Honorary Hall of Fame Member
The Kingdom of TSP
Early Edition
Feb. 26, 2006
Early Edition
Feb. 26, 2006
Yak, Doodles, Tea Leaves, and The Tin Box.
Kingdom Yak:
Market Yak............ The S&P500 is still range bound, close to previous highs. The market seems to be resilient, but the momentum might be lacking. The NYSE McClellan Oscillator [$NYMO] closed Friday at 14.74, a low buy range, where it has been ranging from +25 to -25 (short periods of buying and selling) since mid January. Without a major catalysts the probability for an upside breakout may not be successful, and could result in a bull trap.
Other Yak.............. Oil seems to be staying around the $61 level. However, Geopolitical risks also seem to be escalating, and some overbought conditions could place stocks in a area vulnerable to a pullback.
Socks................... S&P 500 ($SPX)
Closed at.............. 1289.43, up +2.19 for the week.
Money flow............ +0.124, decreasing.
Averages............... +4.71, increasing.
Slow STO.............. +89.63, increasing.
Overbought/sold...... [70] 58.3 [30]
Stops.................... NA.
Chart.................... 6mo., 50dMA, MACD, RSI (Attached).
Lube..................... Light Crude (NYM)
Closed at............... 62.91, up +1.62 for the week.
Markers:................ <60 = ok, 60-65 = worry, >65 = critical.
Tea leaves:
Charts and Stuff...... Yellow.
The Tin Box:
Position.................. 100G.
TSP Ended: G=11.23 F=10.69 C=14.04 S=17.31 I=18.60
1----Week: G=11.22 F=10.69 C=14.01 S=17.18 I=18.29
2---Weeks: G=11.21 F=10.65 C=13.78 S=16.94 I=18.28
3---Weeks: G=11.20 F=10.67 C=13.74 S=17.12 I=18.42