Market News

401Ks simply have to take on some risk inorder to have any positive gains above inflation. There will be movement and guys like me will take opportunity to make further gains. My wife is sitting on 27,000 shares an a S&P 500 index - is that risky - you bet. But she will retire and enjoy retirement as her position has more gains because she takes risk to help capitalism. Not to mention my own TSP account which has made good gains over the last several years. Get long and stay long.
it almost seems like apple is holding down the market single handedly lol.

It probably is, but then again, there is probably some profit taking (which means they are getting nervous) or they are distributing to Mom&Pop (which means they are about to take it down)... either way :sick:
It probably is, but then again, there is probably some profit taking (which means they are getting nervous) or they are distributing to Mom&Pop (which means they are about to take it down)... either way :sick:
This is true and a sad commentary on the condition of our economy, when one company can crash or spike the market we don't have many strong companies, everything was sent out of country during the Clinton administration and later LAGNAF (NAFTA), GATT etc.
Private sector adds 162,000 jobs in September vs 143,000 forecast. July and August numbers were revised down.
The way the market just turned, maybe they expect September's report is going to be revised too. Maybe the forcast are inflated to make the ecconomy look better?
Today will be a tennis match between the bulls and bears. Stocks are leaning heavy to a Democratic winner. Employment numbers needed to be above 200K to make a strong move up. Another ho-hum day....unless BT pulls out a whip on those bulls. :O
Initial claims for state unemployment benefits climbed 4,000 to a seasonally adjusted 367,000 vs 370,000 forecast. The prior week's figure was revised up to show 4,000 more applications than previously reported.
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Standard & Poor's on Wednesday cut Spain's sovereign credit rating to BBB-minus, just above junk territory, citing a deepening economic recession that is limiting the government's policy options to arrest the slide.
Initial claims for state unemployment benefits fell 30,000 to a seasonally adjusted 339,000, the Labor Department said. It was the lowest number of new claims since February 2008.
The prior week's figure was revised up to show 2,000 more applications than previously reported.
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Standard & Poor's on Wednesday cut Spain's sovereign credit rating to BBB-minus, just above junk territory, citing a deepening economic recession that is limiting the government's policy options to arrest the slide.
How can this be? I thought they "Progressed" to the green economy and is a model for the rest of the world!;)
weatherweenie...Initial claims for state unemployment benefits fell 30,000 to a seasonally adjusted 339,000, the Labor Department said. It was the lowest number of new claims since February 2008.
The prior week's figure was revised up to show 2,000 more applications than previously reported.

CNBC now reporting that the reason for the jobless claims dip was that one State did not report it's claims numbers .... Expect claims to jump back to "normal" next month..
I think their servers are getting stressed. Just in case, here's some of it....

"This is just getting stupid. After expectations of a rebound in initial claims from 367K last week (naturally revised higher to 369K), to 370K (with the lowest of all sellside expectations at 355K), the past week mysteriously, yet so very unsurprisingly in the aftermath of the fudged BLS unemployment number, saw claims tumble to a number that is so ridiculous not even CNBC's Steve Liesman bothered defending it, or 339K. Ironically, not even the Labor Department is defending it: it said that "one large state didn't report some quarterly figures." Great, but what was reported was a headline grabbing number that is just stunning for reelection purposes. This was the lowest number since 2008. The only point to have this print? For 2-3 bulletin talking points at the Vice Presidential debate tonight. Everything else is now noise.?

Data Massaging Continues: Initial Claims Tumble To 339K Lowest Since 2008, Far Below Lowest Expectation | ZeroHedge
I think their servers are getting stressed. Just in case, here's some of it....

"This is just getting stupid. After expectations of a rebound in initial claims from 367K last week (naturally revised higher to 369K), to 370K (with the lowest of all sellside expectations at 355K), the past week mysteriously, yet so very unsurprisingly in the aftermath of the fudged BLS unemployment number, saw claims tumble to a number that is so ridiculous not even CNBC's Steve Liesman bothered defending it, or 339K. Ironically, not even the Labor Department is defending it: it said that "one large state didn't report some quarterly figures." Great, but what was reported was a headline grabbing number that is just stunning for reelection purposes. This was the lowest number since 2008. The only point to have this print? For 2-3 bulletin talking points at the Vice Presidential debate tonight. Everything else is now noise.?

The bullets are flying. :notrust: