MrJohnRoss' Account Talk

[h=1]Federal Workers Face ‘Unprecedented Assault' in U.S. Budget War[/h]
Link to article HERE.

This is a major bone of contention with my wife. We just had a ...ummm... spirited discussion on the ideologies of Democrats vs Republicans.

Being caught in the crosshairs is never a good place to be, I understand.

Good luck everyone! Have a great weekend! I'm headed for a little R&R out of town with my bride. :)

Check in with y'all later!

Federal Workers Face ‘Unprecedented Assault' in U.S. Budget War

Link to article HERE.

This is a major bone of contention with my wife. We just had a ...ummm... spirited discussion on the ideologies of Democrats vs Republicans.

Being caught in the crosshairs is never a good place to be, I understand.

Good luck everyone! Have a great weekend! I'm headed for a little R&R out of town with my bride. :)

Check in with y'all later!


JR, have a great weekend and come back refreshed. ;)
Futures are pointing higher. Dow up 60, and Nasdaq up 10 as I type.

European markets were up today, with the DAX up 1.46%. Asian markets were mixed.

This is truly an historic market we're witnessing, with so much financial pressure from the EU bailouts, Middle East turmoil, the FED's incessant willingness to paper over our debt problems, etc., and yet the market is up 8.6% (C Fund), and 13.2% (S Fund) in a little over a month and a half this year. Incredible.

If you've used common sense to rule your investments, and stayed on the sidelines, you've likely been left behind. Not that there's anything wrong with using prudence in your investment decisions. If you're like me, you'd like to participate in market gains as much as you possibly can, while at the same time avoid the devastating losses that have hurt the majority of buy & hold investors over the last decade. Guess that makes us "traders" vs. "investors". So be it.

With this latest market push, we're just now getting close to levels in the S&P 500 that we saw back in the 1999/2000 time frame. That's 13 years of getting back to zero.

Is it possible that 13 years from now, we could be at the same level that we are today?

Improbable, yes. Impossible, no.

It shouldn't matter whether you're bullish or bearish. Watch the markets and let them tell you what you should to do.

Trusting technical indicators helps with these buy/sell decisions. Otherwise, there are as many opinions of what the market might do, as there people who opine.

Good luck with your trading this coming week everyone!
Futures are pointing higher. Dow up 60, and Nasdaq up 10 as I type.

European markets were up today, with the DAX up 1.46%. Asian markets were mixed.

This is truly an historic market we're witnessing, with so much financial pressure from the EU bailouts, Middle East turmoil, the FED's incessant willingness to paper over our debt problems, etc., and yet the market is up 8.6% (C Fund), and 13.2% (S Fund) in a little over a month and a half this year. Incredible.

If you've used common sense to rule your investments, and stayed on the sidelines, you've likely been left behind. Not that there's anything wrong with using prudence in your investment decisions. If you're like me, you'd like to participate in market gains as much as you possibly can, while at the same time avoid the devastating losses that have hurt the majority of buy & hold investors over the last decade. Guess that makes us "traders" vs. "investors". So be it.

With this latest market push, we're just now getting close to levels in the S&P 500 that we saw back in the 1999/2000 time frame. That's 13 years of getting back to zero.

Is it possible that 13 years from now, we could be at the same level that we are today?

Improbable, yes. Impossible, no.

It shouldn't matter whether you're bullish or bearish. Watch the markets and let them tell you what you should to do.

Trusting technical indicators helps with these buy/sell decisions. Otherwise, there are as many opinions of what the market might do, as there people who opine.

Good luck with your trading this coming week everyone!

I still have my Roth IRA invested since I only have the $5,000 from last year that I put into it. I'm waiting for a down side to start investing my $5,000 for this year.

JR, when you pull your TSP out of the market do you also pull out your Roth IRA, other investments, etc.?
I still have my Roth IRA invested since I only have the $5,000 from last year that I put into it. I'm waiting for a down side to start investing my $5,000 for this year.

JR, when you pull your TSP out of the market do you also pull out your Roth IRA, other investments, etc.?

Yes, I'm currently 100% cash in all my accounts. I'll go 100% back in if the indicators turn green.
Mars signed an agreement with Michelle Obama’s partnership for a healthier America to stop selling chocolate products with more than 250 calories in them by the end of next year. This means popular favorites like Big Snickers and Twix bars are going to disappear off the shelves and smaller bars will shrink.

Don't you just luv the gubment telling you what you can and can't eat? Land of the free, home of the brave? Not anymore.

So over weight people and children are stupid, I don't think so they will just buy 3 instead of 1.
The Politicians
I have mixed feelings considering when you look around you at all of the obese children in this country in an era of supersize and video games.......I'm not so sure that it isn't such a bad thing to reduce the serving size that makes it easier for a child to calorie count on their own. Obviously the parents of these obese children aren't looking out for their health so considering there are a lot of those out there that don't want to help the super size folks with the resulting health care issues, perhaps the 'gubment' should.
Yup, the Government should do everything for us... employ us, feed us, house us, send us on vacation, give us health care, give us extra money when we want that flat screen or new video game...

Hmmm, how is that working for Greece?
I have mixed feelings considering when you look around you at all of the obese children in this country in an era of supersize and video games.......I'm not so sure that it isn't such a bad thing to reduce the serving size that makes it easier for a child to calorie count on their own. Obviously the parents of these obese children aren't looking out for their health so considering there are a lot of those out there that don't want to help the super size folks with the resulting health care issues, perhaps the 'gubment' should.

Sorry DigDug, couldn't disagree more. The more gubment interferes with our lives, the worse we are as a nation. Just my opinion, of course.
Yup, the Government should do everything for us... employ us, feed us, house us, send us on vacation, give us health care, give us extra money when we want that flat screen or new video game...

Hmmm, how is that working for Greece?

RMI, I just had a lengthy discussion with my wife about Greece, and how America is headed down the same road. It's just a matter of time until Spain, Italy, Portugal... then all of the EU... the the U.S. catches up with our debt problems. We'll all end up in the same rotting boat together. This is not going to end well, I'm afraid. God help us. (That's not a statement. That's a prayer.)
Mars signed an agreement with Michelle Obama’s partnership for a healthier America to stop selling chocolate products with more than 250 calories in them by the end of next year. This means popular favorites like Big Snickers and Twix bars are going to disappear off the shelves and smaller bars will shrink.

Maybe Mrs. Obama should look at what people are allowed to buy with Food Stamps? Only allow healthier foods instead of all the junk.
Well, excuse me for being Captain Obvious but...are you describing yourself, myself (and basically everyone here employed by the gov't)?

- The gov't employs you, in turn that money feeds you...Gov't helps feed your children by getting thousands of your tax dollars back by claiming them as "dependents".
- The gov't helps house you (by making your mortgage interest tax deductible).
- The gov't gives sends you off on 4 weeks vacation after 3 years service...5 weeks after 15 years ala European workers.
- The gov't gives you health care...basically covers 2/3rds of your premium (and gives another 20-30% tax deduction for your 3rd) in a strictly federally regulated FEHB that requires insururs to meet the highest coverage standards.
- The gov't also set up medical spending accounts where you get 20-30% of your money back via tax deductions for any medical spending not covered in your Federal Health Benefits Plan.

You got me on the flat screen though!
That one my bank will get me with all the Credit Card Points I've earned.:)

Once again you go on a political rant. Yes, the US Government is my employer, not my Sugar Daddy. Thanks for clarifying why you think government is so good for your life.

BTW, the government covers ALL of my health care; oh, and I get 30 days of vacation a year after one day on the job. I guess I am lucky...
RMI, I just had a lengthy discussion with my wife about Greece, and how America is headed down the same road. It's just a matter of time until Spain, Italy, Portugal... then all of the EU... the the U.S. catches up with our debt problems. We'll all end up in the same rotting boat together. This is not going to end well, I'm afraid. God help us. (That's not a statement. That's a prayer.)
