nasa1974's Account Talk

So how will May end?
Three out of the four current Fridays have ended positive for the "S" fund, 4 for 4 in the "C" & "I" funds. Could be a good sign. Unless panic sets in May should end on a positive note although on the 15th the "S" fund was at 6.38% and as of yesterday it's at 3.07%. Positive thoughts.
Good day today. Recovered almost all of what happened in the "S" fund Monday and Tuesday. Had a fresh pair of sticky pants today just in case. I hope I won't need them for tomorrow and Friday.
Not a bad day for the "S" fund. Got back about half of what was lost Friday. Hope everyone had a good weekend.
Well yesterday and today almost got the "S" fund into positive territory for the month. :banghead:
Had to buy a new pair of sticky pants. Didn't pay attention I was wearing my last pair. Hope Amazon can deliver before Monday. :1244:
I guess I can consider June break even. I was $300 lower than where I ended May. I guess it could have been worse. Just wish it was better.
Well, a new case of sticky pants showed up yesterday. All set for another month. I hope the "S" fund is better in July than what happened in June.
Sure, would be nice if the "S" fund could have a week that's positive. Even if it's just .25% every day.
I hate the noon cutoff.
I was out cutting the front lawn and came in the house about 11:50 and saw what the "S" fund was doing so I thought let's go to "C". Tried to log into TSP and it says name and password doesn't match. So, I try again. NOPE!! OK reset password request. Click on the link and here we go. Passwords don't match. Ok where is my mistake. Won't let me see password. Delete try again. Time 11:59. :soapbox::angryfire::angryfire:
After yesterday's big day for the "S" fund I hope we don't have a big down day today. Although there is that big gap it left yesterday. I'll have to back and count, but I think Fridays have more green closings than red. So maybe the odds are in my favor. :cool:
Maybe the password fiasco was a good thing last Thursday. Couldn't switch to "C" and the "S" fund has gone crazy. Sticky pants deployed even though the G forces are keeping me pinned to my seat.