Interfund Transfer 9/29 for 10/02/06

Geniuse (geniuses), bulltinky, you are a word wizard! What
Thesaurus do you use?:confused: Cut the stuff, just say it, PLEASE!:)
That's what happens when u and i get mixed up. How would you spell bulltinky? Bulltinkie, Bulltinkey, or something in French? Maybe just simply Bullpp, Bullpeepee, Bullwizz.

And besides I'm no longer a member of the body invasion club now that the lizard is gone. He did leave his shoes and 2x4. I really looked strange walking around with four shoes showing.
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A lot of information here, some really good thinking going on by members, I like that, but why are we having quotes by....for example by Harvey MacKay, being rammed into our eye balls? Gee that really helps me so much with my TSP account. (Duh). If I want other than Financial/TSP information then I can go get that at another website. I don't get it, why the need to post it here like we never heard it before? Once or twice is ok but give me a day off once in awhile buddy! Stop wasting memory. Go I FUND.

MLK MAN asks how much am I making in the I FUND and the C and S I said look at the numbers. I am in the G FUND at the moment due to reading this website and learning about the past......instead of the future. I decided to go with the "Teacher" and see if I could do better. WOW, what a dumb mistake that was. Now I am wondering if I will ever be able to get back in and get back into the swing of making money again. Go I FUND!

Are you kidding me? Grow up. You and you alone are responsible for your investment decisions. This board is to exchange ideas and provide the results of our research; not to make you rich. Thai is your job. Stop being a buffoon.

Hi guys and gals... It seemed that there are some good and warm discussions going on here. BorderPilot and 06savefor2012 do have a point here. If we all have stayed in the I fund we will be up somewhere around 15%+ right now. Or the fact that staying in the G fund the entire time really will not do anyone some good since other funds as the charts will indicate and history do shows that other funds will easily beat the G fund in the long haul.

Each statement had some truth to it but it also seems like an icing on top of a cake. The bottom line is that we really don't know what tomorrow will hold for us. Because if we do, then we wouldn't bother coming in to this site.

I am glad that others do see that the G fund has its usefullness like preserving our funds during the downturn. However, we should use this knowledge to teach others. I for one would have love to know when people jumped out of stox to take cover in G fund and what are their thoughts about their moves. Telling us that after the fact doesn't really help anyone. I believe this is why allocation talk was created so that people who are doing so well can help others who are not as investor savvy like myself. Hell, I would love to make 40k within so many months.

So what is my point? Since we've all took the time to come to this MB, why don't we just make our time worthwhile and try to help others to make some $$... It would be great if people can see your moves and your thoughts on the market. This way, it will give legitimacy on claims being presented here.

Thanks for reading this and I hope that posters here will be kind enough to help me and others like me to increase our TSP returns. I promise to do the same.

Hi bro!
Help me out!

You are looking at a picture from one angle, me and a few others from another angle!
Once You retire what do you do with your TSP funds?.........:o [THE QUESTION]

A closet full of money. Now what do you do with it?

Continue playing high risk in the I-Fund and S-Fund?
Roll over to an account where some manager can take a pricey vacation?
Buy an Island in the Philippines?

Gimme some options!

.....;) .......Spaf
This is not Pyriel, but I would suggest you load up on the C fund and don't worry. Begin a gentle process to roll some into a Roth IRA over an extended period of time - don't be in a hurry. Now what do you have to think about while you are resting in the "Lilly Pad"; the grocery list and your investment strategy. The Shark may be too conservative - it's time to rock n roll.
Mr. Birchtree, forgive me if I'm wrong, but I'm under the impression that one can not contibute to a Roth IRA with retirement funds. It has to be with earned money (i.e. working). I had similar plans but someone else told me that (what I stated above). I don't know what I'm going to do in about 14 months. I'm still working on now. 50% each S & I & hoping.
Check the retirement post - according to Pyriel the law has changed to allow direct roll over into a Roth IRA without first going into a regular IRA. It just means you pay taxes up front because a 1099 is generated. Becareful how you set up your beneficiary for the Roth IRA, and it can always be changed later and you can have more than one Roth IRA with different heirs.
Hi bro!
Help me out!

You are looking at a picture from one angle, me and a few others from another angle!
Once You retire what do you do with your TSP funds?.........:o [THE QUESTION]

A closet full of money. Now what do you do with it?

Continue playing high risk in the I-Fund and S-Fund?
Roll over to an account where some manager can take a pricey vacation?
Buy an Island in the Philippines?

Gimme some options!

.....;) .......Spaf

I'm sorry we've invaded your thread and it now became a retirement topic;-) LOL...

My retirement outlook is very different from 98% of the posters here. My wife and I have no plan on touching our TSP and our ROTH. The plan is to give them to our kids. We plan on living comfortably from my 50% military retirement, SS (if it is still around), and our real estate earning. My real estate earning (net) now is currently exceeding my projected 50% military retirement 8.2 years from now. I plan to buy 1-2 properties a year using OPM.

I'll be travelling to the Philippines at the latter part of November to pick up my new condo. The building is One Orchard Road and it is fully paid. I picked the place because it is a party place, check the shops and nightlife within the city. Everything is within walking distance from my new place.
Yea Tom, me too! Sorry for invading your thread! But, it was just sitting there....:D..... and we didn't want the boogy man to scare it!

I knew it Pyriel's buying a chunk out of the Philippines.....:nuts: .....Go for it!
Since we've all took the time to come to this MB, why don't we just make our time worthwhile and try to help others to make some $$... It would be great if people can see your moves and your thoughts on the market. Pyriel

Yery well put!

My moves will be to follow RevShark, I kind of like his view on capital preservation. Besides, he's got experience and a staff to help him. The retirement factor is that money is flowing out of TSP rather than in. Right now I view the market as somewhat overbought, reference the RSI for [$SPX]. November starts the better months for Mr. Market. So I see a small pullback on the horizen to get out of the overbought conditions and fairly good sailing there after, depending on what RevShark has to say.

Going back to Market Talk!

The problem you are having, that you said today would need to bring changes, seems to center on the whole business of e-mail alerts. I would suggest that these alerts are unnecessary and that you should simply drop them. If you were running a pay site and had clients to whom you were accountable, something like this would be needed. But in this case, you should make it clear that you post your moves the same as any other member and are not recommending anything to anyone. At best, your emails save someone the trouble of logging in to check your allocation on the message board. At worst, the fact that you send emails suggests that you are recommending an allocation. I haven’t gone through in detail, but if you are using the word “recommended” with respect to either your trading or long-term allocations anywhere on the site, change the wording to be just “my allocation.” If anyone is too lazy to log in and check the board, too bad.

The problem you are having, that you said today would need to bring changes, seems to center on the whole business of e-mail alerts. I would suggest that these alerts are unnecessary and that you should simply drop them. If you were running a pay site and had clients to whom you were accountable, something like this would be needed. But in this case, you should make it clear that you post your moves the same as any other member and are not recommending anything to anyone. At best, your emails save someone the trouble of logging in to check your allocation on the message board. At worst, the fact that you send emails suggests that you are recommending an allocation. I haven’t gone through in detail, but if you are using the word “recommended” with respect to either your trading or long-term allocations anywhere on the site, change the wording to be just “my allocation.” If anyone is too lazy to log in and check the board, too bad.

I agree!

The problem you are having, that you said today would need to bring changes, seems to center on the whole business of e-mail alerts. I would suggest that these alerts are unnecessary and that you should simply drop them. .

I sent Tom a PM before I read these today (duh :embarrest:) anyhow, I agree, to hamper your trading for unpaid service doesn't seem right. A single post to the web site should suffice.

Do you suppose if someone started a poll, that Tom would consider this? We have all `preached' at him for so long but Pilgrim put it so well, that maybe he will reconsider so he can enjoy the fruits of his labors - :)
Very well put!


The problem you are having, that you said today would need to bring changes, seems to center on the whole business of e-mail alerts. I would suggest that these alerts are unnecessary and that you should simply drop them. If you were running a pay site and had clients to whom you were accountable, something like this would be needed. But in this case, you should make it clear that you post your moves the same as any other member and are not recommending anything to anyone. At best, your emails save someone the trouble of logging in to check your allocation on the message board. At worst, the fact that you send emails suggests that you are recommending an allocation. I haven’t gone through in detail, but if you are using the word “recommended” with respect to either your trading or long-term allocations anywhere on the site, change the wording to be just “my allocation.” If anyone is too lazy to log in and check the board, too bad.
I may have implied that in my comments, but I hate to use the emails alerts as an excuse. More of a hiderance. But a necessary hinderance since the emails do bring people to the site who may need the occasional reminder. Traffic keeps the site going.

I need to come up with a way to do it all - Make transfers as I see fit, send the emails without concern of making everyone happy all of the time, and make money in the market without making excuses for my lack of success.

I may need to cut down on that list to make the email process faster. I'm sure a large % of those on the list just delete them and consider them an annoying spam. Perhaps I can look into another email service that can send them faster.

As I said, changes need to be made. I will explore all possibilities.

Thanks for your input!

Possibility: version #1.

See Nnuut's red wines! See my recipe for Buffalo Wings! See Grandma's Christmas posts!

Do you have a dog? [The dog ate the e-mails]........:D........ Will send dog!...... What size do you need .....:confused:

Hey Tom,

You can cut me from your email list. I'm pretty much here all the time anyway. I keep a browser window open, so I can pop in and out when I have time. :D
