nasa1974's Account Talk

So, when was the last time all 5 days of the week closed in the red?

Twas the COVID Lows

24-28 Feb of 2020 losing -12.00% over 5 days, with the 6th day gaining 4.60%

But this was part of a 7-day losing streak beginning the prior Thursday, with a 7-day 13.43% loss.

Feb 2020 lost -8.41% with the following March losing -12.51%
Twas the COVID Lows

24-28 Feb of 2020 losing -12.00% over 5 days, with the 6th day gaining 4.60%

But this was part of a 7-day losing streak beginning the prior Thursday, with a 7-day 13.43% loss.

Feb 2020 lost -8.41% with the following March losing -12.51%

Well, we just had a 6-day losing streak in the "C" & "S" funds. Let's hope it ends Monday.
Well, the "S" fund was negative but not that much. So, I lost a few bucks. Hopefully an up day tomorrow. :swordfight:
Anybody catch the northern lights last night? Pretty amazing here in Ohio on the north coast.
Not sure why it's sideways.

I would guess if you're looking north, the sun sets in the west... the solar wind would be coming from that direction? It should rotate across to the east side overnight...
Well, the "S" fund had a nice open this morning and then slowly bled off all day. I guess a dollar or two earned is better than a couple of bucks lost.
Not a bad week to be in the "S" fund.
The market has been a real roller coaster ride. So early next week I'm going to ride some real roller coasters and have some fun.
Everyone have a safe and great weekend.
Took some time away from the computer and rode some real roller coasters. Good time, good time. No sticky pants, just hands in the air and a lot of hollering.
Awesome Nasa! I don't do rollercoasters any more. Used to jump out of airplanes. now I've somehow developed a massive fear of heights - even low ones. I took advantage of the weather and did a good bit of outside work that has been needing to get done. Computers are great tools, but it is important to interact with the real world.
Awesome Nasa! I don't do rollercoasters any more. Used to jump out of airplanes. now I've somehow developed a massive fear of heights - even low ones. I took advantage of the weather and did a good bit of outside work that has been needing to get done. Computers are great tools, but it is important to interact with the real world.
In my younger days I thought about sky diving (a bit different from military jumps) but I had my private pilot's license and thought why would I jump out of perfectly good flying airplane.
Had to take a little time away from the yardwork. It seems like I have to cut my lawn every 4 days the way the weather has been. Looking forward to when the grandkids are out of school, and I can ride the rides with them. The summers are too short, and they grow up too quick so I have to enjoy it while I can.