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Stocks could fall by 30% in 5 years study says- MSN Money
Investing News
Stocks could fall by 30% in 5 years, study says
New research finds a strikingly strong inverse correlation between the market's valuation and its subsequent maximum drawdown.
By MSN Money Partner 1 hour ago
By Mark Hulbert, MarketWatch
At some point in the next five years, the U.S. stock market is likely to be more than 30 percent lower than where it stands today.
That is the frightening conclusion in a recent study by Swiss economic and financial consultancy Wellershoff & Partners.
Stocks could fall by 30% in 5 years study says- MSN Money
Investing News
Stocks could fall by 30% in 5 years, study says
New research finds a strikingly strong inverse correlation between the market's valuation and its subsequent maximum drawdown.
By MSN Money Partner 1 hour ago
By Mark Hulbert, MarketWatch
At some point in the next five years, the U.S. stock market is likely to be more than 30 percent lower than where it stands today.

That is the frightening conclusion in a recent study by Swiss economic and financial consultancy Wellershoff & Partners.