troops serving there by as much as two and a half months.
The extensions are intended to ensure that key capabilities remain in place after the January elections in Iraq. The units affected include the Army's 1st Cavalry Division headquarters and the II Marine Expeditionary Force, based in Texas and North Carolina, respectively. The tours of duty could be extended for an additional 23 days for the Army and 79 days for Marines........"
Now I would like to see if any new plans, other than high deductibles, are joining FEHBP for 2010. There have been no new plans added to my region in 3 years.
The last two trading days have been interesting. I am currently $58 away from matching my highest amount in my account and less than 5% from matching my 2007 total. Slowly but surely clawing my way back.
Here it is the middle of October and the FRTIB still hasn't posted the meeting minutes from August. And these yahoo's want a pay raise. We should fire them all and start over. :mad:

So how is everybody else's day going? :blink: