Chart of $TNX - 10 Year US Treasury Yield Index:
Yields fell today, and yet the market rose higher. Hmmm... This is one of those cases when stocks and bonds become "de-coupled". Take a look at the chart. The candlesticks represent 30 minute bars of the 10 Year Yield, and the pink line in the background represents the S&P 500. Generally speaking, when the market falls, yields fall. When the market rises, yields rise. This is logical, because stocks and bonds compete for money. If stocks are rising, who wants to buy bonds? No one, unless they're gonna pay me more, hence the rise in yields to entice investor's money.
So it's unusual to see the market climb higher, and bond yields fall further. Something's fishy here. Either stocks need to fall, or bond yields need to rise, or both. So which one is right?
My guess is the bond market trumps stocks. Notice what happened yesterday - stocks fell hard early, and yet yields rose higher. What happened later in the day? Yields continued to rise, and stocks made a U-turn, and rose higher also. Not saying this works every time, but it's certainly a strong clue.
Meanwhile, two of my systems triggered buy signals today, and the other may not be far behind. (+1+1-1) = +1, a mild buy signal. At this point, today's breakout was certainly a CoC day, in Wycoff terms.