Market News

Might be a good buy opportunity if it fills the "gap"...............:laugh:

that would be a drop of FSLR proportions lol. Apple traders crack me up, small earnings miss and down 2% after hours and they're all acting as if they lost everything lol. god forbid they trade the VIX
The U.S. economy expanded at a slightly faster 2 percent annual rate from July through September, buoyed by an uptick in consumer spending and a burst of government spending.
Sandy shuts down markets

NYSE and Nasdaq to close on Monday due to Hurricane Sandy

By NBC News staff and Reuters
NEW YORK — U.S. stock trading will be closed on Monday and possibly Tuesday in response to Hurricane Sandy, NYSE Euronext said late on Sunday.

Re: Sandy shuts down markets

NYSE and Nasdaq to close on Monday due to Hurricane Sandy

By NBC News staff and Reuters
NEW YORK — U.S. stock trading will be closed on Monday and possibly Tuesday in response to Hurricane Sandy, NYSE Euronext said late on Sunday.


We were talking yeesterday about this-

It appears that they changed their minds. Previously, they said yesterday that it was going to be a closed floor, but they would open electronically instead.

Today, they are now saying NO TRADING ELECTRONICALLY EITHER.

Market participants and regulators decided late on Sunday to shut the market, reversing a plan to keep electronic trading going on Monday. Bond markets will remain open, but will close at noon, a trade group said.
The decision to close stock and options markets came after regulators, exchanges, and dealers discussed the unknowns that would have been tested if the markets opened on Monday, three sources familiar with the situation said.

That tells me the guys who earn their living being physically present did not want the world to learn that we could all trade electronically WITHOUT the human beings on the trading floor. Wall-street was about to be "outsourced" and obsoleted. So they paniced and decided to close the markets.

Re: Sandy shuts down markets

Chicago Merchantile Exchange (CME) has announced an early closing too:

Hurricane Sandy Update
Oct 29, 2012 09:33 CDT

For current updates, please visit our Hurricane Update Page

CME Group » Hurricane Sandy Update
Hurricane Sandy Update

Interest Rate Alert
Oct 29, 2012 09:25 CDT

CME Group will close its Interest Rate complex, including Treasury, Eurodollar and Fed Funds futures and options on futures markets on the trading floor and on CME Globex at 11:00 a.m. CT today in line with SIFMA’s decision to close the cash market.

For credit default swaps (CDS), CME Group will accept deals up until regular deal acceptance time of 6:00 p.m. CT, with settlement curves calculated at 11:00 a.m. CT. For interest rate swaps (IRS), CME Group will accept deals up until regular deal acceptance time of 6:00 p.m. CT. Non-dollar settlement curves will be derived at their normal times. CDS curves will be determined based upon a submission window that closes at 11:35 CT, exactly four hours earlier than the normal submission window.

Additionally, equity index futures and options on futures markets on the trading floor and CME Globex closed at 8:15 a.m. CT today.

We will continue to monitor the situation as well as continue our coordination with other exchanges and will keep you updated as information becomes available.

Hurricane Sandy Update
Oct 29, 2012 05:04 CDT

New York City has issued a mandatory evacuation of Zone A, which includes CME Group's NYMEX World Headquarters and New York trading floor. As a result, the New York trading floor will be closed on Monday, October 29. We will open all of our electronic markets at their regularly scheduled times on CME Globex and CME ClearPort, our online electronic platforms. We will continue to update as additional information becomes available.

CME Globex Update
Oct 29, 2012 05:05 CDT

As a result of the securities industry decision to close US equities markets tomorrow because of Hurricane Sandy, CME Group will be closing its US equity futures and equity options on futures markets on the trading floor and on CME Globex at 8:15 am, CT, today Monday, Oct. 29. These markets opened at 5:00 p.m. CT today and will remain open until 8:15 a.m. CT today. All other CME Group futures and options on futures markets will remain open. We will continue to monitor the situation as well as continue our coordination with other exchanges and will keep you updated as information becomes available. If you have any questions, please contact the CME Global Command Center at (+1)312-456-2391, in Europe at +44-20-7623-4708 or in Asia at +65-6223-1357.

Settlement Alert
Oct 29, 2012 07:03 CDT

As a result of the decision by the Securities Industry to close all U.S. Equity Markets on Monday, October 29, 2012, all U.S. Equity products traded at CME Group will close and settle at 08:15 CT. All of the settlements for these products will be based solely on Globex data derived between 08:14:30 and 08:15:00 CT. As of now, all other CME Group products, including NYMEX and COMEX, will settle at their normal times. We will communicate any changes to this accordingly.

Hurricane Sandy Update
Re: Sandy shuts down markets

Hurricane Sandy to keep stock markets shuttered Tuesday

Updated at 1:50 p.m. ET:
For the first time since the Great Blizzard 1888, U.S. stock markets will be closed for two consecutive days due to weather.
The decision to close financial markets for a second straight day on Tuesday was made during a call between industry executives and regulators, Reuters said. The Nasdaq Stock Market said in a statement it would be closed for business again on Tuesday.

Hurricane Sandy to keep stock markets shuttered Tuesday - Market Day
Re: Sandy shuts down markets

U.S. Stock Trading Shut for Second Day, Joining Bonds

By Rita Nazareth, Nina Mehta and Whitney Kisling - Oct 30, 2012 3:08 AM ET

For the first time in more than a century, weather has stopped U.S. equity trading for two straight days as Hurricane Sandy swept across New York City. NYSE Euronext (NYX) will this morning test a back-up plan in case its headquarters or trading floor are unable to open tomorrow.
U.S. Stock Trading Shut for Second Day, Joining Bonds - Bloomberg
Re: Sandy shuts down markets

Labor Department Says Hurricane May Affect Jobs Report

By Ian Katz - Oct 29, 2012 7:47 PM ET
[h=2]Only President[/h]Ronald Reagan is the only president to have been re-elected since World War II with unemployment above 6 percent. On Election Day 1984, the rate was at 7.2 percent, having dropped almost three percentage points in the previous 18 months.
In a separate statement today, Labor Department spokesman Carl Fillichio said the agency is “working hard” to ensure that the data will be released as scheduled.
“It is our intention that Friday will be business as usual regarding the October employment situation report,” he said.
Labor Department Says Hurricane May Affect Jobs Report - Bloomberg
I agree. Looks like Japan is slipping. I wouldn't worry about the futures being up. I use the 5day EMA as a buy/sell signal on my weekly charts and until the price on the $SPX gets back above that line, I am all out of my TSP C/S funds.
Re: Sandy shuts down markets

That was a good read as long as you can step around the bear scat - the more of this type of bearish reads the better I like it.
no change

With no major positive news out today, I don't look for it to be a major upside day. I think there is still too much global uncertainty to see a big surge in the index. I'm still trusting the charts. And they are telling me, "be patient and stay out of C and S!"
market direction

Just read an interesting article concerning the direction and duration the market may take in the near future.