Well-known member
Just a little jump-in reallity check from the peanut-gallery...
I believe the record shows that we are at multi-generation LOWs on Federal tax rates across the board, for most if not all sectors (personal income-tax, Corporate, etc.). If, as posed, the 1st options are always tax-tax-tax, then rates would be way huge by now, especially with impactful events on the order of the way huge cost for Iraq-Conflict (about $1-trillion), and big hit in lost revenues for the near-depression, and big-bank bailouts due to weakening of related federal regulation for that industry & very little enforcement of same. Seems there's ample room & justification of some "revenue enhancement" along with spending-reductions -- in a balanced, coordinated solution.
Yes, simple... how about a flat tax, that way everyone pays some and it isn't diluted by "deductions." Wouldn't the rich pay more at this point, oh wait, the rich already pay most of the taxes...