nasa1974's Account Talk

Hopefully everyone that requested the 2024 Excel spreadsheet just recently got the updated version. If I missed someone, please let me know.

Dang it. I had another error pointed out on the spreadsheet. It's column D (Monthly Profit) in the Profit-Loss (Monthly) TAB. The formula for April 2nd through April 30th should be =IF(B78>0,SUM($B78-$B$71),"")
Let me know if you want an updated version vs. trying to install the formula yourself.
What the heck is going on?
The markets are falling like someone put a hole in the balloon.
At this rate we will be negative before the closing bell.

What a collapse. The "S" fund went from +1% around noon to a -1.07% at closing. I feel bad for the folks that sold before noon thinking they made about 1% today. Cha ching!!!!
Good question!

Over the last year there have been 5+ day losing streaks, but no weeks where all 5 days were down in the S&P 500, so it spanned 2 weeks - Tuesday to Tuesday (for example).

In the Russell 2000 however, it did happen last September where all 5 days in a week were negative.